Remove references to MAL syncing #4

aberto por timw4mail 2018-08-08 14:10:45 -04:00 · 0 comentários

Due to MyAnimeList's breakdown, they don't currently have an API at all. Instead of bothering to use some screen-scraping method, remove references to syncing in documentation.

Due to MyAnimeList's breakdown, they don't currently have an API at all. Instead of bothering to use some screen-scraping method, remove references to syncing in documentation.
timw4mail adicionou esta issue para o marco v4 2018-08-08 14:10:45 -04:00
timw4mail adicionou o rótulo
2018-08-08 14:10:45 -04:00
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Referência: timw4mail/HummingBirdAnimeClient#4
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