Version 5.1 - All the GraphQL #32
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
* Base API Model
namespace AnimeClient\Base;
use \GuzzleHttp\Client;
use \GuzzleHttp\Cookie\CookieJar;
* Base model for api interaction
class ApiModel extends Model {
* Base url for making api requests
* @var string
protected $base_url = '';
* The Guzzle http client object
* @var object
protected $client;
* Cookie jar object for api requests
* @var object
protected $cookieJar;
* Constructor
public function __construct(Config $config)
$this->cookieJar = new CookieJar();
$this->client = new Client([
'base_url' => $this->base_url,
'defaults' => [
'cookies' => $this->cookieJar,
'headers' => [
'User-Agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],
'Accept-Encoding' => 'application/json'
'timeout' => 5,
'connect_timeout' => 5
* Attempt login via the api
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* @return bool
public function authenticate($username, $password)
$result = $this->client->post('', [
'body' => [
'username' => $username,
'password' => $password
if ($result->getStatusCode() === 201)
$_SESSION['hummingbird_anime_token'] = $result->json();
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// End of BaseApiModel.php
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
* Base Configuration class
namespace AnimeClient\Base;
* Wrapper for configuration values
class Config {
* Config object
* @var array
protected $config = [];
* Constructor
* @param array $config_files
public function __construct(Array $config_files=[])
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if (empty($config_files))
require_once _dir(CONF_DIR, 'config.php'); // $config
require_once _dir(CONF_DIR, 'base_config.php'); // $base_config
else // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$config = $config_files['config'];
$base_config = $config_files['base_config'];
$this->config = array_merge($config, $base_config);
* Getter for config values
* @param string $key
* @return mixed
public function __get($key)
if (isset($this->config[$key]))
return $this->config[$key];
return NULL;
* Get the base url for css/js/images
* @return string
public function asset_url(/*...*/)
$args = func_get_args();
$base_url = rtrim($this->__get('asset_path'), '/');
array_unshift($args, $base_url);
return implode("/", $args);
* Get the base url from the config
* @param string $type - (optional) The controller
* @return string
public function base_url($type="anime")
$config_path = trim($this->__get("{$type}_path"), "/");
$config_host = $this->__get("{$type}_host");
// Set the appropriate HTTP host
$host = ($config_host !== '') ? $config_host : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$path = ($config_path !== '') ? $config_path : "";
return implode("/", ['/', $host, $path]);
* Generate full url path from the route path based on config
* @param string $path - (optional) The route path
* @param string $type - (optional) The controller (anime or manga), defaults to anime
* @return string
public function full_url($path="", $type="anime")
$config_path = trim($this->__get("{$type}_path"), "/");
$config_host = $this->__get("{$type}_host");
$config_default_route = $this->__get("default_{$type}_path");
// Remove beginning/trailing slashes
$config_path = trim($config_path, '/');
$path = trim($path, '/');
// Remove any optional parameters from the route
$path = preg_replace('`{/.*?}`i', '', $path);
// Set the appropriate HTTP host
$host = ($config_host !== '') ? $config_host : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
// Set the default view
if ($path === '')
$path .= trim($config_default_route, '/');
if ($this->__get('default_to_list_view')) $path .= '/list';
// Set an leading folder
if ($config_path !== '')
$path = "{$config_path}/{$path}";
return "//{$host}/{$path}";
// End of config.php
@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
* Base Controller
namespace AnimeClient\Base;
use Aura\Web\WebFactory;
* Base class for controllers, defines output methods
class Controller {
* The global configuration object
* @var object $config
protected $config;
* Request object
* @var object $request
protected $request;
* Response object
* @var object $response
protected $response;
* The api model for the current controller
* @var object
protected $model;
* Common data to be sent to views
* @var array
protected $base_data = [
'url_type' => 'anime',
'other_type' => 'manga',
'nav_routes' => []
* Constructor
* @param \AnimeClient\Client $config
* @param array $web
public function __construct(Config &$config, Array $web)
$this->config = $config;
$this->base_data['config'] = $config;
list($request, $response) = $web;
$this->request = $request;
$this->response = $response;
* Destructor
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public function __destruct()
* Get a class member
* @param string $key
* @return object
public function __get($key)
$allowed = ['request', 'response', 'config'];
if (in_array($key, $allowed))
return $this->$key;
return NULL;
* Get the string output of a partial template
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param string $template
* @param array|object $data
* @return string
public function load_partial($template, $data=[])
if (isset($this->base_data))
$data = array_merge($this->base_data, $data);
global $router, $defaultHandler;
$route = $router->get_route();
$data['route_path'] = ($route) ? $router->get_route()->path : "";
$defaultHandler->addDataTable('Template Data', $data);
$template_path = _dir(APP_DIR, 'views', "{$template}.php");
if ( ! is_file($template_path))
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid template : {$path}");
include _dir(APP_DIR, 'views', 'header.php');
include $template_path;
include _dir(APP_DIR, 'views', 'footer.php');
$buffer = ob_get_contents();
return $buffer;
* Output a template to HTML, using the provided data
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param string $template
* @param array|object $data
* @return void
public function outputHTML($template, $data=[])
$buffer = $this->load_partial($template, $data);
* Output json with the proper content type
* @param mixed $data
* @return void
public function outputJSON($data)
if ( ! is_string($data))
$data = json_encode($data);
* Redirect to the selected page
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param string $url
* @param int $code
* @return void
public function redirect($url, $code, $type="anime")
$url = $this->config->full_url($url, $type);
$this->response->redirect->to($url, $code);
* Add a message box to the page
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param string $type
* @param string $message
* @return string
public function show_message($type, $message)
return $this->load_partial('message', [
'stat_class' => $type,
'message' => $message
* Clear the api session
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return void
public function logout()
* Show the login form
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param string $status
* @return void
public function login($status="")
$message = "";
if ($status != "")
$message = $this->show_message('error', $status);
$this->outputHTML('login', [
'title' => 'Api login',
'message' => $message
* Attempt to log in with the api
* @return void
public function login_action()
if (
$this->response->redirect->afterPost($this->config->full_url('', $this->base_data['url_type']));
$this->login("Invalid username or password.");
* Send the appropriate response
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return void
private function output()
// send status
@header($this->response->status->get(), true, $this->response->status->getCode());
// headers
foreach($this->response->headers->get() as $label => $value)
@header("{$label}: {$value}");
// cookies
foreach($this->response->cookies->get() as $name => $cookie)
// send the actual response
echo $this->response->content->get();
// End of BaseController.php
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
* Base DB model
namespace AnimeClient\Base;
* Base model for database interaction
class DBModel extends Model {
* The query builder object
* @var object $db
protected $db;
* The database connection information array
* @var array $db_config
protected $db_config;
* Constructor
public function __construct(Config $config)
$this->db_config = $this->config->database;
// End of BaseDBModel.php
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
* Base for base models
namespace AnimeClient\Base;
use abeautifulsite\SimpleImage;
* Common base for all Models
class Model {
* The global configuration object
* @var object $config
protected $config;
* Constructor
public function __construct(Config &$config)
$this->config = $config;
* Get the path of the cached version of the image. Create the cached image
* if the file does not already exist
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param string $api_path - The original image url
* @param string $series_slug - The part of the url with the series name, becomes the image name
* @param string $type - Anime or Manga, controls cache path
* @return string - the frontend path for the cached image
public function get_cached_image($api_path, $series_slug, $type="anime")
$api_path = str_replace("jjpg", "jpg", $api_path);
$path_parts = explode('?', basename($api_path));
$path = current($path_parts);
$ext_parts = explode('.', $path);
$ext = end($ext_parts);
// Workaround for some broken extensions
if ($ext == "jjpg") $ext = "jpg";
// Failsafe for weird urls
if (strlen($ext) > 3) return $api_path;
$cached_image = "{$series_slug}.{$ext}";
$cached_path = "{$this->config->img_cache_path}/{$type}/{$cached_image}";
// Cache the file if it doesn't already exist
if ( ! file_exists($cached_path))
if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen'))
copy($api_path, $cached_path);
elseif (function_exists('curl_init'))
$ch = curl_init($api_path);
$fp = fopen($cached_path, 'wb');
curl_setopt_array($ch, [
throw new DomainException("Couldn't cache images because they couldn't be downloaded.");
// Resize the image
if ($type == 'anime')
$resize_width = 220;
$resize_height = 319;
$this->_resize($cached_path, $resize_width, $resize_height);
return "/public/images/{$type}/{$cached_image}";
* Resize an image
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param string $path
* @param string $width
* @param string $height
private function _resize($path, $width, $height)
$img = new SimpleImage($path);
// End of BaseModel.php
@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
* Routing logic
namespace AnimeClient\Base;
* Basic routing/ dispatch
class Router {
* The route-matching object
* @var object $router
protected $router;
* The global configuration object
* @var object $config
protected $config;
* Class wrapper for input superglobals
* @var object
protected $request;
* Array containing request and response objects
* @var array $web
protected $web;
* Routes added to router
* @var array $output_routes
protected $output_routes;
* Constructor
* @param
public function __construct(Config $config, \Aura\Router\Router $router, \Aura\Web\Request $request, \Aura\Web\Response $response)
$this->config = $config;
$this->router = $router;
$this->request = $request;
$this->web = [$request, $response];
$this->output_routes = $this->_setup_routes();
* Get the current route object, if one matches
* @return object
public function get_route()
global $defaultHandler;
$raw_route = parse_url($this->request->server->get('REQUEST_URI'), \PHP_URL_PATH);
$route_path = str_replace([$this->config->anime_path, $this->config->manga_path], '', $raw_route);
$route_path = "/" . trim($route_path, '/');
/*$defaultHandler->addDataTable('Route Info', [
'route_path' => $route_path
$route = $this->router->match($route_path, $_SERVER);
return $route;
* Get list of routes applied
* @return array
public function get_output_routes()
return $this->output_routes;
* Handle the current route
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param [object] $route
* @return void
public function dispatch($route = NULL)
global $defaultHandler;
if (is_null($route))
$route = $this->get_route();
if ( ! $route)
$failure = $this->router->getFailedRoute();
$defaultHandler->addDataTable('failed_route', (array)$failure);
list($controller_name, $action_method) = $route->params['action'];
$params = (isset($route->params['params'])) ? $route->params['params'] : [];
if ( ! empty($route->tokens))
foreach($route->tokens as $key => $v)
if (array_key_exists($key, $route->params))
$params[$key] = $route->params[$key];
$controller = new $controller_name($this->config, $this->web);
// Run the appropriate controller method
$defaultHandler->addDataTable('controller_args', $params);
call_user_func_array([$controller, $action_method], $params);
* Get the type of route, to select the current controller
* @return string
public function get_route_type()
$route_type = $this->config->default_list;
$host = $this->request->server->get("HTTP_HOST");
$request_uri = $this->request->server->get('REQUEST_URI');
// Host-based controller selection
if ($this->config->route_by === "host")
if (strtolower($host) === strtolower($this->config->anime_host))
$route_type = "anime";
if (strtolower($host) === strtolower($this->config->manga_host))
$route_type = "manga";
// Path-based controller selection
if ($this->config->route_by === "path")
$path = trim($request_uri, '/');
if (stripos($path, trim($this->config->anime_path, '/')) === 0)
$route_type = "anime";
if (stripos($path, trim($this->config->manga_path, '/')) === 0)
$route_type = "manga";
return $route_type;
* Select controller based on the current url, and apply its relevent routes
* @return array
public function _setup_routes()
$route_map = [
'anime' => '\\AnimeClient\\Controller\\Anime',
'manga' => '\\AnimeClient\\Controller\\Manga',
$output_routes = [];
$route_type = $this->get_route_type();
// Return early if invalid route array
if ( ! array_key_exists($route_type, $this->config->routes)) return [];
$applied_routes = array_merge($this->config->routes['common'], $this->config->routes[$route_type]);
// Add routes
foreach($applied_routes as $name => &$route)
$path = $route['path'];
// Prepend the controller to the route parameters
array_unshift($route['action'], $route_map[$route_type]);
// Select the appropriate router method based on the http verb
$add = (array_key_exists('verb', $route)) ? "add" . ucfirst(strtolower($route['verb'])) : "addGet";
// Add the route to the router object
if ( ! array_key_exists('tokens', $route))
$output_routes[] = $this->router->$add($name, $path)->addValues($route);
$tokens = $route['tokens'];
$output_routes[] = $this->router->$add($name, $path)
return $output_routes;
// End of Router.php
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
* Global functions
* Check if the user is currently logged in
* @return bool
function is_logged_in()
return array_key_exists('hummingbird_anime_token', $_SESSION);
* HTML selection helper function
* @param string $a - First item to compare
* @param string $b - Second item to compare
* @return string
function is_selected($a, $b)
return ($a === $b) ? 'selected' : '';
* Inverse of selected helper function
* @param string $a - First item to compare
* @param string $b - Second item to compare
* @return string
function is_not_selected($a, $b)
return ($a !== $b) ? 'selected' : '';
* Get the last segment of the current url
* @return string
function last_segment()
$path = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);
$segments = explode('/', $path);
return end($segments);
* Determine whether to show the sub-menu
* @return bool
function is_view_page()
$blacklist = ['edit', 'add', 'update', 'login', 'logout'];
$page_segments = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$intersect = array_intersect($page_segments, $blacklist);
return empty($intersect);
// End of functions.php
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
* Functions that need to be included before config
* Joins paths together. Variadic to take an
* arbitrary number of arguments
* @return string
function _dir()
return implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, func_get_args());
* Set up autoloaders
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return void
function _setup_autoloaders()
require _dir(ROOT_DIR, '/vendor/autoload.php');
spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
$class_parts = explode('\\', $class);
$ns_path = APP_DIR . '/' . implode('/', $class_parts) . ".php";
if (file_exists($ns_path))
@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
* Anime Controller
namespace AnimeClient\Controller;
use AnimeClient\Base\Controller as BaseController;
use AnimeClient\Base\Config;
use AnimeClient\Model\Anime as AnimeModel;
use AnimeClient\Model\AnimeCollection as AnimeCollectionModel;
* Controller for Anime-related pages
class Anime extends BaseController {
* The anime list model
* @var object $model
protected $model;
* The anime collection model
* @var object $collection_model
private $collection_model;
* Data to ve sent to all routes in this controller
* @var array $base_data
protected $base_data;
* Route mapping for main navigation
* @var array $nav_routes
private $nav_routes = [
'Watching' => '/watching{/view}',
'Plan to Watch' => '/plan_to_watch{/view}',
'On Hold' => '/on_hold{/view}',
'Dropped' => '/dropped{/view}',
'Completed' => '/completed{/view}',
'Collection' => '/collection/view{/view}',
'All' => '/all{/view}'
* Constructor
public function __construct(Config $config, Array $web)
parent::__construct($config, $web);
if ($this->config->show_anime_collection === FALSE)
$this->model = new AnimeModel($config);
$this->collection_model = new AnimeCollectionModel($config);
$this->base_data = [
'message' => '',
'url_type' => 'anime',
'other_type' => 'manga',
'nav_routes' => $this->nav_routes,
'config' => $this->config,
* Search for anime
* @return void
public function search()
$query = $this->request->query->get('query');
* Show a portion, or all of the anime list
* @param string $type - The section of the list
* @param string $title - The title of the page
* @return void
public function anime_list($type, $title, $view)
$view_map = [
'' => 'cover',
'list' => 'list'
$data = ($type != 'all')
? $this->model->get_list($type)
: $this->model->get_all_lists();
$this->outputHTML('anime/' . $view_map[$view], [
'title' => $title,
'sections' => $data
* Show the anime collection page
* @return void
public function collection($view)
$view_map = [
'' => 'collection',
'list' => 'collection_list'
$data = $this->collection_model->get_collection();
$this->outputHTML('anime/' . $view_map[$view], [
'title' => WHOSE . " Anime Collection",
'sections' => $data,
'genres' => $this->collection_model->get_genre_list()
* Show the anime collection add/edit form
* @param int $id
* @return void
public function collection_form($id=NULL)
$action = (is_null($id)) ? "Add" : "Edit";
$this->outputHTML('anime/collection_' . strtolower($action), [
'action' => $action,
'action_url' => $this->config->full_url("collection/" . strtolower($action)),
'title' => WHOSE . " Anime Collection · {$action}",
'media_items' => $this->collection_model->get_media_type_list(),
'item' => ($action === "Edit") ? $this->collection_model->get($id) : []
* Update a collection item
* @return void
public function collection_edit()
$data = $this->request->post->get();
if ( ! array_key_exists('hummingbird_id', $data))
$this->redirect("collection/view", 303, "anime");
$this->redirect("collection/view", 303, "anime");
* Add a collection item
* @return void
public function collection_add()
$data = $this->request->post->get();
if ( ! array_key_exists('id', $data))
$this->redirect("collection/view", 303, "anime");
$this->redirect("collection/view", 303, "anime");
* Update an anime item
* @return bool
public function update()
// End of AnimeController.php
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
* Manga Controller
namespace AnimeClient\Controller;
use AnimeClient\Base\Controller;
use AnimeClient\Base\Config;
use AnimeClient\Model\Manga as MangaModel;
* Controller for manga list
class Manga extends Controller {
* The manga model
* @var object $model
protected $model;
* Data to ve sent to all routes in this controller
* @var array $base_data
protected $base_data;
* Route mapping for main navigation
* @var array $nav_routes
private $nav_routes = [
'Reading' => '/reading{/view}',
'Plan to Read' => '/plan_to_read{/view}',
'On Hold' => '/on_hold{/view}',
'Dropped' => '/dropped{/view}',
'Completed' => '/completed{/view}',
'All' => '/all{/view}'
* Constructor
public function __construct(Config $config, Array $web)
parent::__construct($config, $web);
$this->model = new MangaModel($config);
$this->base_data = [
'config' => $this->config,
'url_type' => 'manga',
'other_type' => 'anime',
'nav_routes' => $this->nav_routes
* Update an anime item
* @return bool
public function update()
* Get a section of the manga list
* @param string $status
* @param string $title
* @param string $view
* @return void
public function manga_list($status, $title, $view)
$view_map = [
'' => 'cover',
'list' => 'list'
$data = ($status !== 'all')
? [$status => $this->model->get_list($status)]
: $this->model->get_all_lists();
$this->outputHTML('manga/' . $view_map[$view], [
'title' => $title,
'sections' => $data
// End of MangaController.php
@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
* Anime API Model
namespace AnimeClient\Model;
use AnimeClient\Base\ApiModel;
use AnimeClient\Base\Config;
* Model for handling requests dealing with the anime list
class Anime extends ApiModel {
* The base url for api requests
* @var string $base_url
protected $base_url = "";
* Constructor
public function __construct(Config $config)
* Update the selected anime
* @param array $data
* @return array
public function update($data)
$data['auth_token'] = $_SESSION['hummingbird_anime_token'];
$result = $this->client->post("libraries/{$data['id']}", [
'body' => $data
return $result->json();
* Get the full set of anime lists
* @return array
public function get_all_lists()
$output = [
'Watching' => [],
'Plan to Watch' => [],
'On Hold' => [],
'Dropped' => [],
'Completed' => [],
$data = $this->_get_list();
foreach($data as $datum)
case "completed":
$output['Completed'][] = $datum;
case "plan-to-watch":
$output['Plan to Watch'][] = $datum;
case "dropped":
$output['Dropped'][] = $datum;
case "on-hold":
$output['On Hold'][] = $datum;
case "currently-watching":
$output['Watching'][] = $datum;
// Sort anime by name
foreach($output as &$status_list)
return $output;
* Get a category out of the full list
* @param string $status
* @return array
public function get_list($status)
$map = [
'currently-watching' => 'Watching',
'plan-to-watch' => 'Plan to Watch',
'on-hold' => 'On Hold',
'dropped' => 'Dropped',
'completed' => 'Completed',
$data = $this->_get_list($status);
$output = [];
$output[$map[$status]] = $data;
return $output;
* Get information about an anime from its id
* @param string $anime_id
* @return array
public function get_anime($anime_id)
$config = [
'query' => [
'id' => $anime_id
$response = $this->client->get("anime/{$anime_id}", $config);
return $response->json();
* Search for anime by name
* @param string $name
* @return array
public function search($name)
global $defaultHandler;
$config = [
'query' => [
'query' => $name
$response = $this->client->get('search/anime', $config);
$defaultHandler->addDataTable('anime_search_response', (array)$response);
if ($response->getStatusCode() != 200)
throw new RuntimeException($response->getEffectiveUrl());
return $response->json();
* Actually retreive the data from the api
* @param string $status - Status to filter by
* @return array
private function _get_list($status="all")
global $defaultHandler;
$cache_file = "{$this->config->data_cache_path}/anime-{$status}.json";
$config = [
'allow_redirects' => FALSE
if ($status != "all")
$config['query']['status'] = $status;
$response = $this->client->get("users/{$this->config->hummingbird_username}/library", $config);
$defaultHandler->addDataTable('anime_list_response', (array)$response);
if ($response->getStatusCode() != 200)
if ( ! file_exists($cache_file))
throw new DomainException($response->getEffectiveUrl());
$output = json_decode(file_get_contents($cache_file), TRUE);
$output = $response->json();
$output_json = json_encode($output);
if (( ! file_exists($cache_file)) || file_get_contents($cache_file) !== $output_json)
// Attempt to create the cache folder if it doesn't exist
if ( ! is_dir($this->config->data_cache_path))
// Cache the call in case of downtime
file_put_contents($cache_file, json_encode($output));
foreach($output as &$row)
$row['anime']['cover_image'] = $this->get_cached_image($row['anime']['cover_image'], $row['anime']['slug'], 'anime');
return $output;
* Sort the list by title
* @param array $array
* @return void
private function sort_by_name(&$array)
$sort = array();
foreach($array as $key => $item)
$sort[$key] = $item['anime']['title'];
array_multisort($sort, SORT_ASC, $array);
// End of AnimeModel.php
@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
* Anime Collection DB Model
namespace AnimeClient\Model;
use AnimeClient\Base\DBModel;
use AnimeClient\Base\Config;
use AnimeClient\Model\Anime as AnimeModel;
* Model for getting anime collection data
class AnimeCollection extends DBModel {
* Anime API Model
* @var object $anime_model
private $anime_model;
* Whether the database is valid for querying
* @var bool
private $valid_database = FALSE;
* Constructor
public function __construct(Config $config)
$this->db = \Query($this->db_config['collection']);
$this->anime_model = new AnimeModel($config);
// Is database valid? If not, set a flag so the
// app can be run without a valid database
$db_file = file_get_contents($this->db_config['collection']['file']);
$this->valid_database = (strpos($db_file, 'SQLite format 3') === 0);
// Do an import if an import file exists
* Get genres for anime collection items
* @param array $filter
* @return array
public function get_genre_list($filter=[])
$this->db->select('hummingbird_id, genre')
->from('genre_anime_set_link gl')
->join('genres g', '', 'left');
if ( ! empty($filter)) $this->db->where_in('hummingbird_id', $filter);
$query = $this->db->order_by('hummingbird_id')
$output = [];
foreach($query->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row)
$id = $row['hummingbird_id'];
$genre = $row['genre'];
// Empty genre names aren't useful
if (empty($genre)) continue;
if (array_key_exists($id, $output))
array_push($output[$id], $genre);
$output[$id] = [$genre];
return $output;
* Get collection from the database, and organize by media type
* @return array
public function get_collection()
$raw_collection = $this->_get_collection();
$collection = [];
foreach($raw_collection as $row)
if (array_key_exists($row['media'], $collection))
$collection[$row['media']][] = $row;
$collection[$row['media']] = [$row];
return $collection;
* Get list of media types
* @return array
public function get_media_type_list()
$output = array();
$query = $this->db->select('id, type')
foreach($query->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row)
$output[$row['id']] = $row['type'];
return $output;
* Get item from collection for editing
* @param int $id
* @return array
public function get_collection_entry($id)
$query = $this->db->from('anime_set')
->where('hummingbird_id', (int) $id)
return $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
* Get full collection from the database
* @return array
private function _get_collection()
if ( ! $this->valid_database) return [];
$query = $this->db->select('hummingbird_id, slug, title, alternate_title, show_type, age_rating, episode_count, episode_length, cover_image, notes, media.type as media')
->from('anime_set a')
->join('media', '', 'inner')
return $query->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
* Add an item to the anime collection
* @param array $data
* @return void
public function add($data)
$anime = (object) $this->anime_model->get_anime($data['id']);
'hummingbird_id' => $data['id'],
'slug' => $anime->slug,
'title' => $anime->title,
'alternate_title' => $anime->alternate_title,
'show_type' => $anime->show_type,
'age_rating' => $anime->age_rating,
'cover_image' => basename($this->get_cached_image($anime->cover_image, $anime->slug, 'anime')),
'episode_count' => $anime->episode_count,
'episode_length' => $anime->episode_length,
'media_id' => $data['media_id'],
'notes' => $data['notes']
* Update a collection item
* @param array $data
* @return void
public function update($data)
// If there's no id to update, don't update
if ( ! array_key_exists('hummingbird_id', $data)) return;
$id = $data['hummingbird_id'];
->where('hummingbird_id', $id)
* Get the details of a collection item
* @param int $hummingbird_id
* @return array
public function get($hummingbird_id)
$query = $this->db->from('anime_set')
->where('hummingbird_id', $hummingbird_id)
return $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
* Import anime into collection from a json file
* @return void
private function json_import()
if ( ! file_exists('import.json')) return;
if ( ! $this->valid_database) return;
$anime = json_decode(file_get_contents("import.json"));
foreach($anime as $item)
'hummingbird_id' => $item->id,
'slug' => $item->slug,
'title' => $item->title,
'alternate_title' => $item->alternate_title,
'show_type' => $item->show_type,
'age_rating' => $item->age_rating,
'cover_image' => basename($this->get_cached_image($item->cover_image, $item->slug, 'anime')),
'episode_count' => $item->episode_count,
'episode_length' => $item->episode_length
// Delete the import file
// Update genre info
* Update genre information for selected anime
* @return void
private function update_genre($anime_id)
$genre_info = $this->get_genre_data();
// Get api information
$anime = $this->anime_model->get_anime($anime_id);
foreach($anime['genres'] as $genre)
// Add genres that don't currently exist
if ( ! in_array($genre['name'], $genres))
$this->db->set('genre', $genre['name'])
$genres[] = $genre['name'];
// Update link table
// Get id of genre to put in link table
$flipped_genres = array_flip($genres);
$insert_array = [
'hummingbird_id' => $anime['id'],
'genre_id' => $flipped_genres[$genre['name']]
if (array_key_exists($anime['id'], $links))
if ( ! in_array($flipped_genres[$genre['name']], $links[$anime['id']]))
* Get list of existing genres
* @return array
private function get_genre_data()
$genres = [];
$links = [];
// Get existing genres
$query = $this->db->select('id, genre')
foreach($query->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $genre)
$genres[$genre['id']] = $genre['genre'];
// Get existing link table entries
$query = $this->db->select('hummingbird_id, genre_id')
foreach($query->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $link)
if (array_key_exists($link['hummingbird_id'], $links))
$links[$link['hummingbird_id']][] = $link['genre_id'];
$links[$link['hummingbird_id']] = [$link['genre_id']];
return [
'genres' => $genres,
'links' => $links
* Update genre information for the entire collection
* @return void
private function update_genres()
// Get the anime collection
$collection = $this->_get_collection();
foreach($collection as $anime)
// Get api information
// End of AnimeCollectionModel.php
@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
* Manga API Model
namespace AnimeClient\Model;
use AnimeClient\Base\ApiModel;
use AnimeClient\Base\Config;
* Model for handling requests dealing with the manga list
class Manga extends ApiModel {
* The base url for api requests
* @var string
protected $base_url = "";
* Constructor
public function __construct(Config $config)
* Update the selected manga
* @param array $data
* @return array
public function update($data)
$id = $data['id'];
$result = $this->client->put("manga_library_entries/{$id}", [
'cookies' => ['token' => $_SESSION['hummingbird_anime_token']],
'json' => ['manga_library_entry' => $data]
return $result->json();
* Get the full set of anime lists
* @return array
public function get_all_lists()
$data = $this->_get_list();
foreach ($data as $key => &$val)
return $data;
* Get a category out of the full list
* @param string $status
* @return array
public function get_list($status)
$data = $this->_get_list($status);
return $data;
* Massage the list of manga entries into something more usable
* @param string $status
* @return array
private function _get_list($status="all")
global $defaultHandler;
$cache_file = _dir($this->config->data_cache_path, 'manga.json');
$config = [
'query' => [
'user_id' => $this->config->hummingbird_username
'allow_redirects' => FALSE
$response = $this->client->get('manga_library_entries', $config);
$defaultHandler->addDataTable('response', (array)$response);
if ($response->getStatusCode() != 200)
if ( ! file_exists($cache_file))
throw new DomainException($response->getEffectiveUrl());
$raw_data = json_decode(file_get_contents($cache_file), TRUE);
// Reorganize data to be more usable
$raw_data = $response->json();
// Attempt to create the cache dir if it doesn't exist
if ( ! is_dir($this->config->data_cache_path))
// Cache data in case of downtime
file_put_contents($cache_file, json_encode($raw_data));
// Bail out early if there isn't any manga data
if ( ! array_key_exists('manga', $raw_data)) return [];
$data = [
'Reading' => [],
'Plan to Read' => [],
'On Hold' => [],
'Dropped' => [],
'Completed' => [],
$manga_data = [];
// Massage the two lists into one
foreach($raw_data['manga'] as $manga)
$manga_data[$manga['id']] = $manga;
// Filter data by status
foreach($raw_data['manga_library_entries'] as &$entry)
$entry['manga'] = $manga_data[$entry['manga_id']];
// Cache poster images
$entry['manga']['poster_image'] = $this->get_cached_image($entry['manga']['poster_image'], $entry['manga_id'], 'manga');
case "Plan to Read":
$data['Plan to Read'][] = $entry;
case "Dropped":
$data['Dropped'][] = $entry;
case "On Hold":
$data['On Hold'][] = $entry;
case "Currently Reading":
$data['Reading'][] = $entry;
case "Completed":
$data['Completed'][] = $entry;
return (array_key_exists($status, $data)) ? $data[$status] : $data;
* Sort the manga entries by their title
* @param array $array
* @return void
private function sort_by_name(&$array)
$sort = array();
foreach($array as $key => $item)
$sort[$key] = $item['manga']['romaji_title'];
array_multisort($sort, SORT_ASC, $array);
// End of MangaModel.php
@ -70,6 +70,25 @@ return [
'code' => '301'
'login_form' => [
'path' => '/anime/login',
'action' => ['login'],
'verb' => 'get'
'login_action' => [
'path' => '/anime/login',
'action' => ['login_action'],
'verb' => 'post'
'logout' => [
'path' => '/anime/logout',
'action' => ['logout']
'update' => [
'path' => '/anime/update',
'action' => ['update'],
'verb' => 'post'
'search' => [
'path' => '/anime/search',
'action' => ['search'],
@ -149,7 +149,10 @@ class Router extends RoutingBase {
$segments = explode('/', $path);
$controller = reset($segments);
//$controller_class = '\\AnimeClient\\Controller\\' . ucfirst($controller);
if (empty($controller))
$controller = $route_type;
return $controller;
@ -44,4 +44,4 @@
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
<script src="<?= $config->asset_url('js.php?g=table') ?>"></script>
<script src="<?= $urlGenerator->asset_url('js.php?g=table') ?>"></script>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?php if (is_logged_in()): ?>
[<a href="<?= $config->full_url('collection/add', 'anime') ?>">Add Item</a>]
[<a href="<?= $urlGenerator->full_url('collection/add', 'anime') ?>">Add Item</a>]
<?php endif ?>
<?php if (empty($sections)): ?>
<h3>There's nothing here!</h3>
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
<td><?= $item['age_rating'] ?></td>
<td class="align_left"><?= $item['notes'] ?></td>
<?php if (is_logged_in()): ?>
<td>[<a href="<?= $config->full_url("collection/edit/{$item['hummingbird_id']}", "anime") ?>">Edit</a>]</td>
<td>[<a href="<?= $urlGenerator->full_url("collection/edit/{$item['hummingbird_id']}", "anime") ?>">Edit</a>]</td>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
@ -53,4 +53,4 @@
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
<script src="<?= $config->asset_url('js.php?g=table') ?>"></script>
<script src="<?= $urlGenerator->asset_url('js.php?g=table') ?>"></script>
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
<span class="flex-no-wrap small-font">
<?php if (is_logged_in()): ?>
[<a href="<?= $urlGenerator->full_url("/logout", $url_type) ?>">Logout</a>]
[<a href="<?= $urlGenerator->url("/{$url_type}/logout", $url_type) ?>">Logout</a>]
<?php else: ?>
[<a href="<?= $urlGenerator->full_url("/login", $url_type) ?>"><?= WHOSE ?> Login</a>]
[<a href="<?= $urlGenerator->url("/{$url_type}/login", $url_type) ?>"><?= WHOSE ?> Login</a>]
<?php endif ?>
@ -34,4 +34,4 @@
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
<script src="<?= $config->asset_url('js.php?g=table') ?>"></script>
<script src="<?= $urlGenerator->asset_url('js.php?g=table') ?>"></script>
@ -205,5 +205,6 @@ class RouterTest extends AnimeClient_TestCase {
$this->_set_up($config, "/", "localhost");
$this->assertEquals('//localhost/manga/all', $this->urlGenerator->default_url('manga'), "Incorrect default url");
$this->assertEquals('//localhost/anime/watching', $this->urlGenerator->default_url('anime'), "Incorrect default url");
$this->assertEquals('', $this->urlGenerator->default_url('foo'), "Incorrect default url");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user