use ::bracket_lib::prelude::*; use ::specs::prelude::*; use crate::components::{ Attributes, EquipmentSlot, Equipped, HungerClock, HungerState, Name, NaturalAttackDefense, Pools, Skill, Skills, WantsToMelee, Weapon, WeaponAttribute, Wearable, }; use crate::effects::{add_effect, EffectType, Targets}; use crate::gamesystem::skill_bonus; use crate::rng::roll_dice; use crate::{colors, gamelog}; pub struct MeleeCombatSystem {} impl<'a> System<'a> for MeleeCombatSystem { #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] type SystemData = ( Entities<'a>, WriteStorage<'a, WantsToMelee>, ReadStorage<'a, Name>, ReadStorage<'a, Attributes>, ReadStorage<'a, Skills>, ReadStorage<'a, HungerClock>, ReadStorage<'a, Pools>, ReadStorage<'a, Equipped>, ReadStorage<'a, Weapon>, ReadStorage<'a, Wearable>, ReadStorage<'a, NaturalAttackDefense>, ); fn run(&mut self, data: Self::SystemData) { let ( entities, mut wants_melee, names, attributes, skills, hunger_clock, pools, equipped_items, meleeweapons, wearables, natural, ) = data; for (entity, wants_melee, name, attacker_attributes, attacker_skills, attacker_pools) in ( &entities, &wants_melee, &names, &attributes, &skills, &pools, ) .join() { // Are the attacker and defender alive? Only attack if they are let target_pools = pools.get(; let target_attributes = attributes.get(; let target_skills = skills.get(; if attacker_pools.hit_points.current > 0 && target_pools.hit_points.current > 0 { let target_name = names.get(; // Define the basic unarmed attack -- overridden by wielding check below if a weapon is equipped let mut weapon_info = Weapon { range: None, attribute: WeaponAttribute::Might, hit_bonus: 0, damage_n_dice: 1, damage_die_type: 4, damage_bonus: 0, proc_chance: None, proc_target: None, }; if let Some(nat) = natural.get(entity) { if !nat.attacks.is_empty() { let attack_index = if nat.attacks.len() == 1 { 0 } else { roll_dice(1, nat.attacks.len() as i32) as usize - 1 }; let attk = &nat.attacks[attack_index]; weapon_info.hit_bonus = attk.hit_bonus; weapon_info.damage_n_dice = attk.damage_n_dice; weapon_info.damage_die_type = attk.damage_die_type; weapon_info.damage_bonus = attk.damage_bonus; } } let mut weapon_entity: Option = None; for (weaponentity, wielded, melee) in (&entities, &equipped_items, &meleeweapons).join() { if wielded.owner == entity && wielded.slot == EquipmentSlot::Melee { weapon_info = melee.clone(); weapon_entity = Some(weaponentity); } } let natural_roll = roll_dice(1, 20); let attribute_hit_bonus = if weapon_info.attribute == WeaponAttribute::Might { attacker_attributes.might.bonus } else { attacker_attributes.quickness.bonus }; let skill_hit_bonus = skill_bonus(Skill::Melee, &*attacker_skills); let weapon_hit_bonus = weapon_info.hit_bonus; let mut status_hit_bonus = 0; if let Some(hc) = hunger_clock.get(entity) { // Well-Fed grants +1 if hc.state == HungerState::WellFed { status_hit_bonus += 1; } } let modified_hit_roll = natural_roll + attribute_hit_bonus + skill_hit_bonus + weapon_hit_bonus + status_hit_bonus; let mut armor_item_bonus_f = 0.0; for (wielded, armor) in (&equipped_items, &wearables).join() { if wielded.owner == { armor_item_bonus_f += armor.armor_class; } } let base_armor_class = match natural.get( { None => 10, Some(nat) => nat.armor_class.unwrap_or(10), }; let armor_quickness_bonus = target_attributes.quickness.bonus; let armor_skill_bonus = skill_bonus(Skill::Defense, &*target_skills); let armor_item_bonus = armor_item_bonus_f as i32; let armor_class = base_armor_class + armor_quickness_bonus + armor_skill_bonus + armor_item_bonus; if natural_roll != 1 && (natural_roll == 20 || modified_hit_roll > armor_class) { // Target hit! Until we support weapons, we're going with 1d4 let base_damage = roll_dice(1, 4); let attr_damage_bonus = attacker_attributes.might.bonus; let skill_damage_bonus = skill_bonus(Skill::Melee, &*attacker_skills); let weapon_damage_bonus = weapon_info.damage_bonus; let damage = i32::max( 0, base_damage + attr_damage_bonus + skill_hit_bonus + skill_damage_bonus + weapon_damage_bonus, ); add_effect( Some(entity), EffectType::Damage { amount: damage }, Targets::Single { target:, }, ); gamelog::Logger::new() .npc_name(& .append("hits") .npc_name(& .append("for") .damage(damage) .append("hp.") .log(); // Proc effects if let Some(chance) = &weapon_info.proc_chance { if roll_dice(1, 100) <= (chance * 100.0) as i32 { let effect_target = if weapon_info.proc_target.is_some() && weapon_info.proc_target.unwrap() == "Self" { Targets::Single { target: entity } } else { Targets::Single { target:, } }; add_effect( Some(entity), EffectType::ItemUse { item: weapon_entity.unwrap(), }, effect_target, ); } } } else if natural_roll == 1 { // Natural 1 miss gamelog::color_line(colors::CYAN, & .append("considers attacking") .append_color(colors::CYAN, & .append("but misjudges the timing!") .log(); add_effect( None, EffectType::Particle { glyph: to_cp437('‼'), fg: colors::BLUE, bg: colors::BLACK, lifespan: 200.0, }, Targets::Single { target:, }, ); } else { // Miss gamelog::color_line(colors::CYAN, & .append("attacks") .append_color(colors::CYAN, & .append("but can't connect.") .log(); add_effect( None, EffectType::Particle { glyph: to_cp437('‼'), fg: colors::CYAN, bg: colors::BLACK, lifespan: 200.0, }, Targets::Single { target:, }, ); } } } wants_melee.clear(); } }