#[macro_use] extern crate nickel; extern crate rustc_serialize; extern crate handlebars; use nickel::{Nickel, HttpRouter, FormBody}; use std::io; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; mod todo; mod store; mod template; // Lets us type `Add("Todo item".to_string())` instead of `TodoAction::Add("Todo item".to_string()) use todo::TodoAction::{ Add, Remove, Toggle }; // Same with the Action enum and VisibilityFilter, Action::* would work too, but this way we list what we use use store::Action::{ Todos, Visibility }; use store::VisibilityFilter::{ ShowActive, ShowAll, ShowCompleted }; use todo::{Todo}; use store::{ Store, State, reducer }; use template::render; fn main() { let mut server = Nickel::new(); // Create our todo list store let mut store = Store::create_store(reducer); // Add some todos so we've got something to remember store.dispatch( Todos( Add("one thing".to_string()) ) ); store.dispatch( Todos( Add("another thing".to_string()) ) ); // Put the store in a container that will let us // safely use it in multi-threaded environment let store_container = Arc::new( Mutex::new(store) ); // Every clone of our container is counted // so that when the last clone goes out of scope // the container can be deallocated let store = store_container.clone(); // At the / path let's just render our current todo list server.get("/", middleware! { |_req, res| // We get our store from the container by locking it // from other threads let store = store.lock().unwrap(); // Render from nickel_mustache takes the // nickel Result struct, a path to a mustache // template, and the data to use return render(res, "./src/todos.tpl", store.get_state()) // And here the lock is released... }); // Let's clone it again for the next closure let store = store_container.clone(); // This time we look for requests like /toggle/1 server.get("/:action/:id", middleware! { |_req, res| // We will dispatch an action on our store so we // get a mutable reference let mut store = store.lock().unwrap(); // We try to parse the id param to an int, this words for the // toggle and remove actions if let Ok(num) = _req.param("id").unwrap().parse::() { match _req.param("action").unwrap() { "toggle" => { store.dispatch( Todos( Toggle(num) ) ) }, "remove" => store.dispatch( Todos ( Remove(num) ) ), _ => (), } } else { // Otherwise look for a show action match _req.param("action").unwrap() { "show" => { match _req.param("id").unwrap() { "all" => store.dispatch( Visibility(ShowAll) ), "active" => store.dispatch( Visibility(ShowActive) ), "completed" => store.dispatch( Visibility(ShowCompleted) ), _ => (), } }, _ => (), } } // And render the now updated todo list return render(res, "./src/todos.tpl", store.get_state()) }); // Let's clone it again for the next closure let store = store_container.clone(); server.post("/*", middleware! { |req, res| let mut store = store.lock().unwrap(); let form_body = req.form_body().ok().unwrap(); if let Some(new_todo) = form_body.get("todo") { if new_todo.len() > 0 { store.dispatch( Todos( Add(new_todo.to_string()) ) ); } } return render(res, "./src/todos.tpl", store.get_state()) }); server.listen(""); }