CI =& get_instance(); $this->CI->lang->load('calendar'); empty($config) OR $this->initialize($config); log_message('info', 'Calendar Class Initialized'); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Initialize the user preferences * * Accepts an associative array as input, containing display preferences * * @param array config preferences * @return CI_Calendar */ public function initialize($config = array()) { foreach ($config as $key => $val) { if (isset($this->$key)) { $this->$key = $val; } } // Set the next_prev_url to the controller if required but not defined if ($this->show_next_prev === TRUE && empty($this->next_prev_url)) { $this->next_prev_url = $this->CI->config->site_url($this->CI->router->class.'/'.$this->CI->router->method); } return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Generate the calendar * * @param int the year * @param int the month * @param array the data to be shown in the calendar cells * @return string */ public function generate($year = '', $month = '', $data = array()) { $local_time = time(); // Set and validate the supplied month/year if (empty($year)) { $year = date('Y', $local_time); } elseif (strlen($year) === 1) { $year = '200'.$year; } elseif (strlen($year) === 2) { $year = '20'.$year; } if (empty($month)) { $month = date('m', $local_time); } elseif (strlen($month) === 1) { $month = '0'.$month; } $adjusted_date = $this->adjust_date($month, $year); $month = $adjusted_date['month']; $year = $adjusted_date['year']; // Determine the total days in the month $total_days = $this->get_total_days($month, $year); // Set the starting day of the week $start_days = array('sunday' => 0, 'monday' => 1, 'tuesday' => 2, 'wednesday' => 3, 'thursday' => 4, 'friday' => 5, 'saturday' => 6); $start_day = isset($start_days[$this->start_day]) ? $start_days[$this->start_day] : 0; // Set the starting day number $local_date = mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); $date = getdate($local_date); $day = $start_day + 1 - $date['wday']; while ($day > 1) { $day -= 7; } // Set the current month/year/day // We use this to determine the "today" date $cur_year = date('Y', $local_time); $cur_month = date('m', $local_time); $cur_day = date('j', $local_time); $is_current_month = ($cur_year == $year && $cur_month == $month); // Generate the template data array $this->parse_template(); // Begin building the calendar output $out = $this->replacements['table_open']."\n\n".$this->replacements['heading_row_start']."\n"; // "previous" month link if ($this->show_next_prev === TRUE) { // Add a trailing slash to the URL if needed $this->next_prev_url = preg_replace('/(.+?)\/*$/', '\\1/', $this->next_prev_url); $adjusted_date = $this->adjust_date($month - 1, $year); $out .= str_replace('{previous_url}', $this->next_prev_url.$adjusted_date['year'].'/'.$adjusted_date['month'], $this->replacements['heading_previous_cell'])."\n"; } // Heading containing the month/year $colspan = ($this->show_next_prev === TRUE) ? 5 : 7; $this->replacements['heading_title_cell'] = str_replace('{colspan}', $colspan, str_replace('{heading}', $this->get_month_name($month).' '.$year, $this->replacements['heading_title_cell'])); $out .= $this->replacements['heading_title_cell']."\n"; // "next" month link if ($this->show_next_prev === TRUE) { $adjusted_date = $this->adjust_date($month + 1, $year); $out .= str_replace('{next_url}', $this->next_prev_url.$adjusted_date['year'].'/'.$adjusted_date['month'], $this->replacements['heading_next_cell']); } $out .= "\n".$this->replacements['heading_row_end']."\n\n" // Write the cells containing the days of the week .$this->replacements['week_row_start']."\n"; $day_names = $this->get_day_names(); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i ++) { $out .= str_replace('{week_day}', $day_names[($start_day + $i) %7], $this->replacements['week_day_cell']); } $out .= "\n".$this->replacements['week_row_end']."\n"; // Build the main body of the calendar while ($day <= $total_days) { $out .= "\n".$this->replacements['cal_row_start']."\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { if ($day > 0 && $day <= $total_days) { $out .= ($is_current_month === TRUE && $day == $cur_day) ? $this->replacements['cal_cell_start_today'] : $this->replacements['cal_cell_start']; if (isset($data[$day])) { // Cells with content $temp = ($is_current_month === TRUE && $day == $cur_day) ? $this->replacements['cal_cell_content_today'] : $this->replacements['cal_cell_content']; $out .= str_replace(array('{content}', '{day}'), array($data[$day], $day), $temp); } else { // Cells with no content $temp = ($is_current_month === TRUE && $day == $cur_day) ? $this->replacements['cal_cell_no_content_today'] : $this->replacements['cal_cell_no_content']; $out .= str_replace('{day}', $day, $temp); } $out .= ($is_current_month === TRUE && $day == $cur_day) ? $this->replacements['cal_cell_end_today'] : $this->replacements['cal_cell_end']; } elseif ($this->show_other_days === TRUE) { $out .= $this->replacements['cal_cell_start_other']; if ($day <= 0) { // Day of previous month $prev_month = $this->adjust_date($month - 1, $year); $prev_month_days = $this->get_total_days($prev_month['month'], $prev_month['year']); $out .= str_replace('{day}', $prev_month_days + $day, $this->replacements['cal_cell_other']); } else { // Day of next month $out .= str_replace('{day}', $day - $total_days, $this->replacements['cal_cell_other']); } $out .= $this->replacements['cal_cell_end_other']; } else { // Blank cells $out .= $this->replacements['cal_cell_start'].$this->replacements['cal_cell_blank'].$this->replacements['cal_cell_end']; } $day++; } $out .= "\n".$this->replacements['cal_row_end']."\n"; } return $out .= "\n".$this->replacements['table_close']; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Month Name * * Generates a textual month name based on the numeric * month provided. * * @param int the month * @return string */ public function get_month_name($month) { if ($this->month_type === 'short') { $month_names = array('01' => 'cal_jan', '02' => 'cal_feb', '03' => 'cal_mar', '04' => 'cal_apr', '05' => 'cal_may', '06' => 'cal_jun', '07' => 'cal_jul', '08' => 'cal_aug', '09' => 'cal_sep', '10' => 'cal_oct', '11' => 'cal_nov', '12' => 'cal_dec'); } else { $month_names = array('01' => 'cal_january', '02' => 'cal_february', '03' => 'cal_march', '04' => 'cal_april', '05' => 'cal_mayl', '06' => 'cal_june', '07' => 'cal_july', '08' => 'cal_august', '09' => 'cal_september', '10' => 'cal_october', '11' => 'cal_november', '12' => 'cal_december'); } return ($this->CI->lang->line($month_names[$month]) === FALSE) ? ucfirst(substr($month_names[$month], 4)) : $this->CI->lang->line($month_names[$month]); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Day Names * * Returns an array of day names (Sunday, Monday, etc.) based * on the type. Options: long, short, abr * * @param string * @return array */ public function get_day_names($day_type = '') { if ($day_type !== '') { $this->day_type = $day_type; } if ($this->day_type === 'long') { $day_names = array('sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday'); } elseif ($this->day_type === 'short') { $day_names = array('sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat'); } else { $day_names = array('su', 'mo', 'tu', 'we', 'th', 'fr', 'sa'); } $days = array(); for ($i = 0, $c = count($day_names); $i < $c; $i++) { $days[] = ($this->CI->lang->line('cal_'.$day_names[$i]) === FALSE) ? ucfirst($day_names[$i]) : $this->CI->lang->line('cal_'.$day_names[$i]); } return $days; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Adjust Date * * This function makes sure that we have a valid month/year. * For example, if you submit 13 as the month, the year will * increment and the month will become January. * * @param int the month * @param int the year * @return array */ public function adjust_date($month, $year) { $date = array(); $date['month'] = $month; $date['year'] = $year; while ($date['month'] > 12) { $date['month'] -= 12; $date['year']++; } while ($date['month'] <= 0) { $date['month'] += 12; $date['year']--; } if (strlen($date['month']) === 1) { $date['month'] = '0'.$date['month']; } return $date; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Total days in a given month * * @param int the month * @param int the year * @return int */ public function get_total_days($month, $year) { $this->CI->load->helper('date'); return days_in_month($month, $year); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Default Template Data * * This is used in the event that the user has not created their own template * * @return array */ public function default_template() { return array( 'table_open' => '', 'heading_row_start' => '', 'heading_previous_cell' => '', 'heading_title_cell' => '', 'heading_next_cell' => '', 'heading_row_end' => '', 'week_row_start' => '', 'week_day_cell' => '', 'week_row_end' => '', 'cal_row_start' => '', 'cal_cell_start' => '', 'cal_cell_end_today' => '', 'cal_cell_end_other' => '', 'cal_row_end' => '', 'table_close' => '
', 'cal_cell_start_today' => '', 'cal_cell_start_other' => '', 'cal_cell_content' => '{day}', 'cal_cell_content_today' => '{day}', 'cal_cell_no_content' => '{day}', 'cal_cell_no_content_today' => '{day}', 'cal_cell_blank' => ' ', 'cal_cell_other' => '{day}', 'cal_cell_end' => '
' ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Parse Template * * Harvests the data within the template {pseudo-variables} * used to display the calendar * * @return CI_Calendar */ public function parse_template() { $this->replacements = $this->default_template(); if (empty($this->template)) { return $this; } if (is_string($this->template)) { $today = array('cal_cell_start_today', 'cal_cell_content_today', 'cal_cell_no_content_today', 'cal_cell_end_today'); foreach (array('table_open', 'table_close', 'heading_row_start', 'heading_previous_cell', 'heading_title_cell', 'heading_next_cell', 'heading_row_end', 'week_row_start', 'week_day_cell', 'week_row_end', 'cal_row_start', 'cal_cell_start', 'cal_cell_content', 'cal_cell_no_content', 'cal_cell_blank', 'cal_cell_end', 'cal_row_end', 'cal_cell_start_today', 'cal_cell_content_today', 'cal_cell_no_content_today', 'cal_cell_end_today', 'cal_cell_start_other', 'cal_cell_other', 'cal_cell_end_other') as $val) { if (preg_match('/\{'.$val.'\}(.*?)\{\/'.$val.'\}/si', $this->template, $match)) { $this->replacements[$val] = $match[1]; } elseif (in_array($val, $today, TRUE)) { $this->replacements[$val] = $this->replacements[substr($val, 0, -6)]; } } } elseif (is_array($this->template)) { $this->replacements = array_merge($this->replacements, $this->template); } return $this; } }