
464 lines
10 KiB

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Hummingbird Anime List Client
* An API client for Kitsu to manage anime and manga watch lists
* PHP version 7.1
* @package HummingbirdAnimeClient
* @author Timothy J. Warren <>
* @copyright 2015 - 2018 Timothy J. Warren
* @license MIT License
* @version 4.1
* @link
namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\Controller;
use function Aviat\AnimeClient\createPlaceholderImage;
use function Amp\Promise\wait;
use Aviat\AnimeClient\Controller as BaseController;
use Aviat\AnimeClient\API\{HummingbirdClient, JsonAPI};
use Aviat\Ion\Di\ContainerInterface;
use Aviat\Ion\View\HtmlView;
* Controller for handling routes that don't fit elsewhere
final class Index extends BaseController {
* @var \Aviat\API\Anilist\Model
private $anilistModel;
* @var \Aviat\AnimeClient\Model\Settings
private $settingsModel;
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)
$this->anilistModel = $container->get('anilist-model');
$this->settingsModel = $container->get('settings-model');
* Purges the API cache
* @return void
public function clearCache()
$this->outputHTML('blank', [
'title' => 'Cache cleared'
* Show the login form
* @param string $status
* @return void
public function login(string $status = '')
$message = '';
$view = new HtmlView($this->container);
if ($status !== '')
$message = $this->showMessage($view, 'error', $status);
// Set the redirect url
$this->outputHTML('login', [
'title' => 'Api login',
'message' => $message
], $view);
* Redirect to Anilist to start Oauth flow
public function anilistRedirect()
$redirectUrl = '' .
'client_id' => $this->config->get(['anilist', 'client_id']),
'redirect_uri' => $this->urlGenerator->url('/anilist-oauth'),
'response_type' => 'code',
$this->redirect($redirectUrl, 303);
* Oauth callback for Anilist API
public function anilistCallback()
$query = $this->request->getQueryParams();
$authCode = $query['code'];
$uri = $this->urlGenerator->url('/anilist-oauth');
$authData = $this->anilistModel->authenticate($authCode, $uri);
$settings = $this->settingsModel->getSettings();
if (array_key_exists('error', $authData))
$this->errorPage(400, 'Error Linking Account', $authData['hint']);
// Update the override config file
$anilistSettings = [
'access_token' => $authData['access_token'],
'access_token_expires' => (time() - 10) + $authData['expires_in'],
'refresh_token' => $authData['refresh_token'],
$newSettings = $settings;
$newSettings['anilist'] = array_merge($settings['anilist'], $anilistSettings);
foreach($newSettings['config'] as $key => $value)
$newSettings[$key] = $value;
$saved = $this->settingsModel->saveSettingsFile($newSettings);
if ($saved)
$this->setFlashMessage('Linked Anilist Account', 'success');
$this->setFlashMessage('Error Linking Anilist Account', 'error');
$this->redirect($this->url->generate('settings'), 303);
* Attempt login authentication
* @return void
public function loginAction()
$auth = $this->container->get('auth');
$post = $this->request->getParsedBody();
if ($auth->authenticate($post['password']))
$this->setFlashMessage('Invalid username or password.');
$this->redirect($this->url->generate('login'), 303);
* Deauthorize the current user
* @return void
public function logout()
$auth = $this->container->get('auth');
* Show the user profile page
* @return void
public function about($username = 'me')
$isMainUser = $username === 'me';
$username = $isMainUser
? $this->config->get(['kitsu_username'])
: $username;
$model = $this->container->get('kitsu-model');
$data = $model->getUserData($username);
$orgData = JsonAPI::organizeData($data)[0];
$rels = $orgData['relationships'] ?? [];
$favorites = array_key_exists('favorites', $rels) ? $rels['favorites'] : [];
$timeOnAnime = $this->formatAnimeTime($orgData['attributes']['lifeSpentOnAnime']);
$whom = $isMainUser
? $this->config->get('whose_list')
: $username;
$this->outputHTML('me', [
'title' => 'About ' . $whom,
'data' => $orgData,
'attributes' => $orgData['attributes'],
'relationships' => $rels,
'favorites' => $this->organizeFavorites($favorites),
'timeOnAnime' => $timeOnAnime,
* Show the user settings, if logged in
public function settings()
$auth = $this->container->get('auth');
$form = $this->settingsModel->getSettingsForm();
$hasAnilistLogin = $this->config->has(['anilist','access_token']);
$this->outputHTML('settings', [
'anilistModel' => $this->anilistModel,
'auth' => $auth,
'form' => $form,
'hasAnilistLogin' => $hasAnilistLogin,
'config' => $this->config,
'title' => $this->config->get('whose_list') . "'s Settings",
* Attempt to save the user's settings
* @throws \Aura\Router\Exception\RouteNotFound
public function settings_post()
$post = $this->request->getParsedBody();
// dump($post);
$saved = $this->settingsModel->saveSettingsFile($post);
if ($saved)
$this->setFlashMessage('Saved config settings.', 'success');
$this->setFlashMessage('Failed to save config file.', 'error');
$this->redirect($this->url->generate('settings'), 303);
* Get image covers from kitsu
* @param string $type The category of image
* @param string $file The filename to look for
* @param bool $display Whether to output the image to the server
* @throws \Aviat\Ion\Di\ContainerException
* @throws \Aviat\Ion\Di\NotFoundException
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \TypeError
* @throws \Error
* @throws \Throwable
* @return void
public function images(string $type, string $file, $display = TRUE): void
$kitsuUrl = '';
$fileName = str_replace('-original', '', $file);
[$id, $ext] = explode('.', basename($fileName));
$baseSavePath = $this->config->get('img_cache_path');
$typeMap = [
'anime' => [
'kitsuUrl' => "anime/poster_images/{$id}/medium.{$ext}",
'width' => 220,
'height' => 312,
'avatars' => [
'kitsuUrl' => "users/avatars/{$id}/original.{$ext}",
'width' => null,
'height' => null,
'characters' => [
'kitsuUrl' => "characters/images/{$id}/original.{$ext}",
'width' => 225,
'height' => 350,
'manga' => [
'kitsuUrl' => "manga/poster_images/{$id}/medium.{$ext}",
'width' => 220,
'height' => 312,
'people' => [
'kitsuUrl' => "people/images/{$id}/original.{$ext}",
'width' => null,
'height' => null,
if ( ! array_key_exists($type, $typeMap))
$this->getPlaceholder($baseSavePath, 100, 100);
$kitsuUrl .= $typeMap[$type]['kitsuUrl'];
$width = $typeMap[$type]['width'];
$height = $typeMap[$type]['height'];
$promise = (new HummingbirdClient)->request($kitsuUrl);
$response = wait($promise);
if ($response->getStatus() !== 200)
if ($display)
$this->getPlaceholder("{$baseSavePath}/{$type}", $width, $height);
$data = wait($response->getBody());
$filePrefix = "{$baseSavePath}/{$type}/{$id}";
[$origWidth] = getimagesizefromstring($data);
$gdImg = imagecreatefromstring($data);
$resizedImg = imagescale($gdImg, $width ?? $origWidth);
if ($ext === 'gif')
file_put_contents("{$filePrefix}.gif", $data);
// save the webp versions
imagewebp($gdImg, "{$filePrefix}-original.webp");
imagewebp($resizedImg, "{$filePrefix}.webp");
// save the scaled jpeg file
imagejpeg($resizedImg, "{$filePrefix}.jpg");
// And the original
file_put_contents("{$filePrefix}-original.jpg", $data);
if ($display)
$contentType = ($ext === 'webp')
? "image/webp"
: $response->getHeader('content-type')[0];
$outputFile = (strpos($file, '-original') !== FALSE)
? "{$filePrefix}-original.{$ext}"
: "{$filePrefix}.{$ext}";
header("Content-Type: {$contentType}");
echo file_get_contents($outputFile);
* Reorganize favorites data to be more useful
* @param array $rawfavorites
* @return array
private function organizeFavorites(array $rawfavorites): array
$output = [];
foreach($rawfavorites as $item)
$rank = $item['attributes']['favRank'];
foreach($item['relationships']['item'] as $key => $fav)
$output[$key] = $output[$key] ?? [];
foreach ($fav as $id => $data)
$output[$key][$rank] = array_merge(['id' => $id], $data['attributes']);
return $output;
* Get a placeholder for a missing image
* @param string $path
* @param int|null $width
* @param int|null $height
private function getPlaceholder (string $path, ?int $width = 200, ?int $height = NULL): void
$height = $height ?? $width;
$filename = $path . '/placeholder.png';
if ( ! file_exists($path . '/placeholder.png'))
createPlaceholderImage($path, $width, $height);
header('Content-Type: image/png');
echo file_get_contents($filename);
* Format the time spent on anime in a more readable format
* @param int $minutes
* @return string
private function formatAnimeTime (int $minutes): string
$minutesPerDay = 1440;
$minutesPerYear = $minutesPerDay * 365;
// Minutes short of a year
$years = (int)floor($minutes / $minutesPerYear);
$minutes %= $minutesPerYear;
// Minutes short of a day
$extraMinutes = $minutes % $minutesPerDay;
$days = ($minutes - $extraMinutes) / $minutesPerDay;
// Minutes short of an hour
$remMinutes = $extraMinutes % 60;
$hours = ($extraMinutes - $remMinutes) / 60;
$output = "{$days} days, {$hours} hours, and {$remMinutes} minutes.";
if ($years > 0)
$output = "{$years} year(s),{$output}";
return $output;