188 lines
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188 lines
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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Hummingbird Anime List Client
* An API client for Kitsu to manage anime and manga watch lists
* PHP version 7.4
* @package HummingbirdAnimeClient
* @author Timothy J. Warren <tim@timshomepage.net>
* @copyright 2015 - 2020 Timothy J. Warren
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License
* @version 5.1
* @link https://git.timshomepage.net/timw4mail/HummingBirdAnimeClient
namespace Aviat\AnimeClient\API\Kitsu\Transformer;
use Aviat\AnimeClient\API\Kitsu;
use Aviat\AnimeClient\Types\{FormItem, AnimeListItem, MangaListItem, MangaListItemDetail};
use Aviat\Ion\Transformer\AbstractTransformer;
use Aviat\Ion\Type\StringType;
* Transformer for anime list
final class LibraryEntryTransformer extends AbstractTransformer
public function transform($item)
$type = $item['media']['type'] ?? '';
$genres = [];
if ($type !== '')
$genres = array_column($item['media']['categories']['nodes'], 'title');
switch (strtolower($type))
case 'anime':
return $this->animeTransform($item, $genres);
case 'manga':
return $this->mangaTransform($item, $genres);
return [];
private function animeTransform($item, array $genres): AnimeListItem
$animeId = $item['media']['id'];
$anime = $item['media'];
$rating = (int) $item['rating'] !== 0
? $item['rating'] / 2
: '-';
$total_episodes = array_key_exists('episodeCount', $anime) && (int) $anime['episodeCount'] !== 0
? (int) $anime['episodeCount']
: '-';
$MALid = NULL;
if (isset($anime['mappings']['nodes']))
foreach ($anime['mappings']['nodes'] as $mapping)
if ($mapping['externalSite'] === 'MYANIMELIST_ANIME')
$MALid = $mapping['externalId'];
$streamingLinks = array_key_exists('nodes', $anime['streamingLinks'])
? Kitsu::parseStreamingLinks($anime['streamingLinks']['nodes'])
: [];
$titles = Kitsu::getFilteredTitles($anime['titles']);
$title = $anime['titles']['canonical'];
return AnimeListItem::from([
'id' => $item['id'],
'mal_id' => $MALid,
'episodes' => [
'watched' => (int) $item['progress'] !== 0
? (int) $item['progress']
: '-',
'total' => $total_episodes,
'length' => $anime['episodeLength'],
'airing' => [
'status' => Kitsu::getAiringStatus($anime['startDate'], $anime['endDate']),
'started' => $anime['startDate'],
'ended' => $anime['endDate']
'anime' => [
'id' => $animeId,
'age_rating' => $anime['ageRating'],
'title' => $title,
'titles' => $titles,
'slug' => $anime['slug'],
'show_type' => (string)StringType::from($anime['subtype'])->upperCaseFirst(),
'cover_image' => $anime['posterImage']['views'][1]['url'],
'genres' => $genres,
'streaming_links' => $streamingLinks,
'watching_status' => $item['status'],
'notes' => $item['notes'],
'rewatching' => (bool) $item['reconsuming'],
'rewatched' => (int) $item['reconsumeCount'],
'user_rating' => $rating,
'private' => $item['private'] ?? FALSE,
private function mangaTransform($item, array $genres): MangaListItem
$mangaId = $item['media']['id'];
$manga = $item['media'];
$rating = (int) $item['rating'] !== 0
? $item['rating'] / 2
: '-';
$totalChapters = ((int) $manga['chapterCount'] !== 0)
? $manga['chapterCount']
: '-';
$totalVolumes = ((int) $manga['volumeCount'] !== 0)
? $manga['volumeCount']
: '-';
$readChapters = ((int) $item['progress'] !== 0)
? $item['progress']
: '-';
$MALid = NULL;
if (isset($manga['mappings']['nodes']))
foreach ($manga['mappings']['nodes'] as $mapping)
if ($mapping['externalSite'] === 'MYANIMELIST_MANGA')
$MALid = $mapping['externalId'];
$titles = Kitsu::getFilteredTitles($manga['titles']);
$title = $manga['titles']['canonical'];
return MangaListItem::from([
'id' => $item['id'],
'mal_id' => $MALid,
'chapters' => [
'read' => $readChapters,
'total' => $totalChapters
'volumes' => [
'read' => '-', //$item['attributes']['volumes_read'],
'total' => $totalVolumes
'manga' => MangaListItemDetail::from([
'genres' => $genres,
'id' => $mangaId,
'image' => $manga['posterImage']['views'][1]['url'],
'slug' => $manga['slug'],
'title' => $title,
'titles' => $titles,
'type' => (string)StringType::from($manga['subtype'])->upperCaseFirst(),
'url' => 'https://kitsu.io/manga/' . $manga['slug'],
'reading_status' => strtolower($item['status']),
'notes' => $item['notes'],
'rereading' => (bool)$item['reconsuming'],
'reread' => $item['reconsumeCount'],
'user_rating' => $rating,