from __future__ import annotations from typing import Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING import color if TYPE_CHECKING: from tcod import Console from engine import Engine from game_map import GameMap def get_names_at_location(x: int, y: int, game_map: GameMap) -> str: if not game_map.in_bounds(x, y) or not game_map.visible[x, y]: return "" names = ", ".join( for entity in game_map.entities if entity.x == x and entity.y == y ) return names.capitalize() def render_bar( console: Console, current_value: int, maximum_value: int, total_width: int, ) -> None: bar_width = int(float(current_value) / maximum_value * total_width) console.draw_rect(x=0, y=45, width=20, height=1, ch=1, bg=color.bar_empty) if bar_width > 0: console.draw_rect( x=0, y=45, width=bar_width, height=1, ch=1, bg=color.bar_filled ) console.print( x=1, y=45, string=f"HP: {current_value}/{maximum_value}", fg=color.bar_text, ) def render_dungeon_level( console: Console, dungeon_level: int, location: Tuple[int, int] ) -> None: """ Render the level the player is currently on, at the given location. """ x, y = location console.print(x, y, string=f"Dungeon level: {dungeon_level}") def render_names_at_mouse_location( console: Console, x: int, y: int, engine: Engine ) -> None: mouse_x, mouse_y = engine.mouse_location names_at_mouse_location = get_names_at_location(mouse_x, mouse_y, engine.game_map) console.print(x, y, names_at_mouse_location)