from __future__ import annotations from typing import overload, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING import tcod.event import actions from actions import ( Action, BumpAction, PickupAction, WaitAction ) import color import exceptions if TYPE_CHECKING: from engine import Engine from entity import Item MOVE_KEYS = { # Arrow keys tcod.event.K_UP: (0, -1), tcod.event.K_DOWN: (0, 1), tcod.event.K_LEFT: (-1, 0), tcod.event.K_RIGHT: (1, 0), tcod.event.K_HOME: (-1, -1), tcod.event.K_END: (-1, 1), tcod.event.K_PAGEUP: (1, -1), tcod.event.K_PAGEDOWN: (1, 1), # Numpad keys tcod.event.K_KP_1: (-1, 1), tcod.event.K_KP_2: (0, 1), tcod.event.K_KP_3: (1, 1), tcod.event.K_KP_4: (-1, 0), tcod.event.K_KP_6: (1, 0), tcod.event.K_KP_7: (-1, -1), tcod.event.K_KP_8: (0, -1), tcod.event.K_KP_9: (1, -1), # Vi keys tcod.event.K_h: (-1, 0), tcod.event.K_j: (0, 1), tcod.event.K_k: (0, -1), tcod.event.K_l: (1, 0), tcod.event.K_y: (-1, -1), tcod.event.K_u: (1, -1), tcod.event.K_b: (-1, 1), tcod.event.K_n: (1, 1), } WAIT_KEYS = { tcod.event.K_PERIOD, tcod.event.K_KP_5, tcod.event.K_CLEAR, } class EventHandler(tcod.event.EventDispatch[Action]): def __init__(self, engine: Engine): self.engine = engine def handle_events(self, event: tcod.event.Event) -> None: self.handle_action(self.dispatch(event)) def handle_action(self, action: Optional[Action]) -> bool: """Handle actions returned from event methods. Returns True if the action will advance a turn. """ if action is None: return False try: action.perform() except exceptions.Impossible as exc: self.engine.message_log.add_message(exc.args[0], color.impossible) return False # Skip enemy turn on exceptions. self.engine.handle_enemy_turns() self.engine.update_fov() return True def ev_mousemotion(self, event: tcod.event.MouseMotion) -> None: if self.engine.game_map.in_bounds(event.tile.x, event.tile.y): self.engine.mouse_location = event.tile.x, event.tile.y def ev_quit(self, event: tcod.event.Quit) -> Optional[Action]: raise SystemExit() def on_render(self, console: tcod.Console) -> None: self.engine.render(console) class AskUserEventHandler(EventHandler): """Handles user input for actions which require special input.""" def handle_action(self, action: Optional[Action]) -> bool: """Return to the main event handler when a valid action was performed.""" if super().handle_action(action): self.engine.event_handler = MainGameEventHandler(self.engine) return True return False def ev_keydown(self, event: tcod.event.KeyDown) -> Optional[Action]: """By default any key exits this input handler.""" # Ignore modifier keys. if event.sym in { tcod.event.K_LSHIFT, tcod.event.K_RSHIFT, tcod.event.K_LCTRL, tcod.event.K_RCTRL, tcod.event.K_LALT, tcod.event.K_RALT, }: return None return self.on_exit() def ev_mousebuttondown(self, event: tcod.event.MouseButtonDown) -> Optional[Action]: """By default any mouse click exits this input handler.""" return self.on_exit() def on_exit(self) -> Optional[Action]: """Called when the user is trying to exit or cancel an action. By default this returns to the main event handler. """ self.engine.event_handler = MainGameEventHandler(self.engine) return None class InventoryEventHandler(AskUserEventHandler): """This handler lets the user select an item. What happens then depends on the subclass. """ TITLE = "" def on_render(self, console: tcod.Console) -> None: """Render an inventory menu, which displays the items in the inventory, and the letter to select them. Will move to a different position based on where the player is located, so the player can always see where they are. """ super().on_render(console) number_of_items_in_inventory = len(self.engine.player.inventory.items) height = number_of_items_in_inventory + 2 if height <= 3: height = 3 if self.engine.player.x <= 30: x = 40 else: x = 0 y = 0 width = len(self.TITLE) + 4 console.draw_frame( x, y, width, height, title=self.TITLE, clear=True, fg=(255, 255, 255), bg=(0, 0, 0), ) if number_of_items_in_inventory > 0: for i, item in enumerate(self.engine.player.inventory.items): item_key = chr(ord("a") + i) console.print(x + 1, y + i + 1, f"({item_key}) {}") else: console.print(x + 1, y + 1, "(Empty)") def ev_keydown(self, event: tcod.event.KeyDown) -> Optional[Action]: player = self.engine.player key = event.sym index = key - tcod.event.K_a if 0 <= index <= 26: try: selected_item = player.inventory.items[index] except IndexError: self.engine.message_log.add_message("Invalid entry.", color.invalid) return None return self.on_item_selected(selected_item) return super().ev_keydown(event) @overload def on_item_selected(self, item: Item) -> Optional[Action]: """Called when the user selects a valid item.""" class InventoryActivateHandler(InventoryEventHandler): """Handle using an inventory item.""" TITLE = "Select an item to use" def on_item_selected(self, item: Item) -> Optional[Action]: """Return the action for the selected item.""" return item.consumable.get_action(self.engine.player) class InventoryDropHandler(InventoryEventHandler): """Handle dropping an inventory item.""" TITLE = "Select an item to drop" def on_item_selected(self, item: Item) -> Optional[Action]: """Drop this item.""" return actions.DropItem(self.engine.player, item) class MainGameEventHandler(EventHandler): def ev_keydown(self, event: tcod.event.KeyDown) -> Optional[Action]: action: Optional[Action] = None key = event.sym player = self.engine.player if key in MOVE_KEYS: dx, dy = MOVE_KEYS[key] action = BumpAction(player, dx, dy) elif key in WAIT_KEYS: action = WaitAction(player) elif key == tcod.event.K_ESCAPE: raise SystemExit() elif key == tcod.event.K_v: self.engine.event_handler = HistoryViewer(self.engine) elif key == tcod.event.K_g: action = PickupAction(player) elif key == tcod.event.K_i: self.engine.event_handler = InventoryActivateHandler(self.engine) elif key == tcod.event.K_d: self.engine.event_handler = InventoryDropHandler(self.engine) # No valid key was pressed return action class GameOverEventHandler(EventHandler): def ev_keydown(self, event: tcod.event.KeyDown) -> None: if event.sym == tcod.event.K_ESCAPE: raise SystemExit() CURSOR_Y_KEYS = { tcod.event.K_UP: -1, tcod.event.K_DOWN: 1, tcod.event.K_PAGEUP: -10, tcod.event.K_PAGEDOWN: 10, } class HistoryViewer(EventHandler): """Print the history on a larger window which can be navigated.""" def __init__(self, engine: Engine): super().__init__(engine) self.log_length = len(engine.message_log.messages) self.cursor = self.log_length - 1 def on_render(self, console: tcod.Console) -> None: super().on_render(console) # Draw the main state as the background. log_console = tcod.Console(console.width - 6, console.height - 6) # Draw a frame with a custom banner title. log_console.draw_frame(0, 0, log_console.width, log_console.height) log_console.print_box( 0, 0, log_console.width, 1, "┤Message history├", alignment=tcod.CENTER ) # Render the message log using the cursor parameter. self.engine.message_log.render_messages( log_console, 1, 1, log_console.width - 2, log_console.height - 2, self.engine.message_log.messages[: self.cursor + 1], ) log_console.blit(console, 3, 3) def ev_keydown(self, event: tcod.event.KeyDown) -> None: # Fancy conditional movement to make it feel right. if event.sym in CURSOR_Y_KEYS: adjust = CURSOR_Y_KEYS[event.sym] if adjust < 0 and self.cursor == 0: # Only move from the top to the bottom when you're on the edge. self.cursor = self.log_length - 1 elif adjust > 0 and self.cursor == self.log_length - 1: # Same with bottom to top movement. self.cursor = 0 else: # Otherwise move while staying clamped to the bounds of the history log. self.cursor = max(0, min(self.cursor + adjust, self.log_length - 1)) elif event.sym == tcod.event.K_HOME: self.cursor = 0 # Move directly to the top message. elif event.sym == tcod.event.K_END: self.cursor = self.log_length - 1 # Move directly to the last message. else: # Any other key moves back to the main game state. self.engine.event_handler = MainGameEventHandler(self.engine)