use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use ::regex::Regex; use ::rltk::{RandomNumberGenerator, RGB}; use ::specs::prelude::*; use ::specs::saveload::{MarkedBuilder, SimpleMarker}; use crate::components::*; use crate::gamesystem::{mana_at_level, npc_hp}; use crate::map::MasterDungeonMap; use crate::random_table::RandomTable; use crate::raws::{Raws, Reaction, RAWS}; pub fn parse_dice_string(dice: &str) -> (i32, i32, i32) { lazy_static! { static ref DICE_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"(\d+)d(\d+)([\+\-]\d+)?").unwrap(); } let mut n_dice = 1; let mut die_type = 4; let mut die_bonus = 0; for cap in DICE_RE.captures_iter(dice) { if let Some(group) = cap.get(1) { n_dice = group.as_str().parse::().expect("Not a digit"); } if let Some(group) = cap.get(2) { die_type = group.as_str().parse::().expect("Not a digit"); } if let Some(group) = cap.get(3) { die_bonus = group.as_str().parse::().expect("Not a digit"); } } (n_dice, die_type, die_bonus) } pub enum SpawnType { AtPosition { x: i32, y: i32 }, Equipped { by: Entity }, Carried { by: Entity }, } pub struct RawMaster { raws: Raws, item_index: HashMap, mob_index: HashMap, prop_index: HashMap, loot_index: HashMap, faction_index: HashMap>, } impl RawMaster { pub fn empty() -> RawMaster { RawMaster { raws: Raws { items: Vec::new(), mobs: Vec::new(), props: Vec::new(), spawn_table: Vec::new(), loot_tables: Vec::new(), faction_table: Vec::new(), }, item_index: HashMap::new(), mob_index: HashMap::new(), prop_index: HashMap::new(), loot_index: HashMap::new(), faction_index: HashMap::new(), } } pub fn load(&mut self, raws: Raws) { self.raws = raws; self.item_index = HashMap::new(); let mut used_names: HashSet = HashSet::new(); for (i, item) in self.raws.items.iter().enumerate() { if used_names.contains(& { rltk::console::log(format!( "WARNING - duplicate item name in raws [{}]", )); } self.item_index.insert(, i); used_names.insert(; } for (i, mob) in self.raws.mobs.iter().enumerate() { if used_names.contains(& { rltk::console::log(format!( "WARNING - duplicate mob name in raws [{}]", )); } self.mob_index.insert(, i); used_names.insert(; } for (i, prop) in self.raws.props.iter().enumerate() { if used_names.contains(& { rltk::console::log(format!( "WARNING - duplicate prop name in raws [{}]", )); } self.prop_index.insert(, i); used_names.insert(; } for spawn in self.raws.spawn_table.iter() { if !used_names.contains(& { rltk::console::log(format!( "WARNING - Spawn tables references unspecified entity {}", )); } } for (i, loot) in self.raws.loot_tables.iter().enumerate() { self.loot_index.insert(, i); } for faction in self.raws.faction_table.iter() { let mut reactions: HashMap = HashMap::new(); for other in faction.responses.iter() { reactions.insert( other.0.clone(), match other.1.as_str() { "ignore" => Reaction::Ignore, "flee" => Reaction::Flee, _ => Reaction::Attack, }, ); } self.faction_index.insert(, reactions); } } } #[inline(always)] pub fn faction_reaction(my_faction: &str, their_faction: &str, raws: &RawMaster) -> Reaction { if raws.faction_index.contains_key(my_faction) { let mf = &raws.faction_index[my_faction]; return if mf.contains_key(their_faction) { mf[their_faction] } else if mf.contains_key("Default") { mf["Default"] } else { Reaction::Ignore }; } Reaction::Ignore } fn find_slot_for_equippable_item(tag: &str, raws: &RawMaster) -> EquipmentSlot { if !raws.item_index.contains_key(tag) { panic!("Trying to equip an unknown item: {}", tag); } let item_index = raws.item_index[tag]; let item = &raws.raws.items[item_index]; if item.weapon.is_some() { return EquipmentSlot::Melee; } else if let Some(wearable) = &item.wearable { return string_to_slot(&wearable.slot); } panic!("Trying to equip {}, but it has not slot tag", tag); } pub fn get_vendor_items(categories: &[String], raws: &RawMaster) -> Vec<(String, f32)> { let mut result = Vec::new(); for item in raws.raws.items.iter() { if let Some(cat) = &item.vendor_category { if categories.contains(cat) && item.base_value.is_some() { result.push((, item.base_value.unwrap())) } } } result } pub fn get_scroll_tags() -> Vec { let raws = &RAWS.lock().unwrap(); let mut result = Vec::new(); for item in raws.raws.items.iter() { if let Some(magic) = &item.magic { if &magic.naming == "scroll" { result.push(; } } } result } pub fn get_potion_tags() -> Vec { let raws = &RAWS.lock().unwrap(); let mut result = Vec::new(); for item in raws.raws.items.iter() { if let Some(magic) = &item.magic { if &magic.naming == "potion" { result.push(; } } } result } pub fn is_tag_magic(tag: &str) -> bool { let raws = &RAWS.lock().unwrap(); if raws.item_index.contains_key(tag) { let item_template = &raws.raws.items[raws.item_index[tag]]; item_template.magic.is_some() } else { false } } fn spawn_position<'a>( pos: SpawnType, new_entity: EntityBuilder<'a>, tag: &str, raws: &RawMaster, ) -> EntityBuilder<'a> { let eb = new_entity; // Spawn in the specified location match pos { SpawnType::AtPosition { x, y } => eb.with(Position { x, y }), SpawnType::Carried { by } => eb.with(InBackpack { owner: by }), SpawnType::Equipped { by } => { let slot = find_slot_for_equippable_item(tag, raws); eb.with(Equipped { owner: by, slot }) } } } fn get_renderable_component( renderable: &super::item_structs::Renderable, ) -> crate::components::Renderable { crate::components::Renderable { glyph: rltk::to_cp437(renderable.glyph.chars().next().unwrap()), fg: RGB::from_hex(&renderable.fg).expect("Invalid color"), bg: RGB::from_hex(&"Invalid color"), render_order: renderable.order, } } pub fn string_to_slot(slot: &str) -> EquipmentSlot { match slot { "Shield" => EquipmentSlot::Shield, "Head" => EquipmentSlot::Head, "Torso" => EquipmentSlot::Torso, "Legs" => EquipmentSlot::Legs, "Feet" => EquipmentSlot::Feet, "Hands" => EquipmentSlot::Hands, "Melee" => EquipmentSlot::Melee, _ => { rltk::console::log(format!("Warning: unknown equipment slot type [{}]", slot)); EquipmentSlot::Melee } } } fn parse_particle_line(n: &str) -> SpawnParticleLine { let tokens: Vec<_> = n.split(';').collect(); SpawnParticleLine { glyph: rltk::to_cp437(tokens[0].chars().next().unwrap()), color: RGB::from_hex(tokens[1]).expect("Invalid hex rgb color"), lifetime_ms: tokens[2].parse::().unwrap(), } } fn parse_particle(n: &str) -> SpawnParticleBurst { let tokens: Vec<_> = n.split(';').collect(); SpawnParticleBurst { glyph: rltk::to_cp437(tokens[0].chars().next().unwrap()), color: RGB::from_hex(tokens[1]).expect("Invalid hex rgb color"), lifetime_ms: tokens[2].parse::().unwrap(), } } macro_rules! apply_effects { ($effects:expr, $eb:expr) => { for effect in $effects.iter() { let effect_name = effect.0.as_str(); match effect_name { "provides_healing" => { $eb = $eb.with(ProvidesHealing { heal_amount: effect.1.parse::().unwrap(), }) } "ranged" => { $eb = $eb.with(Ranged { range: effect.1.parse::().unwrap(), }) } "damage" => { $eb = $eb.with(InflictsDamage { damage: effect.1.parse::().unwrap(), }) } "area_of_effect" => { $eb = $eb.with(AreaOfEffect { radius: effect.1.parse::().unwrap(), }) } "confusion" => { $eb = $eb.with(Confusion { turns: effect.1.parse::().unwrap(), }) } "magic_mapping" => $eb = $eb.with(MagicMapper {}), "town_portal" => $eb = $eb.with(TownPortal {}), "food" => $eb = $eb.with(ProvidesFood {}), "single_activation" => $eb = $eb.with(SingleActivation {}), "particle_line" => $eb = $eb.with(parse_particle_line(&effect.1)), "particle" => $eb = $eb.with(parse_particle(&effect.1)), _ => { ::rltk::console::log(format!( "Warning: consumable effect {} not implemented.", effect_name )); } } } }; } pub fn spawn_named_item( raws: &RawMaster, ecs: &mut World, key: &str, pos: SpawnType, ) -> Option { if raws.item_index.contains_key(key) { let item_template = &raws.raws.items[raws.item_index[key]]; let dm = ecs.fetch::(); let scroll_names = dm.scroll_mappings.clone(); let potion_names = dm.potion_mappings.clone(); let identified = dm.identified_items.clone(); std::mem::drop(dm); let mut eb = ecs.create_entity().marked::>(); // Spawn in the specified location eb = spawn_position(pos, eb, key, raws); // Renderable if let Some(renderable) = &item_template.renderable { eb = eb.with(get_renderable_component(renderable)); } eb = eb.with(Name::from(&; eb = eb.with(Item { initiative_penalty: item_template.initiative_penalty.unwrap_or(0.), weight_lbs: item_template.weight_lbs.unwrap_or(0.), base_value: item_template.base_value.unwrap_or(0.), }); if let Some(consumable) = &item_template.consumable { eb = eb.with(Consumable {}); apply_effects!(consumable.effects, eb); } if let Some(weapon) = &item_template.weapon { eb = eb.with(Equippable { slot: EquipmentSlot::Melee, }); let (n_dice, die_type, bonus) = parse_dice_string(&weapon.base_damage); let mut wpn = MeleeWeapon { attribute: WeaponAttribute::Might, damage_n_dice: n_dice, damage_die_type: die_type, damage_bonus: bonus, hit_bonus: weapon.hit_bonus, }; wpn.attribute = match weapon.attribute.as_str() { "Quickness" => WeaponAttribute::Quickness, _ => WeaponAttribute::Might, }; eb = eb.with(wpn); } if let Some(wearable) = &item_template.wearable { let slot = string_to_slot(&wearable.slot); eb = eb.with(Equippable { slot }); eb = eb.with(Wearable { slot, armor_class: wearable.armor_class, }); } if let Some(magic) = &item_template.magic { let class = match magic.class.as_str() { "rare" => MagicItemClass::Rare, "legendary" => MagicItemClass::Legendary, _ => MagicItemClass::Common, }; eb = eb.with(MagicItem { class }); if !identified.contains(& { #[allow(clippy::single_match)] match magic.naming.as_str() { "scroll" => { eb = eb.with(ObfuscatedName { name: scroll_names[&].clone(), }) } "potion" => { eb = eb.with(ObfuscatedName { name: potion_names[&].clone(), }) } _ => { eb = eb.with(ObfuscatedName { name: magic.naming.clone(), }) } } } if let Some(cursed) = magic.cursed { if cursed { eb = eb.with(CursedItem {}); } } } return Some(; } None } pub fn spawn_named_mob( raws: &RawMaster, ecs: &mut World, key: &str, pos: SpawnType, ) -> Option { if raws.mob_index.contains_key(key) { let mob_template = &raws.raws.mobs[raws.mob_index[key]]; let mut eb = ecs.create_entity().marked::>(); // Spawn in the specified location eb = spawn_position(pos, eb, key, raws); // Initiative of 2 eb = eb.with(Initiative { current: 2 }); // Renderable if let Some(renderable) = &mob_template.renderable { eb = eb.with(get_renderable_component(renderable)); } eb = eb.with(Name::from(&; eb = match mob_template.movement.as_ref() { "random" => eb.with(MoveMode { mode: Movement::Random, }), "random_waypoint" => eb.with(MoveMode { mode: Movement::RandomWaypoint { path: None }, }), _ => eb.with(MoveMode { mode: Movement::Static, }), }; // Quips if let Some(quips) = &mob_template.quips { eb = eb.with(Quips { available: quips.clone(), }); } if mob_template.blocks_tile { eb = eb.with(BlocksTile {}); } let mut mob_fitness = 11; let mut mob_int = 11; let mut attr = Attributes { might: Attribute::new(11), fitness: Attribute::new(11), quickness: Attribute::new(11), intelligence: Attribute::new(11), }; if let Some(might) = mob_template.attributes.might { attr.might = Attribute::new(might); } if let Some(fitness) = { = Attribute::new(fitness); mob_fitness = fitness; } if let Some(quickness) = mob_template.attributes.quickness { attr.quickness = Attribute::new(quickness); } if let Some(intelligence) = mob_template.attributes.intelligence { attr.intelligence = Attribute::new(intelligence); mob_int = intelligence; } eb = eb.with(attr); let mob_level = if mob_template.level.is_some() { mob_template.level.unwrap() } else { 1 }; let mob_hp = npc_hp(mob_fitness, mob_level); let mob_mana = mana_at_level(mob_int, mob_level); let pools = Pools { level: mob_level, xp: 0, hit_points: Pool::new(mob_hp), mana: Pool::new(mob_mana), total_weight: 0., total_initiative_penalty: 0., gold: if let Some(gold) = & { let mut rng = RandomNumberGenerator::new(); let (n, d, b) = parse_dice_string(gold); (rng.roll_dice(n, d) + b) as f32 } else { 0.0 }, god_mode: false, }; eb = eb.with(pools); let mut skills = Skills::new(1); if let Some(mobskills) = &mob_template.skills { for sk in mobskills.iter() { match sk.0.as_str() { "Melee" => { skills.skills.insert(Skill::Melee, *sk.1); } "Defense" => { skills.skills.insert(Skill::Defense, *sk.1); } "Magic" => { skills.skills.insert(Skill::Magic, *sk.1); } _ => { ::rltk::console::log(format!("Unknown skill referenced [{}]", sk.0)); } } } } eb = eb.with(skills); eb = eb.with(Viewshed { visible_tiles: Vec::new(), range: mob_template.vision_range, dirty: true, }); if let Some(na) = &mob_template.natural { let mut nature = NaturalAttackDefense { armor_class: na.armor_class, attacks: Vec::new(), }; if let Some(attacks) = &na.attacks { for nattack in attacks.iter() { let (n, d, b) = parse_dice_string(&nattack.damage); let attack = NaturalAttack { name:, hit_bonus: nattack.hit_bonus, damage_n_dice: n, damage_die_type: d, damage_bonus: b, }; nature.attacks.push(attack); } } eb = eb.with(nature); } if let Some(loot) = &mob_template.loot_table { eb = eb.with(LootTable { table: loot.clone(), }); } if let Some(light) = &mob_template.light { eb = eb.with(LightSource { range: light.range, color: RGB::from_hex(&light.color).expect("Invalid color"), }); } if let Some(faction) = &mob_template.faction { eb = eb.with(Faction::from(faction)); } else { eb = eb.with(Faction::from("Mindless")); } if let Some(vendor) = &mob_template.vendor { eb = eb.with(Vendor { categories: vendor.clone(), }) } let new_mob =; // Are they wielding anything? if let Some(wielding) = &mob_template.equipped { for tag in wielding.iter() { spawn_named_entity(raws, ecs, tag, SpawnType::Equipped { by: new_mob }); } } return Some(new_mob); } None } pub fn spawn_named_prop( raws: &RawMaster, ecs: &mut World, key: &str, pos: SpawnType, ) -> Option { if raws.prop_index.contains_key(key) { let prop_template = &raws.raws.props[raws.prop_index[key]]; let mut eb = ecs.create_entity().marked::>(); // Spawn in the specified location eb = spawn_position(pos, eb, key, raws); // Renderable if let Some(renderable) = &prop_template.renderable { eb = eb.with(get_renderable_component(renderable)); } eb = eb.with(Name::from(&; if let Some(hidden) = prop_template.hidden { if hidden { eb = eb.with(Hidden {}) } } if let Some(blocks_tile) = prop_template.blocks_tile { if blocks_tile { eb = eb.with(BlocksTile {}) } } if let Some(blocks_visibility) = prop_template.blocks_visibility { if blocks_visibility { eb = eb.with(BlocksVisibility {}) } } if let Some(door_open) = prop_template.door_open { eb = eb.with(Door { open: door_open }); } if let Some(entry_trigger) = &prop_template.entry_trigger { eb = eb.with(EntryTrigger {}); apply_effects!(entry_trigger.effects, eb); } if let Some(light) = &prop_template.light { eb = eb .with(LightSource { range: light.range, color: RGB::from_hex(&light.color).expect("Invalid color"), }) .with(Viewshed { range: light.range, dirty: true, visible_tiles: Vec::new(), }); } return Some(; } None } pub fn spawn_named_entity( raws: &RawMaster, ecs: &mut World, key: &str, pos: SpawnType, ) -> Option { if raws.item_index.contains_key(key) { return spawn_named_item(raws, ecs, key, pos); } else if raws.mob_index.contains_key(key) { return spawn_named_mob(raws, ecs, key, pos); } else if raws.prop_index.contains_key(key) { return spawn_named_prop(raws, ecs, key, pos); } None } pub fn get_spawn_table_for_depth(raws: &RawMaster, depth: i32) -> RandomTable { use super::SpawnTableEntry; let available_options: Vec<&SpawnTableEntry> = raws .raws .spawn_table .iter() .filter(|a| depth >= a.min_depth && depth <= a.max_depth) .collect(); let mut rt = RandomTable::new(); for e in available_options.iter() { let mut weight = e.weight; if e.add_map_depth_to_weight.is_some() { weight += depth; } rt = rt.add(, weight); } rt } pub fn get_item_drop( raws: &RawMaster, rng: &mut RandomNumberGenerator, table: &str, ) -> Option { if raws.loot_index.contains_key(table) { let mut rt = RandomTable::new(); let available_options = &raws.raws.loot_tables[raws.loot_index[table]]; for item in available_options.drops.iter() { rt = rt.add(, item.weight); } return Some(rt.roll(rng)); } None }