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# NodeQuery
Class for connection management
- `config` **object** connection parameters
## constructor
- `config` **object** connection parameters
let nodeQuery = require('ci-node-query')({
driver: 'mysql',
connection: {
host: 'localhost',
user: 'root',
password: '',
database: 'mysql'
let nodeQuery = require('ci-node-query')({
driver: 'sqlite',
connection: ':memory:'
## getQuery
Return an existing query builder instance
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object
# QueryBuilder
Main object that builds SQL queries.
- `Driver` **Driver** The syntax driver for the database
- `Adapter` **Adapter** The database module adapter for running queries
## delete
Run the generated delete query
- `table` **String** The table to insert into
- `where` **[Object]** Where clause for delete statement
- `callback` **[Function]** Callback for handling response from the database
Returns **void or Promise** If no callback is passed, a promise is returned
## end
Closes the database connection for the current adapter
Returns **void**
## from
Specify the database table to select from
- `tableName` **String** The table to use for the current query
query.from('tableName t'); // Select the table with an alias
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## get
Get the results of the compiled query
- `table` **[String]** The table to select from
- `limit` **[Number]** A limit for the query
- `offset` **[Number]** An offset for the query
- `callback` **[Function]** A callback for receiving the result
query.get('table_name').then(promiseCallback); // Get all the rows in the table
query.get('table_name', 5, callback); // Get 5 rows from the table
query.get(callback); // Get the results of a query generated with other methods
Returns **void or Promise** If no callback is passed, a promise is returned
## getCompiledDelete
Return generated delete query SQL
- `table` **String** the name of the table to delete from
- `reset` **[Boolean]** Whether to reset the query builder so another query can be built (optional, default `true`)
Returns **String** The compiled sql statement
## getCompiledInsert
Return generated insert query SQL
- `table` **String** the name of the table to insert into
- `reset` **[Boolean]** Whether to reset the query builder so another query can be built (optional, default `true`)
Returns **String** The compiled sql statement
## getCompiledSelect
Return generated select query SQL
- `table` **[String]** the name of the table to retrieve from
- `reset` **[Boolean]** Whether to reset the query builder so another query can be built (optional, default `true`)
Returns **String** The compiled sql statement
## getCompiledUpdate
Return generated update query SQL
- `table` **String** the name of the table to update
- `reset` **[Boolean]** Whether to reset the query builder so another query can be built (optional, default `true`)
Returns **String** The compiled sql statement
## groupBy
Group the results by the selected field(s)
- `field` **String or Array** The name of the field to group by
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## groupEnd
Ends a logical grouping started with one of the groupStart methods
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## groupStart
Adds an open paren to the current query for logical grouping
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## having
Add a 'having' clause
- `key` **String or Object** The name of the field and the comparision operator, or an object
- `val` **[String or Number]** The value to compare if the value of key is a string
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## insert
Run the generated insert query
- `table` **String** The table to insert into
- `data` **[Object]** Data to insert, if not already added with the 'set' method
- `callback` **[Function]** Callback for handling response from the database
Returns **void or Promise** If no callback is passed, a promise is returned
## insertBatch
Insert multiple sets of rows at a time
- `table` **String** The table to insert into
- `data` **Array** The array of objects containing data rows to insert
- `callback` **[Function]** Callback for handling database response
query.insertBatch('foo',[{id:1,val:'bar'},{id:2,val:'baz'}], callbackFunction);
Returns **void or Promise** If no callback is passed, a promise is returned
## join
Add a join clause to the query
- `table` **String** The table you are joining
- `cond` **String** The join condition.
- `type` **[String]** The type of join, which defaults to inner (optional, default `'inner'`)
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## like
Add a 'like/ and like' clause to the query
- `field` **String** The name of the field to compare to
- `val` **String** The value to compare to
- `pos` **[String]** The placement of the wildcard character(s): before, after, or both (optional, default `both`)
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## limit
Put a limit on the query
- `limit` **Number** The maximum number of rows to fetch
- `offset` **[Number]** The row number to start from
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## notLike
Add a 'not like/ and not like' clause to the query
- `field` **String** The name of the field to compare to
- `val` **String** The value to compare to
- `pos` **[String]** The placement of the wildcard character(s): before, after, or both (optional, default `both`)
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## orGroupStart
Adds an open paren to the current query for logical grouping,
prefixed with 'OR'
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## orHaving
Add an 'or having' clause
- `key` **String or Object** The name of the field and the comparision operator, or an object
- `val` **[String or Number]** The value to compare if the value of key is a string
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## orLike
Add an 'or like' clause to the query
- `field` **String** The name of the field to compare to
- `val` **String** The value to compare to
- `pos` **[String]** The placement of the wildcard character(s): before, after, or both (optional, default `both`)
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## orNotGroupStart
Adds an open paren to the current query for logical grouping,
prefixed with 'OR NOT'
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## orNotLike
Add an 'or not like' clause to the query
- `field` **String** The name of the field to compare to
- `val` **String** The value to compare to
- `pos` **[String]** The placement of the wildcard character(s): before, after, or both (optional, default `both`)
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## orWhere
Set a 'or where' clause
- `key` **String or Object** The name of the field and the comparision operator, or an object
- `val` **[String or Number]** The value to compare if the value of key is a string
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## orWhereIn
Set a 'or where in' clause
- `key` **String** the field to search
- `values` **Array** the array of items to search in
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## orWhereIsNotNull
Field is not null prefixed with 'OR'
- `field` **String** The name of the field
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## orWhereIsNull
Field is null prefixed with 'OR'
- `field` **String** The name of the field
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## orWhereNotIn
Set a 'or where not in' clause
- `key` **String** the field to search
- `values` **Array** the array of items to search in
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## orderBy
Order the results by the selected field(s)
- `field` **String** The field(s) to order by
- `type` **[String]** The order direction, ASC or DESC (optional, default `'ASC'`)
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## query
Run an arbitrary sql query. Run as a prepared statement.
- `sql` **string** The sql to execute
- `params` **[array]** The query parameters
- `callback` **[function]** Optional callback
Returns **void or Promise** Returns a promise if no callback is supplied
## resetQuery
Reset the object state for a new query
Returns **void**
## select
Specify rows to select in the query
- `fields` **String or Array** The fields to select from the current table
```javascript'foo, bar'); // Select multiple fields with a string
```javascript['foo', 'bar']); // Select multiple fileds with an array
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## set
Set values for insertion or updating
- `key` **String or Object** The key or object to use
- `val` **[String]** The value if using a scalar key
query.set('foo', 'bar'); // Set a key, value pair
query.set({foo:'bar'}); // Set with an object
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## truncate
Empties the selected database table
- `table` **string** the name of the table to truncate
- `callback` **[function]** Optional callback
Returns **void or Promise** Returns a promise if no callback is supplied
## update
Run the generated update query
- `table` **String** The table to insert into
- `data` **[Object]** Data to insert, if not already added with the 'set' method
- `callback` **[Function]** Callback for handling response from the database
Returns **void or Promise** If no callback is passed, a promise is returned
## where
Set a 'where' clause
- `key` **String or Object** The name of the field and the comparision operator, or an object
- `val` **[String or Number]** The value to compare if the value of key is a string
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## whereIn
Set a 'where in' clause
- `key` **String** the field to search
- `values` **Array** the array of items to search in
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## whereIsNotNull
Specify that a field IS NOT NULL
- `field` **String** The name so the field that is not to be null
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## whereIsNull
Select a field that is Null
- `field` **String** The name of the field that has a NULL value
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
## whereNotIn
Set a 'where not in' clause
- `key` **String** the field to search
- `values` **Array** the array of items to search in
Returns **QueryBuilder** The Query Builder object, for chaining
# Result
Query result object
- `rows` **Array** the data rows of the result
- `columns` **Array** the column names in the result
## columnCount
Get the number of columns returned by the query
Returns **Number** the number of columns in the result
## rowCount
Get the number of rows returned by the query
Returns **Number** the number of rows in the result