A query builder/database abstraction layer, using prepared statements for security.
- PDO extensions for the databases you wish to use
- PHP 7.4 or later
Databases Supported
- MySQL 5+ / MariaDB
- PostgreSQL 8.4+
- SQLite
Including Query in your application
- Install via composer and include
Create a connection array or object similar to this:
$params = array(
'type' => 'mysql', // mysql, pgsql, sqlite
'host' => 'localhost', // address or socket
'user' => 'root',
'pass' => '',
'port' => '3306',
'database' => 'test_db',
// Only required for
// SQLite
'file' => '/path/to/db/file',
// Optional parameters
'prefix' => 'tbl_', // Database table prefix
'alias' => 'old' // Connection name for the Query function
$db = Query($params);
The parameters required depend on the database.
Query function
You can use the Query()
function as a reference to the last connected database. E.g.
// or
$result = Query()->query($sql);
If the alias
key is set in the parameters, you can refer to a specific database connection
// Set the alias in the connection parameters
$params['alias'] = 'old';
// Connect to the legacy database
Running Queries
Query is based on CodeIgniter's Query Builder class. However, it has camelCased method names, and does not implement the caching methods. For specific query builder methods, see the class documentation.
Other database methods not directly involved in building queries, are also available from the query builder object. The methods available depend on the database, but common methods are documented here.
You can also run queries manually.
To run a prepared statement, call
$db->prepareExecute($sql, $params)
To run a plain query, $db->query($sql)
Retrieving Results:
An example of a moderately complex query:
$query = $db->select('id, key as k, val')
->from('table t')
->where('k >', 3)
->orWhere('id !=', 5)
->orderBy('val', 'DESC')
->limit(3, 1)
This will generate a query similar to (with this being the output for a PostgreSQL database):
SELECT "id", "key" AS "k", "val"
FROM "table" "t"
WHERE "k" > ?
OR "id" != ?
The query execution methods get
, getWhere
, insert
, and delete
return a native PDOStatement object.
To retrieve the results of a query, use the PDOStatement method fetch and/or
$query = $db->get('table_name');
$results = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
Inserting / Updating
An example of an insert query:
$query = $db->set('foo', 'bar')
->set('foobar', 'baz')
->where('foo !=', 'bar')
An example of an update query:
$query = $db->set('foo', 'bar')
->set('foobar', 'baz')
->where('foo !=', 'bar')
The set
method can also take an array as a parameter, instead of setting individual values.