Version 5.1 - All the GraphQL #32
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ type AiringProgression {
watching: Int
"Media Airing Schedule"
"Media Airing Schedule. NOTE: We only aim to guarantee that FUTURE airing data is present and accurate."
type AiringSchedule {
"The time the episode airs at"
airingAt: Int!
@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ type AniChartUser {
"A character that features in an anime or manga"
type Character {
"The character's age. Note this is a string, not an int, it may contain further text and additional ages."
age: String
"The character's birth date"
dateOfBirth: FuzzyDate
"A general description of the character"
"Return the string in pre-parsed html instead of markdown"
@ -232,12 +236,16 @@ type Character {
): String
"The amount of user's who have favourited the character"
favourites: Int
"The character's gender. Usually Male, Female, or Non-binary but can be any string."
gender: String
"The id of the character"
id: Int!
"Character images"
image: CharacterImage
"If the character is marked as favourite by the currently authenticated user"
isFavourite: Boolean!
"If the character is blocked from being added to favourites"
isFavouriteBlocked: Boolean!
"Media that includes the character"
onList: Boolean,
@ -272,9 +280,13 @@ type CharacterEdge {
id: Int
"The media the character is in"
media: [Media]
"Media specific character name"
name: String
node: Character
"The characters role in the media"
role: CharacterRole
"The voice actors of the character with role date"
voiceActorRoles(language: StaffLanguage, sort: [StaffSort]): [StaffRoleType]
"The voice actors of the character"
voiceActors(language: StaffLanguage, sort: [StaffSort]): [Staff]
@ -290,12 +302,16 @@ type CharacterImage {
type CharacterName {
"Other names the character might be referred to as"
alternative: [String]
"Other names the character might be referred to as but are spoilers"
alternativeSpoiler: [String]
"The character's given name"
first: String
"The character's full name"
"The character's first and last name"
full: String
"The character's surname"
last: String
"The character's middle name"
middle: String
"The character's full name in their native language"
native: String
@ -544,6 +560,8 @@ type InternalPage {
id_not: Int,
"Filter by character id"
id_not_in: [Int],
"Filter by character by if its their birthday today"
isBirthday: Boolean,
"Filter by search query"
search: String,
"The order the results will be returned in"
@ -880,6 +898,8 @@ type InternalPage {
id_not: Int,
"Filter by the staff id"
id_not_in: [Int],
"Filter by staff by if its their birthday today"
isBirthday: Boolean,
"Filter by search query"
search: String,
"The order the results will be returned in"
@ -1155,10 +1175,14 @@ type Media {
type MediaCharacter {
"The characters in the media voiced by the parent actor"
character: Character
"Media specific character name"
characterName: String
dubGroup: String
"The id of the connection"
id: Int
"The characters role in the media"
role: CharacterRole
roleNotes: String
"The voice actor of the character"
voiceActor: Staff
@ -1183,10 +1207,14 @@ type MediaCoverImage {
"Media connection edge"
type MediaEdge {
"Media specific character name"
characterName: String
"The characters role in the media"
characterRole: CharacterRole
"The characters in the media voiced by the parent actor"
characters: [Character]
"Used for grouping roles where multiple dubs exist for the same language. Either dubbing company name or language variant."
dubGroup: String
"The order the media should be displayed from the users favourites"
favouriteOrder: Int
"The id of the connection"
@ -1199,8 +1227,12 @@ type MediaEdge {
"Provide 2 to use new version 2 of relation enum"
version: Int
): MediaRelation
"Notes regarding the VA's role for the character"
roleNotes: String
"The role of the staff member in the production of the media"
staffRole: String
"The voice actors of the character with role date"
voiceActorRoles(language: StaffLanguage, sort: [StaffSort]): [StaffRoleType]
"The voice actors of the character"
voiceActors(language: StaffLanguage, sort: [StaffSort]): [Staff]
@ -1391,12 +1423,15 @@ type MediaSubmissionComparison {
type MediaSubmissionEdge {
character: Character
characterName: String
characterRole: CharacterRole
characterSubmission: Character
dubGroup: String
"The id of the direct submission"
id: Int
isMain: Boolean
media: Media
roleNotes: String
staff: Staff
staffRole: String
staffSubmission: Staff
@ -1817,6 +1852,8 @@ type Mutation {
"User's about/bio text"
about: String,
"Minutes between activity for them to be merged together. 0 is Never, Above 2 weeks (20160 mins) is Always."
activityMergeTime: Int,
"If the user should get notifications when a show they are watching aires"
airingNotifications: Boolean,
"The user's anime list options"
@ -1963,6 +2000,8 @@ type Page {
id_not: Int,
"Filter by character id"
id_not_in: [Int],
"Filter by character by if its their birthday today"
isBirthday: Boolean,
"Filter by search query"
search: String,
"The order the results will be returned in"
@ -2275,6 +2314,8 @@ type Page {
id_not: Int,
"Filter by the staff id"
id_not_in: [Int],
"Filter by staff by if its their birthday today"
isBirthday: Boolean,
"Filter by search query"
search: String,
"The order the results will be returned in"
@ -2472,6 +2513,8 @@ type Query {
id_not: Int,
"Filter by character id"
id_not_in: [Int],
"Filter by character by if its their birthday today"
isBirthday: Boolean,
"Filter by search query"
search: String,
"The order the results will be returned in"
@ -2857,6 +2900,8 @@ type Query {
id_not: Int,
"Filter by the staff id"
id_not_in: [Int],
"Filter by staff by if its their birthday today"
isBirthday: Boolean,
"Filter by search query"
search: String,
"The order the results will be returned in"
@ -3132,6 +3177,8 @@ type SiteTrendEdge {
"Voice actors or production staff"
type Staff {
"The person's age in years"
age: Int
"Media the actor voiced characters in. (Same data as characters with media as node instead of characters)"
onList: Boolean,
@ -3149,6 +3196,8 @@ type Staff {
perPage: Int,
sort: [CharacterSort]
): CharacterConnection
dateOfBirth: FuzzyDate
dateOfDeath: FuzzyDate
"A general description of the staff member"
"Return the string in pre-parsed html instead of markdown"
@ -3156,18 +3205,28 @@ type Staff {
): String
"The amount of user's who have favourited the staff member"
favourites: Int
"The staff's gender. Usually Male, Female, or Non-binary but can be any string."
gender: String
"The persons birthplace or hometown"
homeTown: String
"The id of the staff member"
id: Int!
"The staff images"
image: StaffImage
"If the staff member is marked as favourite by the currently authenticated user"
isFavourite: Boolean!
"The primary language of the staff member"
language: StaffLanguage
"If the staff member is blocked from being added to favourites"
isFavouriteBlocked: Boolean!
"The primary language the staff member dub's in"
language: StaffLanguage @deprecated(reason : "Replaced with languageV2")
"The primary language of the staff member. Current values: Japanese, English, Korean, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Chinese, Arabic, Filipino, Catalan"
languageV2: String
"Notes for site moderators"
modNotes: String
"The names of the staff member"
name: StaffName
"The person's primary occupations"
primaryOccupations: [String]
"The url for the staff page on the AniList website"
siteUrl: String
"Staff member that the submission is referencing"
@ -3189,6 +3248,8 @@ type Staff {
"Submitter for the submission"
submitter: User
updatedAt: Int @deprecated(reason : "No data available")
"[startYear, endYear] (If the 2nd value is not present staff is still active)"
yearsActive: [Int]
type StaffConnection {
@ -3222,14 +3283,26 @@ type StaffName {
alternative: [String]
"The person's given name"
first: String
"The person's full name"
"The person's first and last name"
full: String
"The person's surname"
last: String
"The person's middle name"
middle: String
"The person's full name in their native language"
native: String
"Voice actor role for a character"
type StaffRoleType {
"Used for grouping roles where multiple dubs exist for the same language. Either dubbing company name or language variant."
dubGroup: String
"Notes regarding the VA's role for the character"
roleNotes: String
"The voice actors of the character"
voiceActor: Staff
"User's staff statistics"
type StaffStats {
amount: Int
@ -3679,6 +3752,8 @@ type UserModData {
"A user's general options"
type UserOptions {
"Minutes between activity for them to be merged together. 0 is Never, Above 2 weeks (20160 mins) is Always."
activityMergeTime: Int
"Whether the user receives notifications when a show they are watching aires"
airingNotifications: Boolean
"Whether the user has enabled viewing of 18+ content"
@ -3871,6 +3946,8 @@ enum CharacterSort {
"Order manually decided by moderators"
@ -4251,6 +4328,8 @@ enum StaffSort {
"Order manually decided by moderators"
@ -4363,10 +4442,14 @@ input AniChartHighlightInput {
input CharacterNameInput {
"Other names the character might be referred by"
alternative: [String]
"Other names the character might be referred to as but are spoilers"
alternativeSpoiler: [String]
"The character's given name"
first: String
"The character's surname"
last: String
"The character's middle name"
middle: String
"The character's full name in their native language"
native: String
@ -4433,6 +4516,8 @@ input StaffNameInput {
first: String
"The person's surname"
last: String
"The person's middle name"
middle: String
"The person's full name in their native language"
native: String
@ -117,6 +117,8 @@ interface Media {
): MappingConnection!
"The time of the next release of this media"
nextRelease: ISO8601DateTime
"The country in which the media was primarily produced"
originalLocale: String
"The poster image of this media"
posterImage: Image!
"The companies which helped to produce this media"
@ -318,6 +320,8 @@ type Anime implements Episodic & Media & WithTimestamps {
): MappingConnection!
"The time of the next release of this media"
nextRelease: ISO8601DateTime
"The country in which the media was primarily produced"
originalLocale: String
"The poster image of this media"
posterImage: Image!
"The companies which helped to produce this media"
@ -648,7 +652,7 @@ type Comment implements WithTimestamps {
contentFormatted: String!
createdAt: ISO8601DateTime!
id: ID!
"Users who liked this comment."
"Users who liked this comment"
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
@ -657,13 +661,14 @@ type Comment implements WithTimestamps {
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
last: Int,
sort: [CommentLikeSortOption]
): ProfileConnection!
"The parent comment if this comment was a reply to another."
parent: Comment
"The post that this comment is attached to."
post: Post!
"All replies to a specific comment."
"Replies to this comment"
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
@ -672,7 +677,8 @@ type Comment implements WithTimestamps {
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
last: Int,
sort: [CommentSortOption]
): CommentConnection!
updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime!
@ -1197,6 +1203,8 @@ type Manga implements Media & WithTimestamps {
): MappingConnection!
"The time of the next release of this media"
nextRelease: ISO8601DateTime
"The country in which the media was primarily produced"
originalLocale: String
"The poster image of this media"
posterImage: Image!
"The companies which helped to produce this media"
@ -1624,7 +1632,7 @@ type Person implements WithTimestamps {
type Post implements WithTimestamps {
"The user who created this post."
author: Profile!
"All comments related to this post."
"All comments on this post"
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
@ -1633,7 +1641,8 @@ type Post implements WithTimestamps {
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
last: Int,
sort: [CommentSortOption]
): CommentConnection!
"Unmodified content."
content: String!
@ -1656,7 +1665,7 @@ type Post implements WithTimestamps {
isNsfw: Boolean!
"If this post spoils the tagged media."
isSpoiler: Boolean!
"Users that have liked this post."
"Users that have liked this post"
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
@ -1665,7 +1674,8 @@ type Post implements WithTimestamps {
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
last: Int,
sort: [PostLikeSortOption]
): ProfileConnection!
"When this post was locked."
lockedAt: ISO8601DateTime
@ -1816,7 +1826,8 @@ type Profile implements WithTimestamps {
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
last: Int,
sort: [FollowSortOption]
): ProfileConnection!
"People the user is following"
@ -1827,7 +1838,8 @@ type Profile implements WithTimestamps {
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
last: Int,
sort: [FollowSortOption]
): ProfileConnection!
"What the user identifies as"
gender: String
@ -1872,7 +1884,8 @@ type Profile implements WithTimestamps {
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
last: Int,
sort: [PostSortOption]
): PostConnection!
"The message this user has submitted to the Hall of Fame"
proMessage: String
@ -2438,6 +2451,23 @@ enum CharacterRoleEnum {
enum CommentLikeSortEnum {
enum CommentSortEnum {
enum FollowSortEnum {
enum LibraryEntryStatusEnum {
"The user completed this media."
@ -2528,6 +2558,15 @@ enum MediaTypeEnum {
enum PostLikeSortEnum {
enum PostSortEnum {
enum ProTierEnum {
"Aozora Pro (only hides ads)"
AO_PRO @deprecated(reason : "No longer for sale")
@ -2592,6 +2631,11 @@ enum SitePermissionEnum {
enum SortDirection {
enum TitleLanguagePreferenceEnum {
"Prefer the most commonly-used title for media"
@ -2632,6 +2676,16 @@ input AnimeUpdateInput {
youtubeTrailerVideoId: String
input CommentLikeSortOption {
direction: SortDirection!
on: CommentLikeSortEnum!
input CommentSortOption {
direction: SortDirection!
on: CommentSortEnum!
input EpisodeCreateInput {
description: Map
length: Int
@ -2653,6 +2707,11 @@ input EpisodeUpdateInput {
titles: TitlesListInput
input FollowSortOption {
direction: SortDirection!
on: FollowSortEnum!
input GenericDeleteInput {
id: ID!
@ -2742,6 +2801,16 @@ input MappingUpdateInput {
itemType: MappingItemEnum
input PostLikeSortOption {
direction: SortDirection!
on: PostLikeSortEnum!
input PostSortOption {
direction: SortDirection!
on: PostSortEnum!
input TitlesListInput {
alternatives: [String!]
canonical: String
Reference in New Issue
Block a user