describe 'database' do before do `rm -rf test.db` end def run_script(commands) raw_output = nil IO.popen("./db test.db", "r+") do |pipe| commands.each do |command| pipe.puts command end pipe.close_write # Read entire output raw_output = pipe.gets(nil) end raw_output.split("\n") end it 'inserts and retreives a row' do result = run_script([ "insert 1 user1", "select", ".exit", ]) expect(result).to eq([ "db > Executed.", "db > (1, user1,", "Executed.", "db > ", ]) end it 'prints error message when table is full' do script = (1..1401).map do |i| "insert #{i} user#{i} person#{i}" end script << ".exit" result = run_script(script) expect(result[-2]).to eq('db > Error: Table full.') end it 'allows inserting strings that are the maximum length' do long_username = "a"*32 long_email = "a"*255 script = [ "insert 1 #{long_username} #{long_email}", "select", ".exit", ] result = run_script(script) expect(result).to eq([ "db > Executed.", "db > (1, #{long_username}, #{long_email})", "Executed.", "db > ", ]) end it 'prints error message if strings are too long' do long_username = "a"*33 long_email = "a"*256 script = [ "insert 1 #{long_username} #{long_email}", "select", ".exit", ] result = run_script(script) expect(result).to eq([ "db > String is too long.", "db > Executed.", "db > ", ]) end it 'prints an error message if id is negative' do script = [ "insert -1 cstack", "select", ".exit", ] result = run_script(script) expect(result).to eq([ "db > ID must be positive.", "db > Executed.", "db > ", ]) end it 'keeps data after closing connection' do result1 = run_script([ "insert 1 user1", ".exit", ]) expect(result1).to eq([ "db > Executed.", "db > ", ]) result2 = run_script([ "select", ".exit", ]) expect(result2).to eq([ "db > (1, user1,", "Executed.", "db > ", ]) end end