A Query Builder and Database abstraction layer
Updated 2025-03-21 13:18:01 -04:00
Yearly programming puzzles
Updated 2024-12-20 16:13:38 -05:00
An app to keep track of collections.
Updated 2024-06-19 15:20:31 -04:00
A rawmode CLI editor, in PHP, based on the C Kilo tutorial: https://viewsourcecode.org/snaptoken/kilo/
Updated 2023-10-19 12:20:16 -04:00
A caching library implementing PSR-6 and PSR-16 interfaces
Updated 2023-03-16 22:12:16 -04:00
Updated 2021-09-20 13:29:49 -04:00
Updated 2019-12-05 16:33:33 -05:00
Fork of https://sourceforge.net/projects/phpldapadmin/ to be compatible with PHP 7.
Updated 2019-02-12 15:56:17 -05:00
Updated 2018-10-12 09:03:21 -04:00
Updated 2018-10-12 08:59:06 -04:00
Updated 2018-10-12 08:58:33 -04:00