import { getTermios } from './termios.ts'; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Runtime adapter interfaces // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- export enum RunTimeType { Bun = 'bun', Deno = 'deno', Unknown = 'common', } /** * The native functions for getting/setting terminal settings */ export interface IFFI { /** * Get the existing termios settings (for canonical mode) */ tcgetattr(fd: number, termiosPtr: unknown): number; /** * Update the termios settings */ tcsetattr(fd: number, act: number, termiosPtr: unknown): number; /** * Update the termios pointer with raw mode settings */ cfmakeraw(termiosPtr: unknown): void; /** * Convert a TypedArray to an opaque pointer for ffi calls */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any getPointer(ta: any): unknown; } export interface ITerminalSize { rows: number; cols: number; } /** * Runtime-specific terminal functionality */ export interface ITerminal { /** * The arguments passed to the program on launch */ argv: string[]; /** * The generator function returning chunks of input from the stdin stream */ inputLoop(): AsyncGenerator; /** * Get the size of the terminal */ getTerminalSize(): Promise; /** * Pipe a string to stdout */ writeStdout(s: string): Promise; } /** * Runtime-specific file handling */ export interface IFIO { openFile(path: string): Promise; openFileSync(path: string): string; appendFile(path: string, contents: string): Promise; } /** * The common interface for runtime adapters */ export interface IRuntime { /** * The name of the runtime */ name: RunTimeType; /** * Runtime-specific FFI */ ffi: IFFI; /** * Runtime-specific terminal functionality */ term: ITerminal; /** * Runtime-specific file system io */ file: IFIO; /** * Set up an event handler * * @param eventName - The event to listen for * @param handler - The event handler */ onEvent: (eventName: string, handler: (e: Event) => void) => void; /** * Set a beforeExit/beforeUnload event handler for the runtime * @param cb - The event handler */ onExit(cb: () => void): void; /** * Stop execution * * @param code */ exit(code?: number): void; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Misc runtime functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- let scrollRuntime: IRuntime | null = null; /** * Kill program, displaying an error message * @param s */ export async function die(s: string | Error): Promise { (await getTermios()).disableRawMode(); console.error(s); (await getRuntime()).exit(); } /** * Determine which Typescript runtime we are operating under */ export function getRuntimeType(): RunTimeType { let runtime = RunTimeType.Unknown; if ('Deno' in globalThis) { runtime = RunTimeType.Deno; } if ('Bun' in globalThis) { runtime = RunTimeType.Bun; } return runtime; } export async function getRuntime(): Promise { if (scrollRuntime === null) { const runtime = getRuntimeType(); const path = `../${runtime}/mod.ts`; const pkg = await import(path); if ('default' in pkg) { scrollRuntime = pkg.default; } } return Promise.resolve(scrollRuntime!); } /** * Import a runtime-specific module * * eg. to load "src/bun/mod.ts", if the runtime is bun, * you can use like so `await importForRuntime('index')`; * * @param path - the path within the runtime module */ export const importForRuntime = async (path: string) => { const runtime = getRuntimeType(); const suffix = '.ts'; const base = `../${runtime}/`; const pathParts = path.split('/') .filter((part) => part !== '' && part !== '.' && part !== suffix) .map((part) => part.replace(suffix, '')); const cleanedPath = pathParts.join('/'); const importPath = base + cleanedPath + suffix; return await import(importPath); }; /** * Import the default export for a runtime-specific module * (this is just a simple wrapper of `importForRuntime`) * * @param path - the path within the runtime module */ export const importDefaultForRuntime = async (path: string) => { const pkg = await importForRuntime(path); if ('default' in pkg) { return pkg.default; } return null; };