_assign_db(); // $fixt is supposed to be an associative array // E.g. outputted by spyc from reading a YAML file $this->CI->db->simple_query('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . $table . ' CASCADE;'); if ( ! empty($fixt)) { $this->CI->db->insert_batch($table, $fixt); } $nbr_of_rows = sizeof($fixt); log_message('debug', "Data fixture for db table '$table' loaded - $nbr_of_rows rows"); } public function unload($table) { $this->_assign_db(); $Q = TRUE; //$Q = $this->CI->db->simple_query('truncate table ' . $table . ';'); if (!$Q) { echo $this->CI->db->call_function('error', $this->CI->db->conn_id); echo "\n"; echo "Failed to truncate the table ".$table."\n\n"; } } private function _assign_db() { if ( ! isset($this->CI->db) OR ! isset($this->CI->db->database) ) { $this->CI =& get_instance(); $this->CI->load->database(); } //security measure 2: only load if used database ends on '_test' $len = strlen($this->CI->db->database); if ( substr($this->CI->db->database, $len-5, $len) != '_test' ) { die("\nSorry, the name of your test database must end on '_test'.\n". "This prevents deleting important data by accident.\n"); } } } /* End of file Fixture.php */ /* Location: ./application/third_party/CIUnit/libraries/Fixture.php */