* Cache and resize images - not just cache them * Convert to webp on cache * Show webp images if available * Settings Form Generation (doesn't yet save)
89 lines
3.1 KiB
89 lines
3.1 KiB
data-kitsu-id="<?= $item['id'] ?>"
data-mal-id="<?= $item['mal_id'] ?>"
<?php if ($auth->isAuthenticated()): ?>
<button title="Increment episode count" class="plus_one" hidden>+1 Episode</button>
<?php endif ?>
<source srcset="<?= $urlGenerator->assetUrl("images/anime/{$item['anime']['id']}.webp") ?>" type="image/webp">
<source srcset="<?= $urlGenerator->assetUrl("images/anime/{$item['anime']['id']}.jpg") ?>" type="image/jpeg">
<img src="<?= $urlGenerator->assetUrl("images/anime/{$item['anime']['id']}.jpg") ?>" alt="" />
<div class="name">
<a href="<?= $url->generate('anime.details', ['id' => $item['anime']['slug']]); ?>">
<span class="canonical"><?= $item['anime']['title'] ?></span>
<?php foreach ($item['anime']['titles'] as $title): ?>
<small><?= $title ?></small>
<?php endforeach ?>
<div class="table">
<?php if ($item['private'] || $item['rewatching']): ?>
<div class="row">
<?php foreach (['private', 'rewatching'] as $attr): ?>
<?php if ($item[$attr]): ?>
<span class="item-<?= $attr ?>"><?= ucfirst($attr) ?></span>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ($item['rewatched'] > 0): ?>
<div class="row">
<div>Rewatched <?= $item['rewatched'] ?> time(s)</div>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if (count($item['anime']['streaming_links']) > 0): ?>
<div class="row">
<?php foreach ($item['anime']['streaming_links'] as $link): ?>
<div class="cover_streaming_link">
<?php if ($link['meta']['link']): ?>
<a href="<?= $link['link'] ?>"
title="Stream '<?= $item['anime']['title'] ?>' on <?= $link['meta']['name'] ?>">
<img class="streaming-logo" width="20" height="20"
src="<?= $urlGenerator->assetUrl('images', $link['meta']['image']) ?>"
alt="<?= $link['meta']['name'] ?> logo"/>
<?php else: ?>
<img class="streaming-logo" width="20" height="20"
src="<?= $urlGenerator->assetUrl('images', $link['meta']['image']) ?>"
alt="<?= $link['meta']['name'] ?> logo"/>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ($auth->isAuthenticated()): ?>
<div class="row">
<span class="edit">
<a class="bracketed" title="Edit information about this anime" href="<?=
$url->generate('edit', [
'controller' => 'anime',
'id' => $item['id'],
'status' => $item['watching_status']
<?php endif ?>
<div class="row">
<div class="user_rating">Rating: <?= $item['user_rating'] ?> / 10</div>
<div class="completion">Episodes:
<span class="completed_number"><?= $item['episodes']['watched'] ?></span> /
<span class="total_number"><?= $item['episodes']['total'] ?></span>
<div class="row">
<div class="media_type"><?= $escape->html($item['anime']['show_type']) ?></div>
<div class="airing_status"><?= $escape->html($item['airing']['status']) ?></div>
<div class="age_rating"><?= $escape->html($item['anime']['age_rating']) ?></div>