Timothy J. Warren 7a41a5d9a9
Some checks failed
timw4mail/HummingBirdAnimeClient/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit
Attempt to add PHPStan messages to CI
2021-02-12 09:51:52 -05:00

57 lines
1.2 KiB

pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('setup') {
agent any
steps {
sh 'curl -sS | php'
sh 'rm -rf ./vendor'
sh 'rm -f composer.lock'
sh 'php composer.phar install --ignore-platform-reqs'
stage('PHP 8') {
agent {
docker {
image 'php:8-cli-alpine'
args '-u root --privileged'
steps {
sh 'apk add --no-cache git'
sh 'php ./vendor/bin/phpunit --colors=never'
stage('Latest PHP') {
agent {
docker {
image 'php:cli-alpine'
args '-u root --privileged'
steps {
sh 'apk add --no-cache git'
sh 'php ./vendor/bin/phpunit --colors=never'
stage('Code Cleanliness') {
agent any
steps {
sh "php ./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse src/ -l max -c phpstan.neon -n --no-ansi --no-progress --error-format=checkstyle \\| awk '{\$1=\$1;print}' > build/logs/checkstyle.xml"
recordIssues(tools: [checkstyle(reportEncoding: 'UTF-8')])
stage('Coverage') {
agent any
steps {
sh 'php composer.phar run-script coverage'
$class: 'CloverPublisher',
cloverReportDir: '',
cloverReportFileName: 'build/logs/clover.xml',
junit 'build/logs/junit.xml'