
133 lines
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* OpenSQLManager
* Free Database manager for Open Source Databases
* @author Timothy J. Warren
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2012
* @link
* @license
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Connection_Sidebar extends GtkVBox {
public function __construct()
$this->settings =& Settings::get_instance();
$dblabel = new GtkLabel('Database Connections');
$add_button = new GtkButton();
$add_button->set_label("New Connnection");
$add_button->set_image(GTKImage::new_from_stock(GTK::STOCK_ADD, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR));
$add_button->connect_simple('clicked', array($this, 'new_conn'));
$this->pack_start($dblabel, FALSE, FALSE);
// Treeview to show database connections
// Create a Storage object for connection list
$model = new GtkListStore(GObject::TYPE_PHP_VALUE, GObject::TYPE_STRING);
// Add the existing connections to the model
$db_conns = $this->settings->get_dbs();
if( ! empty($db_conns))
foreach($db_conns as $name => $props)
$db = $props;
$db->name = $name;
$iter = $model->append();
$model->set($iter, 0, $db);
// Initialize the treeview with the data
$treeview = new GtkTreeView($model);
// Icon column
$cell_renderer = new GtkCellRendererPixbuf();
$treeview->insert_column_with_data_func(0, 'Type', $cell_renderer, array(&$this, 'set_icon'));
// Label column
$cell_renderer = new GtkCellRendererText();
$treeview->insert_column_with_data_func(1, 'Connection name', $cell_renderer, array(&$this, 'set_label'));
$selection = $treeview->get_selection();
$this->pack_start($add_button, FALSE);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Sets the icon for the current db type
* @param GtkTreeView Column $col
* @param GtkCellRenderer $cell
* @param GtkTreeModel $model
* @param GtkTreeIter $iter
public function set_icon($col, $cell, $model, $iter)
$info = $model->get_value($iter, 0);
$db_type = strtolower($info->type);
$img_file = BASE_DIR."/images/{$db_type}-logo-32.png";
$cell->set_property('pixbuf', GdkPixbuf::new_from_file($img_file));
// Load an empty image if the db image doesn't exist
$img = new GtkImage();
$cell->set_property('pixbuf', $img->get_pixbuf());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Sets the label of the current db connection
* @param GtkTreeViewColumn $col
* @param GtkCellRenderer $cell
* @param GtkTreeModel $model
* @param GtkTreeIter $iter
public function set_label($col, $cell, $model, $iter)
$info = $model->get_value($iter, 0);
$cell->set_property('text', $info->name);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns window for creating a new database connection
* @return Add_DB object
public function new_conn()
return new Add_DB();