from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from tcod.context import Context from tcod.console import Console from import compute_fov from input_handlers import MainGameEventHandler from message_log import MessageLog from render_functions import render_bar, render_names_at_mouse_location if TYPE_CHECKING: from entity import Actor from game_map import GameMap class Engine: game_map: GameMap def __init__(self, player: Actor): self.event_handler: EventHandler = MainGameEventHandler(self) self.message_log = MessageLog() self.mouse_location = (0, 0) self.player = player def handle_enemy_turns(self) -> None: for entity in set(self.game_map.actors) - {self.player}: if def update_fov(self) -> None: """Recompute the visible area based on the player's point of view.""" self.game_map.visible[:] = compute_fov( self.game_map.tiles["transparent"], (self.player.x, self.player.y), radius=8, ) # If a tile is "visible" it should be added to "explored" self.game_map.explored |= self.game_map.visible def render(self, console: Console) -> None: self.game_map.render(console) self.message_log.render(console=console, x=21, y=45, width=40, height=5) render_bar( console, current_value=self.player.fighter.hp, maximum_value=self.player.fighter.max_hp, total_width=20, ) render_names_at_mouse_location(console, x=21, y=44, engine=self)