829 lines
18 KiB

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Hummingbird Anime List Client
* An API client for Kitsu to manage anime and manga watch lists
* PHP version 8
* @package HummingbirdAnimeClient
* @author Timothy J. Warren <tim@timshomepage.net>
* @copyright 2015 - 2021 Timothy J. Warren
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License
* @version 5.2
* @link https://git.timshomepage.net/timw4mail/HummingBirdAnimeClient
namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\API\Kitsu;
use Amp;
use Aviat\AnimeClient\API\Kitsu\Transformer\{
use Aviat\AnimeClient\API\{
Enum\AnimeWatchingStatus\Kitsu as KitsuWatchingStatus,
Enum\MangaReadingStatus\Kitsu as KitsuReadingStatus,
use Aviat\AnimeClient\Enum\MediaType;
use Aviat\AnimeClient\Kitsu as K;
use Aviat\AnimeClient\Types\{Anime, MangaPage};
use Aviat\Ion\{
use Generator;
use function Amp\Promise\wait;
use function Aviat\AnimeClient\getApiClient;
use const Aviat\AnimeClient\SESSION_SEGMENT;
* Kitsu API Model
final class Model
use CacheTrait;
use ContainerAware;
use RequestBuilderTrait;
use MutationTrait;
protected const LIST_PAGE_SIZE = 100;
protected AnimeTransformer $animeTransformer;
protected MangaTransformer $mangaTransformer;
* Constructor
public function __construct(protected ListItem $listItem)
$this->animeTransformer = new AnimeTransformer();
$this->mangaTransformer = new MangaTransformer();
* Get the access token from the Kitsu API
public function authenticate(string $username, string $password): array|false
$response = $this->requestBuilder->getResponse('POST', K::AUTH_URL, [
'headers' => [
'accept' => NULL,
'Content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'client_id' => NULL,
'client_secret' => NULL,
'form_params' => [
'grant_type' => 'password',
'username' => $username,
'password' => $password,
$data = Json::decode(wait($response->getBody()->buffer()));
if (array_key_exists('error', $data))
'method' => self::class . '\\' . __METHOD__,
'error' => $data['error'],
'response' => $response,
if (array_key_exists('access_token', $data))
return $data;
return FALSE;
* Extend the current session with a refresh token
public function reAuthenticate(string $token): array|false
$response = $this->requestBuilder->getResponse('POST', K::AUTH_URL, [
'headers' => [
'accept' => NULL,
'Content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Accept-encoding' => '*',
'form_params' => [
'grant_type' => 'refresh_token',
'refresh_token' => $token,
$data = Json::decode(wait($response->getBody()->buffer()));
if (array_key_exists('error', $data))
'method' => self::class . '\\' . __METHOD__,
'error' => $data['error'],
'response' => $response,
if (array_key_exists('access_token', $data))
return $data;
return FALSE;
* Get the userid for a username from Kitsu
public function getUserIdByUsername(?string $username = NULL): string
if ($username === NULL)
$username = $this->getUsername();
return $this->getCached(K::AUTH_USER_ID_KEY, function (string $username) {
$data = $this->requestBuilder->runQuery('GetUserId', [
'slug' => $username,
return $data['data']['findProfileBySlug']['id'] ?? NULL;
}, [$username]);
* Get information about a character
* @return mixed[]
public function getCharacter(string $slug): array
return $this->requestBuilder->runQuery('CharacterDetails', [
'slug' => $slug,
* Get information about a person
* @return mixed[]
public function getPerson(string $slug): array
return $this->getCached("kitsu-person-{$slug}", fn () => $this->requestBuilder->runQuery('PersonDetails', [
'slug' => $slug,
* Get profile information for the configured user
* @return mixed[]
public function getUserData(string $username): array
return $this->requestBuilder->runQuery('UserDetails', [
'slug' => $username,
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ! Anime-specific methods
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get information about a particular anime
public function getAnime(string $slug): Anime
$baseData = $this->requestBuilder->runQuery('AnimeDetails', [
'slug' => $slug,
if (empty($baseData))
return Anime::from([]);
return $this->animeTransformer->transform($baseData);
public function getRandomAnime(): Anime
$baseData = $this->requestBuilder->runQuery('RandomMedia', [
'type' => 'ANIME',
return $this->animeTransformer->transform($baseData);
public function getRandomLibraryAnime(string $status): Anime
// @TODO
return Anime::from([]);
* Get information about a particular anime
public function getAnimeById(string $animeId): Anime
$baseData = $this->requestBuilder->runQuery('AnimeDetailsById', [
'id' => $animeId,
return $this->animeTransformer->transform($baseData);
* Retrieve the data for the anime watch history page
* @return mixed[]
public function getAnimeHistory(): array
$list = $this->cache->get($key, NULL);
if ($list === NULL)
$raw = $this->getHistoryList();
$list = (new AnimeHistoryTransformer())->transform($raw);
$this->cache->set($key, $list);
return $list;
* Get the anime list for the configured user
* @param string $status - The watching status to filter the list with
* @return mixed[]
public function getAnimeList(string $status): array
$key = "kitsu-anime-list-{$status}";
$list = $this->cache->get($key, NULL);
if ($list === NULL)
$data = $this->getList(MediaType::ANIME, $status) ?? [];
// Bail out on no data
if (empty($data))
return [];
$transformer = new AnimeListTransformer();
$transformed = $transformer->transformCollection($data);
$keyed = [];
foreach ($transformed as $item)
$keyed[$item['id']] = $item;
$list = $keyed;
$this->cache->set($key, $list);
return $list;
* Get the number of anime list items
* @param string $status - Optional status to filter by
public function getAnimeListCount(string $status = ''): int
return $this->getListCount(MediaType::ANIME, $status);
* Get all the anime entries, that are organized for output to html
* @return array<string, mixed[]>
public function getFullOrganizedAnimeList(): array
$output = [];
$statuses = KitsuWatchingStatus::getConstList();
foreach ($statuses as $status)
$mappedStatus = AnimeWatchingStatus::KITSU_TO_TITLE[$status];
$output[$mappedStatus] = $this->getAnimeList($status) ?? [];
return $output;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ! Manga-specific methods
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get information about a particular manga
public function getManga(string $slug): MangaPage
$baseData = $this->requestBuilder->runQuery('MangaDetails', [
'slug' => $slug,
if (empty($baseData))
return MangaPage::from([]);
return $this->mangaTransformer->transform($baseData);
public function getRandomManga(): MangaPage
$baseData = $this->requestBuilder->runQuery('RandomMedia', [
'type' => 'MANGA',
return $this->mangaTransformer->transform($baseData);
* Get information about a particular manga
public function getMangaById(string $mangaId): MangaPage
$baseData = $this->requestBuilder->runQuery('MangaDetailsById', [
'id' => $mangaId,
return $this->mangaTransformer->transform($baseData);
* Retrieve the data for the manga read history page
* @return mixed[]
public function getMangaHistory(): array
$list = $this->cache->get($key, NULL);
if ($list === NULL)
$raw = $this->getHistoryList();
$list = (new MangaHistoryTransformer())->transform($raw);
$this->cache->set($key, $list);
return $list;
* Get the manga list for the configured user
* @param string $status - The reading status by which to filter the list
* @return mixed[]
public function getMangaList(string $status): array
$key = "kitsu-manga-list-{$status}";
$list = $this->cache->get($key, NULL);
if ($list === NULL)
$data = $this->getList(MediaType::MANGA, $status) ?? [];
// Bail out on no data
if (empty($data))
return [];
$transformer = new MangaListTransformer();
$transformed = $transformer->transformCollection($data);
$keyed = [];
foreach ($transformed as $item)
$keyed[$item['id']] = $item;
$list = $keyed;
$this->cache->set($key, $list);
return $list;
* Get the number of manga list items
* @param string $status - Optional status to filter by
public function getMangaListCount(string $status = ''): int
return $this->getListCount(MediaType::MANGA, $status);
* Get all Manga lists
* @return array<string, mixed[]>
public function getFullOrganizedMangaList(): array
$statuses = KitsuReadingStatus::getConstList();
$output = [];
foreach ($statuses as $status)
$mappedStatus = MangaReadingStatus::KITSU_TO_TITLE[$status];
$output[$mappedStatus] = $this->getMangaList($status);
return $output;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Base methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Search for an anime or manga
* @param string $type - 'anime' or 'manga'
* @param string $query - name of the item to search for
* @return array<int, array<string, mixed>>
public function search(string $type, string $query): array
$uType = ucfirst(strtolower($type));
$raw = $this->requestBuilder->runQuery("Search{$uType}", [
'query' => $query,
$nodes = $raw['data']["search{$uType}ByTitle"]['nodes'];
$data = [];
foreach ($nodes as $item)
$searchItem = [
'id' => $item['id'],
'slug' => $item['slug'],
'coverImage' => K::getPosterImage($item),
'canonicalTitle' => $item['titles']['canonical'],
'titles' => array_values(K::getTitles($item['titles'])),
'libraryEntry' => $item['myLibraryEntry'],
// Search for MAL mapping
if (is_array($item['mappings']['nodes']))
foreach ($item['mappings']['nodes'] as $mapping)
if ($mapping['externalSite'] === 'MYANIMELIST_' . strtoupper($type))
$searchItem['mal_id'] = $mapping['externalId'];
$data[] = $searchItem;
return $data;
* Find a media item on Kitsu by its associated MAL id
* @param string $type "anime" or "manga"
public function getKitsuIdFromMALId(string $malId, string $type = 'anime'): ?string
$raw = $this->requestBuilder->runQuery('GetIdByMapping', [
'id' => $malId,
'site' => strtoupper("MYANIMELIST_{$type}"),
return $raw['data']['lookupMapping']['id'] ?? NULL;
* Get the data for a specific list item, generally for editing
* @param string $listId - The unique identifier of that list item
* @return mixed
public function getListItem(string $listId)
$baseData = $this->listItem->get($listId);
if ( ! isset($baseData['data']['findLibraryEntryById']))
return [];
return (new LibraryEntryTransformer())->transform($baseData['data']['findLibraryEntryById']);
* @return mixed[]
public function getThumbList(string $type): array
$statuses = [
$pages = [];
// Although I can fetch the whole list without segregating by status,
// this way is much faster...
foreach ($statuses as $status)
foreach ($this->getPages([$this, 'getThumbListPages'], strtoupper($type), $status) as $page)
$pages[] = $page;
return array_merge(...$pages);
* Get the data to sync Kitsu anime/manga list with another API
* @return mixed[]
public function getSyncList(string $type): array
$statuses = [
$pages = [];
// Although I can fetch the whole list without segregating by status,
// this way is much faster...
foreach ($statuses as $status)
foreach ($this->getPages([$this, 'getSyncPages'], strtoupper($type), $status) as $page)
$pages[] = $page;
return array_merge(...$pages);
* Get the aggregated pages of anime or manga history
* @return mixed[]
protected function getHistoryList(): array
return $this->requestBuilder->runQuery('GetUserHistory', [
'slug' => $this->getUsername(),
* Get the raw anime/manga list from GraphQL
* @return mixed[]
protected function getList(string $type, string $status = ''): array
$pages = [];
foreach ($this->getPages([$this, 'getListPages'], strtoupper($type), strtoupper($status)) as $page)
$pages[] = $page;
return array_merge(...$pages);
private function getListPages(string $type, string $status = ''): Amp\Iterator
$cursor = '';
$username = $this->getUsername();
return new Amp\Producer(function (callable $emit) use ($type, $status, $cursor, $username): Generator {
while (TRUE)
$vars = [
'type' => $type,
'slug' => $username,
if ($status !== '')
$vars['status'] = $status;
if ($cursor !== '')
$vars['after'] = $cursor;
$request = $this->requestBuilder->queryRequest('GetLibrary', $vars);
$response = yield getApiClient()->request($request);
$json = yield $response->getBody()->buffer();
$rawData = Json::decode($json);
$data = $rawData['data']['findProfileBySlug']['library']['all'] ?? [];
$page = $data['pageInfo'] ?? [];
if (empty($data))
// Clear session, in case the error is an invalid token.
$segment = $this->container->get('session')
// @TODO Proper Error logging
$cursor = $page['endCursor'];
yield $emit($data['nodes']);
if ($page['hasNextPage'] !== TRUE)
private function getSyncPages(string $type, string $status): Amp\Iterator
$cursor = '';
$username = $this->getUsername();
return new Amp\Producer(function (callable $emit) use ($type, $status, $cursor, $username): Generator {
while (TRUE)
$vars = [
'type' => $type,
'slug' => $username,
'status' => $status,
if ($cursor !== '')
$vars['after'] = $cursor;
$request = $this->requestBuilder->queryRequest('GetSyncLibrary', $vars);
$response = yield getApiClient()->request($request);
$json = yield $response->getBody()->buffer();
$rawData = Json::decode($json);
$data = $rawData['data']['findProfileBySlug']['library']['all'] ?? [];
$page = $data['pageInfo'];
if (empty($data))
$cursor = $page['endCursor'];
yield $emit($data['nodes']);
if ($page['hasNextPage'] === FALSE)
private function getThumbListPages(string $type, string $status): Amp\Iterator
$cursor = '';
$username = $this->getUsername();
return new Amp\Producer(function (callable $emit) use ($type, $status, $cursor, $username): Generator {
while (TRUE)
$vars = [
'type' => $type,
'slug' => $username,
'status' => $status,
if ($cursor !== '')
$vars['after'] = $cursor;
$request = $this->requestBuilder->queryRequest('GetLibraryThumbs', $vars);
$response = yield getApiClient()->request($request);
$json = yield $response->getBody()->buffer();
$rawData = Json::decode($json);
$data = $rawData['data']['findProfileBySlug']['library']['all'] ?? [];
$page = $data['pageInfo'];
if (empty($data))
$cursor = $page['endCursor'];
yield $emit($data['nodes']);
if ($page['hasNextPage'] === FALSE)
private function getPages(callable $method, mixed ...$args): Generator
$items = $method(...$args);
while (wait($items->advance()))
yield $items->getCurrent();
private function getUserId(): string
static $userId = NULL;
if ($userId === NULL)
$userId = $this->getUserIdByUsername($this->getUsername());
return $userId;
* Get the kitsu username from config
private function getUsername(): string
return $this->getContainer()
private function getListCount(string $type, string $status = ''): int
$args = [
'type' => strtoupper($type),
'slug' => $this->getUsername(),
if ($status !== '')
$args['status'] = strtoupper($status);
$res = $this->requestBuilder->runQuery('GetLibraryCount', $args);
return $res['data']['findProfileBySlug']['library']['all']['totalCount'];