"""Handle the loading and initialization of game sessions.""" from __future__ import annotations import copy import lzma import pickle import traceback from typing import Optional import tcod import color from engine import Engine import entity_factories from game_map import GameWorld import input_handlers # Load the background image and remove the alpha channel. background_image = tcod.image.load("menu_background.png")[:, :, :3] def new_game() -> Engine: """Return a brand new game session as an Engine instance.""" map_width = 80 map_height = 43 room_max_size = 10 room_min_size = 6 max_rooms = 30 max_monsters_per_room = 2 max_items_per_room = 2 player = copy.deepcopy(entity_factories.player) engine = Engine(player) engine.game_world = GameWorld( engine=engine, max_rooms=max_rooms, room_min_size=room_min_size, room_max_size=room_max_size, map_width=map_width, map_height=map_height, max_monsters_per_room=max_monsters_per_room, max_items_per_room=max_items_per_room, ) engine.game_world.generate_floor() engine.update_fov() engine.message_log.add_message( "Hello and welcome, adventurer, to yet another dungeon!", color.welcome_text ) return engine def load_game(filename: str) -> Engine: """Load an engine instance from a file.""" with open(filename, "rb") as f: engine = pickle.loads(lzma.decompress(f.read())) assert isinstance(engine, Engine) return engine class MainMenu(input_handlers.BaseEventHandler): """Handle the main menu rendering and input.""" def on_render(self, console: tcod.Console) -> None: """Render the main menu on a background image.""" console.draw_semigraphics(background_image, 0, 0) console.print( console.width // 2, console.height // 2 - 4, "TOMBS OF THE ANCIENT KINGS", fg=color.menu_title, alignment=tcod.CENTER, ) console.print( console.width // 2, console.height - 2, "By Timothy J. Warren", fg=color.menu_title, alignment=tcod.CENTER, ) menu_width = 24 for i, text in enumerate([ "[N] Play a new game", "[C] Continue last game", "[Q] Quit" ]): console.print( console.width // 2, console.height // 2 - 2 + i, text.ljust(menu_width), fg=color.menu_text, bg=color.black, alignment=tcod.CENTER, bg_blend=tcod.BKGND_ALPHA(64), ) def ev_keydown(self, event: tcod.event.KeyDown) -> Optional[input_handlers.BaseEventHandler]: if event.sym in (tcod.event.K_q, tcod.event.K_ESCAPE): raise SystemExit() elif event.sym == tcod.event.K_c: try: return input_handlers.MainGameEventHandler(load_game("savegame.sav")) except FileNotFoundError: return input_handlers.PopupMessage(self, "No saved game to load.") except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc() # Print to stderr. return input_handlers.PopupMessage(self, f"Failed to load save:\n{exc}") elif event.sym == tcod.event.K_n: return input_handlers.MainGameEventHandler(new_game()) return None