2021-04-09 13:52:01 -04:00

162 lines
3.1 KiB

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Aviat\Kilo;
use Aviat\Kilo\Enum\RawKeyCode;
use Aviat\Kilo\Enum\KeyType;
use Aviat\Kilo\Type\TerminalSize;
class Terminal {
* Get the size of the current terminal window
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return TerminalSize
public static function size(): TerminalSize
return new TerminalSize(...self::getWindowSize());
* Get the size of the current terminal window
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return array
public static function getWindowSize(): array
$ffiSize = Termios::getWindowSize();
if ($ffiSize !== NULL)
return $ffiSize;
// Try using tput
if (self::has_tput())
$rows = (int)trim((string)shell_exec('tput lines'));
$cols = (int)trim((string)shell_exec('tput cols'));
if ($rows > 0 && $cols > 0)
return [$rows, $cols];
// Worst-case, return an arbitrary 'standard' size
return [25, 80];
* Clear the screen and reset the cursor position
public static function clear(): void
* Pull input from the stdin stream.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param int $len
* @return string
public static function read(int $len = 128): string
$handle = fopen('php://stdin', 'rb');
if ($handle === false)
return '';
$input = fread($handle, $len);
return (is_string($input)) ? $input : '';
* Get the last key input from the terminal and convert to a
* more useful format
* @return string
public static function readKey(): string
$c = Terminal::read();
return match($c)
// Unambiguous mappings
RawKeyCode::ARROW_DOWN => KeyType::ARROW_DOWN,
RawKeyCode::ARROW_LEFT => KeyType::ARROW_LEFT,
RawKeyCode::ARROW_UP => KeyType::ARROW_UP,
RawKeyCode::DELETE => KeyType::DELETE,
RawKeyCode::ENTER => KeyType::ENTER,
RawKeyCode::PAGE_DOWN => KeyType::PAGE_DOWN,
RawKeyCode::PAGE_UP => KeyType::PAGE_UP,
// Backspace
RawKeyCode::CTRL('h'), RawKeyCode::BACKSPACE => KeyType::BACKSPACE,
// Escape
RawKeyCode::CTRL('l'), RawKeyCode::ESCAPE => KeyType::ESCAPE,
// Home Key
"\eOH", "\e[7~", "\e[1~", ANSI::RESET_CURSOR => KeyType::HOME,
// End Key
"\eOF", "\e[4~", "\e[8~", "\e[F" => KeyType::END,
default => $c,
* Write to the stdout stream
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param string $str
* @param int|NULL $len
* @return int|false
public static function write(string $str, int $len = NULL): int|false
$handle = fopen('php://stdout', 'ab');
if ($handle === false)
return false;
$res = (is_int($len))
? fwrite($handle, $str, $len)
: fwrite($handle, $str);
return $res;
* See if tput exists for fallback terminal size detection
* @return bool
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private static function has_tput(): bool
$cmd = shell_exec('type tput');
if ( ! is_string($cmd))
return FALSE;
return str_contains($cmd, ' is ');