Class: base/chains


Chains define the primary composition elements (functions) that determine the order of execution.

new base/chains()




The close method asks an object to shut itself down in a way that will allow it to be reopened, unlike the end method which will call the destroy method which should make the object unusable, but also devoid of all resources whereas close may still keep some resources open.

This uses the before chain which means the last one defined in the first one destroyed



The end method will call the destroy method which should make the object unusable and devoid of all resources, unlike the close method asks an object to shut itself down in a way that will allow it to be reopened.

This uses the before chain which means the last one defined in the first one destroyed



If you are using the open/close paradigm for an object that can kind of go dormant on base/chains#close and can be "reopened" again later, here is where the "open" code will go.

This used the after chain which means that the first one defined is the first one destroyed.

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