<?php use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration; class InitialMigration extends AbstractMigration { /** * Create basic database schema */ public function change() { // Session storage table if ( ! $this->hasTable('todo_ci_sessions')) { $this->table('todo_ci_sessions', [ 'id' => FALSE, 'primary_key' => 'session_id' ])->addColumn('session_id' , 'string', ['limit' => 40]) ->addColumn('ip_address', 'string', ['limit' => 40]) ->addColumn('user_agent', 'string', ['limit' => 255]) ->addColumn('last_activity', 'integer') ->addColumn('user_data', 'text') ->create(); } // User table if ( ! $this->hasTable('todo_user')) { $this->table('todo_user') ->addColumn('username', 'string', ['limit' => 255]) ->addColumn('password', 'string', ['limit' => 255]) ->addColumn('email', 'string', ['limit' => 128]) ->addColumn('enabled', 'integer', ['default' => 1]) ->addColumn('timezone', 'string', ['limit' => 32, 'default' => 'America/Detroit']) ->addColumn('num_format', 'integer', ['default' => 0]) ->addColumn('reset_token', 'string', ['limit' => 128]) ->create(); } // Group table if ( ! $this->hasTable('todo_group')) { $this->table('todo_group') ->addColumn('name', 'string', ['limit' => 128]) ->create(); // Seed data $this->execute("INSERT INTO todo_group VALUES (0, 'global');"); } // Category table if ( ! $this->hasTable('todo_category')) { $this->table('todo_category') ->addColumn('title', 'string', ['limit' => 128]) ->addColumn('description', 'text', ['null' => FALSE]) ->addColumn('group_id', 'integer', ['default' => 0]) //->addForeignKey('group_id', 'todo_group', 'id') ->create(); // Seed the data $this->execute(" INSERT INTO todo_category VALUES (1, 'Work', 'Tasks related to work', 0); INSERT INTO todo_category VALUES (7, 'Optional ', 'Tasks that are not necessary, but it would be nice to see them completed.', 0); INSERT INTO todo_category VALUES (10, 'School', 'School related tasks', 0); INSERT INTO todo_category VALUES (11, 'Other', 'Tasks that don''t fit in another category.', 0); INSERT INTO todo_category VALUES (13, 'Personal', 'Personal tasks to do', 0); "); } // Priority list table if ( ! $this->hasTable('todo_priority')) { $this->table('todo_priority') ->addColumn('value', 'string') ->create(); // Seed the data $this->execute(" INSERT INTO todo_priority VALUES (1, 'Optional'); INSERT INTO todo_priority VALUES (2, 'Lowest'); INSERT INTO todo_priority VALUES (3, 'Lower'); INSERT INTO todo_priority VALUES (4, 'Low'); INSERT INTO todo_priority VALUES (5, 'Normal'); INSERT INTO todo_priority VALUES (6, 'High'); INSERT INTO todo_priority VALUES (7, 'Higher'); INSERT INTO todo_priority VALUES (8, 'Highest'); INSERT INTO todo_priority VALUES (9, 'Immediate'); "); } // Status list table if ( ! $this->hasTable('todo_status')) { $this->table('todo_status') ->addColumn('value', 'string') ->create(); // Seed the data $this->execute(" INSERT INTO todo_status VALUES (3, 'In Progress'); INSERT INTO todo_status VALUES (4, 'On Hold'); INSERT INTO todo_status VALUES (5, 'Canceled'); INSERT INTO todo_status VALUES (2, 'Completed'); INSERT INTO todo_status VALUES (1, 'Created'); "); } // Task table if ( ! $this->hasTable('todo_item')) { $this->table('todo_item') ->addColumn('user_id', 'integer') ->addColumn('category_id', 'integer') ->addColumn('priority', 'integer') ->addColumn('status', 'integer', ['default' => 0]) ->addColumn('title', 'string', ['limit' => 128]) ->addColumn('description', 'text', ['null' => FALSE]) ->addColumn('due', 'integer', ['default' => 0]) ->addColumn('modified', 'integer') ->addColumn('created', 'integer') ->addForeignKey('category_id', 'todo_category', 'id') ->addForeignKey('priority', 'todo_priority', 'id') ->addForeignKey('status', 'todo_status', 'id') ->addForeignKey('user_id', 'todo_user', 'id') ->create(); } // Checklist table if ( ! $this->hasTable('todo_checklist')) { $this->table('todo_checklist') ->addColumn('task_id', 'integer') ->addColumn('desc', 'string', ['limit' => 128]) ->addColumn('is_checked', 'integer') ->addForeignKey('task_id', 'todo_item', 'id') ->create(); } // Group task sharing table if ( ! $this->hasTable('todo_group_task_link')) { $this->table('todo_group_task_link', [ 'id' => FALSE, 'primary_key' => ['group_id', 'task_id'] ])->addColumn('group_id', 'integer') ->addColumn('task_id', 'integer') ->addColumn('permissions', 'integer') ->addForeignKey('group_id', 'todo_group', 'id') ->addForeignKey('task_id', 'todo_item', 'id') ->create(); } // Group user sharing table if ( ! $this->hasTable('todo_group_users_link')) { $this->table('todo_group_users_link', [ 'id' => FALSE, 'primary_key' => ['group_id', 'user_id'] ])->addColumn('group_id', 'integer') ->addColumn('user_id', 'integer') ->addColumn('is_admin', 'integer') ->addForeignKey('group_id', 'todo_group', 'id') ->addForeignKey('user_id', 'todo_user', 'id') ->create(); } // Task comments table if ( ! $this->hasTable('todo_item_comments')) { $this->table('todo_item_comments') ->addColumn('user_id', 'integer') ->addColumn('item_id', 'integer') ->addColumn('comment', 'text') ->addColumn('time_posted', 'integer') ->addColumn('status', 'integer') ->addForeignKey('item_id', 'todo_item', 'id') ->addForeignKey('status', 'todo_status', 'id') ->addForeignKey('user_id', 'todo_user', 'id') ->create(); } // Reminder table if ( ! $this->hasTable('todo_reminder')) { $this->table('todo_reminder') ->addColumn('task_id', 'integer') ->addColumn('reminder_time', 'integer') ->addColumn('sent', 'integer', ['default' => 0]) ->addColumn('user_id', 'integer') ->addForeignKey('task_id', 'todo_item', 'id') ->addForeignKey('user_id', 'todo_user', 'id', [ 'update' => 'cascade', 'delete' => 'cascade' ])->create(); } // Friend link table if ( ! $this->hasTable('todo_user_friend_link')) { $this->table('todo_user_friend_link', [ 'id' => FALSE, 'primary_key' => ['user_id', 'user_friend_id'] ])->addColumn('user_id', 'integer') ->addColumn('user_friend_id', 'integer') ->addColumn('confirmed', 'integer', ['default' => -1]) ->addForeignKey('user_friend_id', 'todo_user', 'id') ->addForeignKey('user_id', 'todo_user', 'id') ->create(); } // Task shared by user table if ( ! $this->hasTable('todo_user_task_link')) { $this->table('todo_user_task_link', [ 'id' => FALSE, 'primary_key' => ['task_id', 'user_id'] ])->addColumn('user_id', 'integer') ->addColumn('task_id', 'integer') ->addColumn('permissions', 'integer') ->addForeignKey('task_id', 'todo_item', 'id') ->addForeignKey('user_id', 'todo_user', 'id') ->create(); } } }