Update Kitsu GraphQL schema reference
This commit is contained in:
@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ interface Media {
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
): MediaCharacterConnection!
"A brief (mostly spoiler free) summary or description of the media."
description(locales: [String!]): Map!
"the day that this media made its final release"
endDate: Date
"The number of users with this in their favorites"
@ -171,8 +173,6 @@ interface Media {
startDate: Date
"The current releasing status of this media"
status: ReleaseStatus!
"A brief (mostly spoiler-free) summary/description of the media"
synopsis(locales: [String!]): Map!
"Description of when this media is expected to release"
tba: String
"The titles for this media in various locales"
@ -183,6 +183,18 @@ interface Media {
userCount: Int
"Media that is streamable."
interface Streamable {
"Spoken language is replaced by language of choice."
dubs: [String!]!
"Which regions this video is available in."
regions: [String!]!
"The site that is streaming this media."
streamer: Streamer!
"Languages this is translated to. Usually placed at bottom of media."
subs: [String!]!
"Objects which are Mappable"
union MappingItem = Anime | Category | Character | Episode | Manga | Person | Producer
@ -246,6 +258,8 @@ type Anime implements Episodic & Media {
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
): MediaCharacterConnection!
"A brief (mostly spoiler free) summary or description of the media."
description(locales: [String!]): Map!
"the day that this media made its final release"
endDate: Date
"The number of episodes in this series"
@ -336,10 +350,19 @@ type Anime implements Episodic & Media {
startDate: Date
"The current releasing status of this media"
status: ReleaseStatus!
"The stream links."
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
"Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor."
before: String,
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
): StreamingLinkConnection!
"A secondary type for categorizing Anime."
subtype: AnimeSubtype!
"A brief (mostly spoiler-free) summary/description of the media"
synopsis(locales: [String!]): Map!
"Description of when this media is expected to release"
tba: String
"The titles for this media in various locales"
@ -416,6 +439,24 @@ type AnimeEdge {
node: Anime
type AnimeMutation {
"Create an Anime."
"Create an Anime."
input: AnimeCreateInput!
): AnimeCreatePayload
"Delete an Anime."
"Delete an Anime."
input: GenericDeleteInput!
): AnimeDeletePayload
"Update an Anime."
"Update an Anime."
input: AnimeUpdateInput!
): AnimeUpdatePayload
"Autogenerated return type of AnimeUpdate"
type AnimeUpdatePayload {
anime: Anime
@ -436,8 +477,8 @@ type Category {
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
): CategoryConnection
"A description of the category."
description(locales: [String!]): Map
"A brief summary or description of the catgory."
description(locales: [String!]): Map!
id: ID!
"Whether the category is Not-Safe-for-Work."
isNsfw: Boolean!
@ -469,13 +510,65 @@ type CategoryEdge {
node: Category
"A single chapter part of a volume."
type Chapter {
id: ID!
"The manga this chapter is in."
manga: Manga!
"The number of pages in this chapter."
number: Int!
"The date when this chapter was released."
published: ISO8601Date
"A thumbnail image for the chapter."
thumbnail: Image
"The titles for this chapter in various locales"
titles: TitlesList!
"The volume this chapter is in."
volume: Volume
"The volume number this chapter is in."
volumeNumber: Int
"The connection type for Chapter."
type ChapterConnection {
"A list of edges."
edges: [ChapterEdge]
"A list of nodes."
nodes: [Chapter]
"Information to aid in pagination."
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"The total amount of nodes."
totalCount: Int!
"An edge in a connection."
type ChapterEdge {
"A cursor for use in pagination."
cursor: String!
"The item at the end of the edge."
node: Chapter
"Information about a Character in the Kitsu database"
type Character {
"A brief summary or description of the character."
description(locales: [String!]): Map!
id: ID!
"An image of the character"
image: Image
"Media this character appears in."
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
"Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor."
before: String,
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
): MediaCharacterConnection
"The name for this character in various locales"
names: TitlesList!
names: TitlesList
"The original media this character showed up in"
primaryMedia: Media
"The URL-friendly identifier of this character"
@ -576,13 +669,13 @@ type CommentEdge {
type Episode {
"The time when the episode aired"
airedAt: ISO8601DateTime
"A brief summary or description of the episode."
description(locales: [String!]): Map!
id: ID!
"The length of the Episode in seconds"
length: Int
"The sequence number of this episode in the season"
number: Int!
"A brief summary or description of the episode"
synopsis: [LocalizedString!]
"A thumbnail image for the episode"
thumbnail: Image
"The titles for this episode in various locales"
@ -623,6 +716,8 @@ type GenericDelete {
type Image {
"A blurhash-encoded version of this image"
blurhash: String
"The original image"
original: ImageView!
"The various generated views of this image"
@ -718,6 +813,18 @@ type Library {
"Information about a specific media entry for a user"
type LibraryEntry {
"History of user actions for this library entry."
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
"Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor."
before: String,
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int,
mediaTypes: [media_type!] = [ANIME]
): LibraryEventConnection
"When the user finished this media."
finishedAt: ISO8601DateTime
id: ID!
@ -784,6 +891,24 @@ type LibraryEntryEdge {
node: LibraryEntry
type LibraryEntryMutation {
"Create a Library Entry."
"Create a Library Entry"
input: LibraryEntryCreateInput!
): LibraryEntryCreatePayload
"Delete a Library Entry."
"Delete Library Entry"
input: GenericDeleteInput!
): LibraryEntryDeletePayload
"Update a Library Entry."
"Update Library Entry"
input: LibraryEntryUpdateInput!
): LibraryEntryUpdatePayload
"Autogenerated return type of LibraryEntryUpdate"
type LibraryEntryUpdatePayload {
"Graphql Errors"
@ -791,11 +916,39 @@ type LibraryEntryUpdatePayload {
libraryEntry: LibraryEntry
type LocalizedString {
"The IETF/BCP 47 locale tag for this string"
locale: String!
"The text value of this string"
text: String!
"History of user actions for a library entry."
type LibraryEvent {
"The data that was changed for this library event."
changedData: Map!
id: ID!
"The type of library event."
kind: LibraryEventKind!
"The library entry related to this library event."
libraryEntry: LibraryEntry!
"The media related to this library event."
media: Media!
"The user who created this library event"
user: Profile!
"The connection type for LibraryEvent."
type LibraryEventConnection {
"A list of edges."
edges: [LibraryEventEdge]
"A list of nodes."
nodes: [LibraryEvent]
"Information to aid in pagination."
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"The total amount of nodes."
totalCount: Int!
"An edge in a connection."
type LibraryEventEdge {
"A cursor for use in pagination."
cursor: String!
"The item at the end of the edge."
node: LibraryEvent
type Manga implements Media {
@ -822,6 +975,17 @@ type Manga implements Media {
chapterCount: Int
"The estimated number of chapters in this manga."
chapterCountGuess: Int
"The chapters in the manga."
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
"Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor."
before: String,
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
): ChapterConnection
"The characters who starred in this media"
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
@ -833,6 +997,8 @@ type Manga implements Media {
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
): MediaCharacterConnection!
"A brief (mostly spoiler free) summary or description of the media."
description(locales: [String!]): Map!
"the day that this media made its final release"
endDate: Date
"The number of users with this in their favorites"
@ -909,8 +1075,6 @@ type Manga implements Media {
status: ReleaseStatus!
"A secondary type for categorizing Manga."
subtype: MangaSubtype!
"A brief (mostly spoiler-free) summary/description of the media"
synopsis(locales: [String!]): Map!
"Description of when this media is expected to release"
tba: String
"The titles for this media in various locales"
@ -1170,37 +1334,9 @@ type MediaStaffEdge {
type Mutation {
"Create an Anime."
"Create an Anime."
input: AnimeCreateInput!
): AnimeCreatePayload
"Create a Library Entry"
"Create a Library Entry"
input: LibraryEntryCreateInput!
): LibraryEntryCreatePayload
"Delete an Anime."
"Delete an Anime."
input: GenericDeleteInput!
): AnimeDeletePayload
"Delete a Library Entry"
"Delete Library Entry"
input: GenericDeleteInput!
): LibraryEntryDeletePayload
anime: AnimeMutation
libraryEntry: LibraryEntryMutation
pro: ProMutation!
"Update an Anime."
"Update an Anime."
input: AnimeUpdateInput!
): AnimeUpdatePayload
"Update a Library Entry"
"Update Library Entry"
input: LibraryEntryUpdateInput!
): LibraryEntryUpdatePayload
"Information about pagination in a connection."
@ -1221,10 +1357,10 @@ A Voice Actor, Director, Animator, or other person who works in the creation and
localization of media
type Person {
"A short biography of the person"
biography: Person
"The day when this person was born"
birthday: Date
"A brief biography or description of the person."
description(locales: [String!]): Map!
id: ID!
"An image of the person"
image: Image
@ -1234,8 +1370,17 @@ type Person {
names: TitlesList!
"The URL-friendly identifier of this person."
slug: String!
"The voice-acting roles this person has had"
voices: CharacterVoice
"The voice-acting roles this person has had."
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
"Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor."
before: String,
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
): CharacterVoiceConnection
"A post that is visible to your followers and globally in the news-feed."
@ -1491,6 +1636,18 @@ type Query {
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
): AnimeConnection!
"All Anime with specific Status"
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
"Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor."
before: String,
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int,
status: ReleaseStatus!
): AnimeConnection
"Kitsu account details. You must supply an Authorization token in header."
currentAccount: Account
"Find a single Anime by ID"
@ -1505,6 +1662,8 @@ type Query {
findCharacterById(id: ID!): Character
"Find a single Character by Slug"
findCharacterBySlug(slug: String!): Character
"Find a single Library Entry by ID"
findLibraryEntryById(id: ID!): LibraryEntry
"Find a single Manga by ID"
findMangaById(id: ID!): Manga
"Find a single Manga by Slug"
@ -1529,6 +1688,31 @@ type Query {
last: Int,
medium: String!
): MediaConnection!
"List of Library Entries by MediaType and MediaId"
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
"Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor."
before: String,
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int,
mediaId: ID!,
mediaType: media_type!
): LibraryEntryConnection
"List of Library Entries by MediaType"
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
"Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor."
before: String,
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int,
mediaType: media_type!
): LibraryEntryConnection
"List trending media within your network"
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
@ -1554,6 +1738,18 @@ type Query {
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
): MangaConnection!
"All Manga with specific Status"
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
"Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor."
before: String,
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int,
status: ReleaseStatus!
): MangaConnection
"Patrons sorted by a Proprietary Magic Algorithm"
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
@ -1689,13 +1885,79 @@ type SiteLinkEdge {
node: SiteLink
"The streaming company."
type Streamer {
id: ID!
"The name of the site that is streaming this media."
siteName: String!
"Additional media this site is streaming."
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
"Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor."
before: String,
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
): StreamingLinkConnection!
"Videos of the media being streamed."
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
"Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor."
before: String,
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
): VideoConnection!
"The stream link."
type StreamingLink implements Streamable {
"Spoken language is replaced by language of choice."
dubs: [String!]!
id: ID!
"The media being streamed"
media: Media!
"Which regions this video is available in."
regions: [String!]!
"The site that is streaming this media."
streamer: Streamer!
"Languages this is translated to. Usually placed at bottom of media."
subs: [String!]!
"Fully qualified URL for the streaming link."
url: String!
"The connection type for StreamingLink."
type StreamingLinkConnection {
"A list of edges."
edges: [StreamingLinkEdge]
"A list of nodes."
nodes: [StreamingLink]
"Information to aid in pagination."
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"The total amount of nodes."
totalCount: Int!
"An edge in a connection."
type StreamingLinkEdge {
"A cursor for use in pagination."
cursor: String!
"The item at the end of the edge."
node: StreamingLink
type TitlesList {
"A list of additional, alternative, abbreviated, or unofficial titles"
alternatives: [String!]!
alternatives: [String!]
"The official or de facto international title"
canonical: String!
canonical: String
"The locale code that identifies which title is used as the canonical title"
canonicalLocale: String!
canonicalLocale: String
"The list of localized titles keyed by locale"
localized(locales: [String!]): Map!
@ -1707,6 +1969,69 @@ type UnsubscribePayload {
expiresAt: ISO8601DateTime
"The media video."
type Video implements Streamable {
"Spoken language is replaced by language of choice."
dubs: [String!]!
"The episode of this video"
episode: Episode!
id: ID!
"Which regions this video is available in."
regions: [String!]!
"The site that is streaming this media."
streamer: Streamer!
"Languages this is translated to. Usually placed at bottom of media."
subs: [String!]!
"The url of the video."
url: String!
"The connection type for Video."
type VideoConnection {
"A list of edges."
edges: [VideoEdge]
"A list of nodes."
nodes: [Video]
"Information to aid in pagination."
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"The total amount of nodes."
totalCount: Int!
"An edge in a connection."
type VideoEdge {
"A cursor for use in pagination."
cursor: String!
"The item at the end of the edge."
node: Video
"A manga volume which can contain multiple chapters."
type Volume {
"The chapters in this volume."
"Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor."
after: String,
"Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor."
before: String,
"Returns the first _n_ elements from the list."
first: Int,
"Returns the last _n_ elements from the list."
last: Int
): ChapterConnection
id: ID!
"The isbn number of this volume."
isbn: [String!]!
"The manga this volume is in."
manga: Manga!
"The volume number."
number: Int!
"The date when this chapter was released."
published: ISO8601Date
"The titles for this chapter in various locales"
titles: TitlesList!
enum AgeRating {
"Acceptable for all ages"
@ -1754,6 +2079,19 @@ enum LibraryEntryStatus {
enum LibraryEventKind {
"Notes were added/updated."
"Progress or Time Spent was added/updated."
"Rating was added/updated."
"Reaction was added/updated."
"Status or Reconsuming was added/updated."
enum MangaSubtype {
"Self published work."
@ -1863,12 +2201,12 @@ input AnimeCreateInput {
ageRating: AgeRating
ageRatingGuide: String
bannerImage: Upload
description: Map!
endDate: Date
episodeCount: Int
episodeLength: Int
posterImage: Upload
startDate: Date
synopsis: Map!
tba: String
titles: TitlesListInput!
youtubeTrailerVideoId: String
@ -1878,13 +2216,13 @@ input AnimeUpdateInput {
ageRating: AgeRating
ageRatingGuide: String
bannerImage: Upload
description: Map
endDate: Date
episodeCount: Int
episodeLength: Int
id: ID!
posterImage: Upload
startDate: Date
synopsis: Map
tba: String
titles: TitlesListInput
youtubeTrailerVideoId: String
Reference in New Issue
Block a user