from __future__ import annotations from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING import actions import color import import components.inventory from components.base_component import BaseComponent from exceptions import Impossible from input_handlers import AreaRangedAttackHandler, SingleRangedAttackHandler if TYPE_CHECKING: from entity import Actor, Item class Consumable(BaseComponent): parent: Item def get_action(self, consumer: Actor) -> Optional[actions.Action]: """Try to return the action for this item.""" return actions.ItemAction(consumer, self.parent) def activate(self, action: actions.ItemAction) -> None: """Invoke this item's ability. `action` is the context for this activation. """ raise NotImplementedError() def consume(self) -> None: """Remove the consumed item from its containing inventory.""" entity = self.parent inventory = entity.parent if isinstance(inventory, components.inventory.Inventory): inventory.items.remove(entity) class ConfusionConsumable(Consumable): def __init__(self, number_of_turns: int): self.number_of_turns = number_of_turns def get_action(self, consumer: Actor) -> Optional[actions.Action]: self.engine.message_log.add_message( "Select a target location.", color.needs_target ) self.engine.event_handler = SingleRangedAttackHandler( self.engine, callback=lambda xy: actions.ItemAction(consumer, self.parent, xy), ) return None def activate(self, action: actions.ItemAction) -> None: consumer = action.entity target = action.target_actor if not self.engine.game_map.visible[action.target_xy]: raise Impossible("You cannot target an area that you cannot see.") if not target: raise Impossible("You must select an enemy to target.") if target is consumer: raise Impossible("You cannot confuse yourself!") self.engine.message_log.add_message( f"The eyes of the {} look vacant, as it starts to stumble around!", color.status_effect_applied, ) = entity=target,, turns_remaining=self.number_of_turns, ) self.consume() class HealingConsumable(Consumable): def __init__(self, amount: int): self.amount = amount def activate(self, action: actions.ItemAction) -> None: consumer = action.entity amount_recovered = consumer.fighter.heal(self.amount) if amount_recovered > 0: self.engine.message_log.add_message( f"You consume the {}, and recover {amount_recovered} HP!", color.health_recovered ) self.consume() else: raise Impossible(f"Your health is already full.") class FireballDamageConsumable(Consumable): def __init__(self, damage: int, radius: int): self.damage = damage self.radius = radius def get_action(self, consumer: Actor) -> Optional[actions.Action]: self.engine.message_log.add_message( "Select a target location.", color.needs_target ) self.engine.event_handler = AreaRangedAttackHandler( self.engine, self.radius, lambda xy: actions.ItemAction(consumer, self.parent, xy), ) return None def activate(self, action: actions.ItemAction) -> None: target_xy = action.target_xy if not self.engine.game_map.visible[target_xy]: raise Impossible("You cannot target an area that you cannot see.") targets_hit = False for actor in self.engine.game_map.actors: if actor.distance(*target_xy) <= self.radius: self.engine.message_log.add_message( f"The {} is engulfed in a fiery explosion, taking {self.damage} damage!" ) actor.fighter.take_damage(self.damage) targets_hit = True if not targets_hit: raise Impossible("There are no targets in the radius.") self.consume() class LightningDamageConsumable(Consumable): def __init__(self, damage: int, maximum_range: int): self.damage = damage self.maximum_range = maximum_range def activate(self, action: actions.ItemAction) -> None: consumer = action.entity target = None closest_distance = self.maximum_range + 1.0 for actor in self.engine.game_map.actors: if actor is not consumer and self.parent.gamemap.visible[actor.x, actor.y]: distance = consumer.distance(actor.x, actor.y) if distance < closest_distance: target = actor closest_distance = distance if target: self.engine.message_log.add_message( f"A lightning bolt stikes the {} with a loud thunder, for {self.damage} damage!" ) target.fighter.take_damage(self.damage) self.consume() else: raise Impossible("No enemy is close enough to strike.")