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64 lines
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# React-Lifecycle-Cheatsheet
Short reference of React.Component lifecycle methods so I don't have to scroll through the huge text on the official documentation

## Mounting
#### constructor ()
* Create state and call super
* @param {object} props
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
foo: 'bar'
#### static getDerivedStateFromProps ()
* Props have changed, return the updated state
* @param {object} nextProps - Props for the next render
* @param {object} prevState - State from previous render
* @return {object | null} - The change to the state
static getDerivedStateFromProps (nextProps, prevState) {
// Nothing to update
return null;
// Set new state
return {
foo: 'foobar'
#### componentDidMount ()
## Updating
#### shouldComponentUpdate ()
#### render ()
#### getSnapshotBeforeUpdate ()
#### componentDidUpdate ()
## Unmounting
#### componentWillUnmount ()
## Deprecated
### UNSAFE_componentWillMount ()
### UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps ()
### UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate () |