use std::io; // Lets us type `Add("Todo item".to_string())` instead of `TodoAction::Add("Todo item".to_string()) use TodoAction::{ Add, Remove, Toggle }; // Same with the Action enum and VisibilityFilter, Action::* would work too, but this way we list what we use use Action::{ Todos, Visibility }; use VisibilityFilter::{ ShowActive, ShowAll, ShowCompleted }; // Ripping off the canonical Redux todo example we'll add a // visibility filter to our state in addation to the todos we already had // This state struct will be the single source of state for our todo list program #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct State { todos: Vec, visibility_filter: VisibilityFilter } // By implementing a struct we are creating something very much like // a class, we can attach methods to it refering to `&self` or `&mut self` impl State { // Can be called with State::default() fn default() -> State { State { todos: Vec::new(), visibility_filter: VisibilityFilter::ShowAll, } } } // Same Todo as last time... #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct Todo { id: i16, title: String, completed: bool, deleted: bool, } // Create a convenient Todo::new(id, title) method impl Todo { pub fn new(id: i16, title: String) -> Todo { Todo { id: id, title: title, completed: false, deleted: false, } } } // Redux store implementation struct Store { state: State, listeners: Vec, reducer: fn(&State, Action) -> State, } impl Store { // Takes a reducer function as the only argument // To keep it simple, State::default() privides the initial state in this example fn create_store(reducer: fn(&State, Action) -> State) -> Store { Store { state: State::default(), listeners: Vec::new(), reducer: reducer, } } // Pushes a listener that will be called for any state change fn subscribe(&mut self, listener: fn(&State)) { self.listeners.push(listener); } // Simply returns a borrowed reference to the state #[allow(dead_code)] fn get_state(&self) -> &State { &self.state } // Called for every new action, calls the reducer to update the state // and then calls every listener with the new State fn dispatch(&mut self, action: Action) { self.state = (self.reducer)(&self.state, action); for listener in &self.listeners { listener(&self.state); } } } // Rust has enums, so the enum type can replace the "type" property of Redux objects // The enums will replace `action_creators` too since Todos(Add("Todo item".to_string())) // is pretty clear #[derive(Clone, Debug)] enum Action { Todos(TodoAction), Visibility(VisibilityFilter), } // mark_done from the previous example becomes Toggle to align with the Redux example // otherwise functionality is the same #[derive(Clone, Debug)] enum TodoAction { Add(String), Toggle(i16), Remove(i16), } // Our 3 visibility states #[derive(Clone, Debug)] enum VisibilityFilter { ShowActive, ShowAll, ShowCompleted, } // Helper function for getting a mutable todo from a vector by todo_id fn get_mut_todo(todos: &mut Vec, todo_id: i16) -> Option<&mut Todo> { todos.iter_mut().find(|todo| == todo_id) } // Our main reducer, returns a new State with the results of the child-reducers // No combineReducers is implemented here, so it calls the child reducers // by function name fn reducer(state: &State, action: Action) -> State { // Always return a new state State { todos: todo_reducer(&state.todos, &action), visibility_filter: visibility_reducer(&state.visibility_filter, &action), } } // Our todo reducer, takes in state (todo list) and returns a new/cloned version // after applying the action (is applicable) fn todo_reducer(state: &Vec, action: &Action) -> Vec { let mut new_state: Vec = state.clone(); // First we make sure it's a `Todos` action, otherwise return clone of incoming state match *action { Todos(ref todo_action) => match *todo_action { // Pretty simple from here on, check the type of Todos enum type // If Add push a new item, and if `Toggle` or `Remove` user our get_mut_todo // helper function and then change a property on the todo Add(ref title) => { let new_id = new_state.len() as i16 + 1; new_state.push(Todo::new(new_id, title.to_string())) }, Toggle(todo_id) => { if let Some(todo) = get_mut_todo(&mut new_state, todo_id) { if todo.completed { todo.completed = false; } else { todo.completed = true } } }, Remove(todo_id) => { if let Some(todo) = get_mut_todo(&mut new_state, todo_id) { todo.deleted = true; } }, }, // If it's not a Todos action change nothing _ => (), } return new_state; } // Very simple reducer since the action will either be a VisibilityFilter, in which // case we will return that, otherwise just return the incoming state fn visibility_reducer(state: &VisibilityFilter, action: &Action) -> VisibilityFilter { match *action { Visibility(ref vis_action) => vis_action.clone(), _ => state.clone(), } } // Very simple function to print a todo fn print_todo(todo: &Todo) { let done = if todo.completed { "✔" } else { " " }; println!("[{}] {} {}", done,, todo.title); } fn print_todos(state: &State) { let visibility = &state.visibility_filter; println!("\n\nTodo List:\n--------------------"); for todo in &state.todos { if !todo.deleted { match *visibility { ShowAll => print_todo(&todo), ShowCompleted => if todo.completed { print_todo(&todo) }, ShowActive => if !todo.completed { print_todo(&todo) }, } } } println!("-------------------\nVisibility filter: {:?}", visibility); print_instructions(); } fn print_instructions() { println!("\nAvailable commands: \nadd [text] - toggle [id] - remove [id]\n show [all|active|completed]"); } fn invalid_command(command: &str) { println!("Invalid command: '{}'", command); } fn main() { // Let's create our store and subscribe with print_todos so every update is printed let mut store = Store::create_store(reducer); store.subscribe(print_todos); print_instructions(); // Same input handling as the last time, the interesting parts will be in our match statement loop { // Assign input lines to the `command` variable let mut command = String::new(); io::stdin() .read_line(&mut command) .expect("failed to read line"); // Split input on whitespace let command_parts: Vec<&str> = command.split_whitespace().collect(); // Now match the size of the vector holding the separate words in the command match command_parts.len() { // If 0 we can't really do much 0 => invalid_command(&command), _ => { match command_parts[0] { // Since we prepared so well we just need to call dispatch on our store // with the right action "add" => store.dispatch(Todos(Add(command_parts[1..].join(" ").to_string() ))), "remove" => if let Ok(num) = command_parts[1].parse::() { store.dispatch(Todos(Remove(num))); }, "toggle" => if let Ok(num) = command_parts[1].parse::() { store.dispatch(Todos(Toggle(num))); }, "show" => match command_parts[1] { "all" => store.dispatch(Visibility(ShowAll)), "active" => store.dispatch(Visibility(ShowActive)), "completed" => store.dispatch(Visibility(ShowCompleted)), _ => invalid_command(&command), }, _ => invalid_command(&command), } } } } }