include run: $(call print-help, run, Runs the binary in develop mode) cargo run run-pi: $(call print-help, run-pi, Sets appropriate flags so that the game runs on a Raspberry Pi) MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.0 MESA_GLSL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=330 cargo run clean: $(call print-help, clean, Removes save file and compilation artifacts) rm -f savegame.json cargo clean check: $(call print-help, check, Check code syntax) cargo check lint: $(call print-help, lint, Check code syntax and style) cargo clippy fmt: $(call print-help, fmt, Runs formatter on code) cargo +nightly fmt fix: $(call print-help, fix, Fixes some warnings, then runs the formatter) cargo fix --allow-dirty --allow-staged cargo +nightly fmt docs: $(call print-help, docs, Generates code docs) cargo doc .phony: run-pi clean check run fmt fix lint docs