@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ function print16colorTable(): void {
function print256colorTable(): void {
let colorTable = '';
// deno-fmt-ignore
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import Ansi, * as _Ansi from './ansi.ts';
import Buffer from './buffer.ts';
import Document from './document.ts';
import Editor from './editor.ts';
import { FileType } from './filetype/mod.ts';
import { FileLang, FileType } from './filetype/mod.ts';
import { highlightToColor, HighlightType } from './highlight.ts';
import Option, { None, Some } from './option.ts';
import Position from './position.ts';
@ -202,9 +202,19 @@ const readKeyTest = () => {
const highlightToColorTest = {
'highlightToColor()': () => {
assertTrue(highlightToColor(HighlightType.Number).length > 0);
assertTrue(highlightToColor(HighlightType.Match).length > 0);
assertTrue(highlightToColor(HighlightType.None).length > 0);
].forEach((type) => {
assertTrue(highlightToColor(type).length > 0);
@ -243,12 +253,12 @@ const ANSITest = () => {
const BufferTest = {
'new Buffer': () => {
const b = new Buffer();
const b = Buffer.default();
assertInstanceOf(b, Buffer);
assertEquals(b.strlen(), 0);
'.appendLine': () => {
const b = new Buffer();
const b = Buffer.default();
// Carriage return and line feed
@ -261,7 +271,7 @@ const BufferTest = {
assertEquals(b.strlen(), 5);
'.append': () => {
const b = new Buffer();
const b = Buffer.default();
assertEquals(b.strlen(), 6);
@ -271,7 +281,7 @@ const BufferTest = {
assertEquals(b.strlen(), 3);
'.flush': async () => {
const b = new Buffer();
const b = Buffer.default();
b.appendLine('foobarbaz' + Ansi.ClearLine);
assertEquals(b.strlen(), 14);
@ -297,6 +307,7 @@ const DocumentTest = {
assertEquals(oldDoc.numRows, 1);
const doc = await;
assertEquals(FileLang.TypeScript, doc.fileType);
assertTrue(doc.numRows > 1);
@ -347,6 +358,16 @@ const DocumentTest = {
const pos3 = query3.unwrap();
assertEquivalent(pos3,, 328));
'.find - empty result': () => {
const doc = Document.default();
const query = doc.find('foo', Position.default(), SearchDirection.Forward);
const query2 = doc.find('bar',, 5), SearchDirection.Forward);
'.insert': () => {
const doc = Document.default();
@ -420,22 +441,22 @@ const DocumentTest = {
const EditorTest = {
'new Editor': () => {
const e = new Editor(defaultTerminalSize);
const e = Editor.create(defaultTerminalSize);
assertInstanceOf(e, Editor);
'.open': async () => {
const e = new Editor(defaultTerminalSize);
const e = Editor.create(defaultTerminalSize);
assertInstanceOf(e, Editor);
'.processKeyPress - letters': async () => {
const e = new Editor(defaultTerminalSize);
const e = Editor.create(defaultTerminalSize);
const res = await e.processKeyPress('a');
'.processKeyPress - ctrl-q': async () => {
// Dirty file (Need to clear confirmation messages)
const e = new Editor(defaultTerminalSize);
const e = Editor.create(defaultTerminalSize);
await e.processKeyPress('d');
assertTrue(await e.processKeyPress(Fn.ctrlKey('q')));
assertTrue(await e.processKeyPress(Fn.ctrlKey('q')));
@ -443,7 +464,7 @@ const EditorTest = {
assertFalse(await e.processKeyPress(Fn.ctrlKey('q')));
// Clean file
const e2 = new Editor(defaultTerminalSize);
const e2 = Editor.create(defaultTerminalSize);
const res = await e2.processKeyPress(Fn.ctrlKey('q'));
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ export enum AnsiColor {
// Background Colors
@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ export enum AnsiColor {
// Bright Foreground Colors
@ -77,8 +79,8 @@ export enum AnsiColor {
export enum Ground {
Fore = AnsiColor.FgDefault,
Back = AnsiColor.BgDefault,
Fore = AnsiColor.ForegroundColor,
Back = AnsiColor.BackgroundColor,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -4,7 +4,11 @@ import { getRuntime } from './runtime/mod.ts';
class Buffer {
#b = '';
constructor() {
private constructor() {
public static default(): Buffer {
return new Buffer();
public append(s: string, maxLen?: number): void {
@ -102,15 +102,6 @@ export class Document {
const position = Position.from(at);
for (let y = at.y; y >= 0 && y < this.numRows; y += direction) {
if (this.row(position.y).isNone()) {
logWarning('Invalid Search location', {
document: this,
return None;
const maybeMatch = this.#rows[y].find(q, position.x, direction);
if (maybeMatch.isSome()) {
position.x = this.#rows[y].rxToCx(maybeMatch.unwrap());
@ -16,62 +16,45 @@ import Option, { None, Some } from './option.ts';
import { getRuntime, logDebug, logWarning } from './runtime/mod.ts';
import { ITerminalSize, Position, SearchDirection } from './types.ts';
* The main Editor interface
export default class Editor {
* The document being edited
* @param screen - The size of the screen in rows/columns
* @param document - The document being edited
* @param buffer - The output buffer for the terminal
* @param cursor - The current location of the mouse cursor
* @param offset - The current scrolling offset
* @param renderX - The scrolling offset for the rendered row
* @param filename - The name of the currently open file
* @param statusMessage - A message to display at the bottom of the screen
* @param statusTimeout - Timeout for status messages
* @param quitTimes - The number of times required to quit a dirty document
* @param highlightedWord - The current search term, if there is one
* @private
protected document: Document;
* The output buffer for the terminal
protected buffer: Buffer;
* The size of the screen in rows/columns
protected screen: ITerminalSize;
* The current location of the mouse cursor
protected cursor: Position;
* The current scrolling offset
protected offset: Position;
* The scrolling offset for the rendered row
protected renderX: number = 0;
* The name of the currently open file
protected filename: string = '';
* A message to display at the bottom of the screen
protected statusMessage: string = '';
* Timeout for status messages
protected statusTimeout: number = 0;
* The number of times required to quit a dirty document
protected quitTimes: number = SCROLL_QUIT_TIMES;
protected highlightedWord: Option<string> = None;
constructor(terminalSize: ITerminalSize) {
this.buffer = new Buffer();
private constructor(
protected screen: ITerminalSize,
protected document: Document = Document.default(),
protected buffer: Buffer = Buffer.default(),
protected cursor: Position = Position.default(),
protected offset: Position = Position.default(),
protected renderX: number = 0,
protected filename: string = '',
protected statusMessage: string = '',
protected statusTimeout: number = 0,
protected quitTimes: number = SCROLL_QUIT_TIMES,
protected highlightedWord: Option<string> = None,
) {
// Subtract two rows from the terminal size
// for displaying the status bar
// and message bar
this.screen = terminalSize;
this.screen.rows -= 2;
this.cursor = Position.default();
this.offset = Position.default();
this.document = Document.default();
public static create(terminalSize: ITerminalSize) {
return new Editor(terminalSize);
protected get numRows(): number {
@ -82,10 +65,6 @@ export default class Editor {
return this.document.row(at);
protected get currentRow(): Option<Row> {
return this.row(this.cursor.y);
public async open(filename: string): Promise<Editor> {
this.filename = filename;
@ -400,9 +379,12 @@ export default class Editor {
this.cursor =, y);
* Calculate the window of a file to display
protected scroll(): void {
this.renderX = (this.row(this.cursor.y).isSome())
? this.document.row(this.cursor.y).unwrap().cxToRx(this.cursor.x)
? this.row(this.cursor.y).unwrap().cxToRx(this.cursor.x)
: 0;
const { y } = this.cursor;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
import Option, { None } from '../option.ts';
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File-related types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export enum FileLang {
TypeScript = 'TypeScript',
JavaScript = 'JavaScript',
PHP = 'PHP',
Go = 'Golang',
Rust = 'Rust',
CSS = 'CSS',
Shell = 'Shell',
Plain = 'Plain Text',
export interface HighlightingOptions {
numbers: boolean;
octalNumbers: boolean;
hexNumbers: boolean;
binNumbers: boolean;
jsBigInt: boolean;
strings: boolean;
interface IFileType {
readonly name: FileLang;
readonly singleLineComment: Option<string>;
readonly multiLineCommentStart: Option<string>;
readonly multiLineCommentEnd: Option<string>;
readonly keywords1: string[];
readonly keywords2: string[];
readonly operators: string[];
readonly hlOptions: HighlightingOptions;
get flags(): HighlightingOptions;
get primaryKeywords(): string[];
get secondaryKeywords(): string[];
hasMultilineComments(): boolean;
* The base class for File Types
export abstract class AbstractFileType implements IFileType {
public readonly name: FileLang = FileLang.Plain;
public readonly singleLineComment = None;
public readonly multiLineCommentStart: Option<string> = None;
public readonly multiLineCommentEnd: Option<string> = None;
public readonly keywords1: string[] = [];
public readonly keywords2: string[] = [];
public readonly operators: string[] = [];
public readonly hlOptions: HighlightingOptions = {
numbers: false,
octalNumbers: false,
hexNumbers: false,
binNumbers: false,
jsBigInt: false,
strings: false,
get flags(): HighlightingOptions {
return this.hlOptions;
get primaryKeywords(): string[] {
return this.keywords1;
get secondaryKeywords(): string[] {
return this.keywords2;
public hasMultilineComments(): boolean {
return this.multiLineCommentStart.isSome() &&
export const defaultHighlightOptions: HighlightingOptions = {
numbers: true,
octalNumbers: false,
hexNumbers: false,
binNumbers: false,
jsBigInt: false,
strings: true,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
import Option, { None, Some } from '../option.ts';
import {
} from './base.ts';
export class CSSFile extends AbstractFileType {
public readonly name: FileLang = FileLang.CSS;
public readonly singleLineComment = None;
public readonly multiLineCommentStart: Option<string> = Some('/*');
public readonly multiLineCommentEnd: Option<string> = Some('*/');
public readonly keywords1 = [
public readonly keywords2 = [
public readonly operators = ['::', ':', ',', '+', '>', '~', '-'];
public readonly hlOptions: HighlightingOptions = {
@ -1,259 +1,8 @@
import { node_path as path } from '../runtime/mod.ts';
import Option, { None, Some } from '../option.ts';
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File-related types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export enum FileLang {
TypeScript = 'TypeScript',
JavaScript = 'JavaScript',
CSS = 'CSS',
Shell = 'Shell',
Plain = 'Plain Text',
export interface HighlightingOptions {
numbers: boolean;
strings: boolean;
interface IFileType {
readonly name: FileLang;
readonly singleLineComment: Option<string>;
readonly multiLineCommentStart: Option<string>;
readonly multiLineCommentEnd: Option<string>;
readonly keywords1: string[];
readonly keywords2: string[];
readonly operators: string[];
readonly hlOptions: HighlightingOptions;
get flags(): HighlightingOptions;
get primaryKeywords(): string[];
get secondaryKeywords(): string[];
hasMultilineComments(): boolean;
* The base class for File Types
export abstract class AbstractFileType implements IFileType {
public readonly name: FileLang = FileLang.Plain;
public readonly singleLineComment = None;
public readonly multiLineCommentStart: Option<string> = None;
public readonly multiLineCommentEnd: Option<string> = None;
public readonly keywords1: string[] = [];
public readonly keywords2: string[] = [];
public readonly operators: string[] = [];
public readonly hlOptions: HighlightingOptions = {
numbers: false,
strings: false,
get flags(): HighlightingOptions {
return this.hlOptions;
get primaryKeywords(): string[] {
return this.keywords1;
get secondaryKeywords(): string[] {
return this.keywords2;
public hasMultilineComments(): boolean {
return this.multiLineCommentStart.isSome() &&
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FileType implementations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const defaultHighlightOptions: HighlightingOptions = {
numbers: true,
strings: true,
class JavaScriptFile extends AbstractFileType {
public readonly name: FileLang = FileLang.JavaScript;
public readonly singleLineComment = Some('//');
public readonly multiLineCommentStart: Option<string> = Some('/*');
public readonly multiLineCommentEnd: Option<string> = Some('*/');
public readonly keywords1 = [
public readonly keywords2 = [
public readonly operators = [
public readonly hlOptions: HighlightingOptions = {
class TypeScriptFile extends JavaScriptFile {
public readonly name: FileLang = FileLang.TypeScript;
public readonly multiLineCommentStart: Option<string> = Some('/*');
public readonly multiLineCommentEnd: Option<string> = Some('*/');
public readonly keywords2 = [
// Typescript-specific
class ShellFile extends AbstractFileType {
public readonly name: FileLang = FileLang.Shell;
public readonly singleLineComment = Some('#');
public readonly keywords1 = [
public readonly keywords2 = ['set'];
public readonly operators = ['[[', ']]'];
public readonly hlOptions: HighlightingOptions = {
numbers: false,
class CSSFile extends AbstractFileType {
public readonly name: FileLang = FileLang.CSS;
public readonly singleLineComment = None;
public readonly multiLineCommentStart: Option<string> = Some('/*');
public readonly multiLineCommentEnd: Option<string> = Some('*/');
public readonly hlOptions: HighlightingOptions = {
import { AbstractFileType } from './base.ts';
import { CSSFile } from './css.ts';
import { JavaScriptFile, TypeScriptFile } from './javascript.ts';
import { ShellFile } from './shell.ts';
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// External interface
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
import Option, { Some } from '../option.ts';
import {
} from './base.ts';
export class JavaScriptFile extends AbstractFileType {
public readonly name: FileLang = FileLang.JavaScript;
public readonly singleLineComment = Some('//');
public readonly multiLineCommentStart: Option<string> = Some('/*');
public readonly multiLineCommentEnd: Option<string> = Some('*/');
public readonly keywords1 = [
public readonly keywords2 = [
public readonly operators = [
public readonly hlOptions: HighlightingOptions = {
octalNumbers: true,
hexNumbers: true,
binNumbers: true,
jsBigInt: true,
export class TypeScriptFile extends JavaScriptFile {
public readonly name: FileLang = FileLang.TypeScript;
public readonly keywords2 = [
// Typescript-specific
@ -1 +1,2 @@
export * from './base.ts';
export * from './filetype.ts';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import { Some } from '../option.ts';
import {
} from './base.ts';
export class ShellFile extends AbstractFileType {
public readonly name: FileLang = FileLang.Shell;
public readonly singleLineComment = Some('#');
public readonly keywords1 = [
public readonly keywords2 = ['set'];
public readonly operators = ['[[', ']]'];
public readonly hlOptions: HighlightingOptions = {
numbers: false,
@ -23,10 +23,8 @@ export async function main() {
logError(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));
const terminalSize = await term.getTerminalSize();
// Create the editor itself
const editor = new Editor(terminalSize);
const editor = Editor.create(await term.getTerminalSize());
// Process cli arguments
if (term.argv.length > 0) {
@ -46,22 +46,37 @@ export class Row {
this.rchars = [];
* Get the number of 'characters' in this row
public get size(): number {
return this.chars.length;
* Get the number of 'characters' in the 'render' array
public get rsize(): number {
return this.rchars.length;
* Get the 'render' string
public rstring(offset: number = 0): string {
return this.rchars.slice(offset).join('');
* Create a new empty Row
public static default(): Row {
return new Row();
* Create a new Row
public static from(s: string | string[] | Row): Row {
if (s instanceof Row) {
return s;
@ -70,11 +85,17 @@ export class Row {
return new Row(s);
* Add a character to the end of the current row
public append(s: string, syntax: FileType): void {
this.chars = this.chars.concat(strChars(s));
this.update(None, syntax);
* Add a character to the current row at the specified location
public insertChar(at: number, c: string): void {
const newSlice = strChars(c);
if (at >= this.size) {
@ -141,6 +162,10 @@ export class Row {
return Some(this.cxToRx(this.byteIndexToCharIndex(byteIndex)));
* Search the current Row for the given string, returning the index in
* the 'render' version
public rIndexOf(s: string, offset: number = 0): Option<number> {
const rstring = this.rchars.join('');
const byteIndex = rstring.indexOf(s, this.charIndexToByteIndex(offset));
@ -223,10 +248,17 @@ export class Row {
* Output the contents of the row
public toString(): string {
return this.chars.join('');
* Setup up the row by converting tabs to spaces for rendering,
* then setup syntax highlighting
public update(
word: Option<string>,
syntax: FileType,
@ -241,17 +273,24 @@ export class Row {
return this.highlight(word, syntax, startWithComment);
* Calculate the syntax types of the current Row
public highlight(
word: Option<string>,
syntax: FileType,
startWithComment: boolean,
): boolean {
// When the highlighting is already up-to-date
if (this.isHighlighted && word.isNone()) {
return false;
this.hl = [];
let i = 0;
// Handle the case where we are in a multi-line
// comment from a previous row
let inMlComment = startWithComment;
if (inMlComment && syntax.hasMultilineComments()) {
const maybeEnd = this.rIndexOf(syntax.multiLineCommentEnd.unwrap(), i);
@ -266,8 +305,7 @@ export class Row {
for (; i < this.rsize;) {
const ch = this.rchars[i];
const maybeMultiline = this.highlightMultilineComment(i, syntax, ch);
const maybeMultiline = this.highlightMultilineComment(i, syntax);
if (maybeMultiline.isSome()) {
inMlComment = true;
i = maybeMultiline.unwrap();
@ -276,11 +314,14 @@ export class Row {
inMlComment = false;
const maybeNext = this.highlightComment(i, syntax, ch)
// Go through the syntax highlighting types in order:
// If there is a match, we end the chain of syntax types
// and 'consume' the number of characters that matched
const maybeNext = this.highlightComment(i, syntax)
.orElse(() => this.highlightPrimaryKeywords(i, syntax))
.orElse(() => this.highlightSecondaryKeywords(i, syntax))
.orElse(() => this.highlightString(i, syntax, ch))
.orElse(() => this.highlightNumber(i, syntax, ch))
.orElse(() => this.highlightString(i, syntax))
.orElse(() => this.highlightNumber(i, syntax))
.orElse(() => this.highlightOperators(i, syntax));
if (maybeNext.isSome()) {
@ -346,7 +387,6 @@ export class Row {
protected highlightComment(
i: number,
syntax: FileType,
_ch: string,
): Option<number> {
// Highlight single-line comments
if (syntax.singleLineComment.isSome()) {
@ -365,7 +405,7 @@ export class Row {
return None;
protected highlightStr(
private highlightStr(
i: number,
substring: string,
hl_type: HighlightType,
@ -390,7 +430,7 @@ export class Row {
return Some(i);
protected highlightKeywords(
private highlightKeywords(
i: number,
keywords: string[],
hl_type: HighlightType,
@ -473,9 +513,9 @@ export class Row {
protected highlightString(
i: number,
syntax: FileType,
ch: string,
): Option<number> {
// Highlight strings
const ch = this.rchars[i];
if (syntax.flags.strings && ch === '"' || ch === "'") {
while (true) {
@ -500,12 +540,13 @@ export class Row {
protected highlightMultilineComment(
i: number,
syntax: FileType,
ch: string,
): Option<number> {
if (!syntax.hasMultilineComments()) {
return None;
const ch = this.rchars[i];
const startChars = syntax.multiLineCommentStart.unwrap();
const endChars = syntax.multiLineCommentEnd.unwrap();
if (ch === startChars[0] && this.rchars[i + 1] == startChars[1]) {
@ -526,50 +567,65 @@ export class Row {
protected highlightNumber(
i: number,
syntax: FileType,
ch: string,
): Option<number> {
// Highlight numbers
if (syntax.flags.numbers && isAsciiDigit(ch)) {
if (i > 0 && !isSeparator(this.rchars[i - 1])) {
return None;
while (true) {
i += 1;
if (i >= this.rsize) {
const nextChar = this.rchars[i];
// deno-fmt-ignore
const validChars = [
// Decimal
// Octal Notation
// Hex Notation
// Hex digits
// Binary Notation/Hex digit
// BigInt
if (
!(validChars.includes(nextChar) || isAsciiDigit(nextChar))
) {
return Some(i);
// Exit early
const ch = this.rchars[i];
if (!(syntax.flags.numbers && isAsciiDigit(ch))) {
return None;
return None;
// Configure which characters are valid
// for numbers in the current FileType
let validChars = ['.'];
if (syntax.flags.binNumbers) {
validChars = validChars.concat(['b', 'B']);
if (syntax.flags.octalNumbers) {
validChars = validChars.concat(['o', 'O']);
if (syntax.flags.hexNumbers) {
// deno-fmt-ignore
validChars = validChars.concat([
if (syntax.flags.jsBigInt) {
// Number literals are not attached to other syntax
if (i > 0 && !isSeparator(this.rchars[i - 1])) {
return None;
// Match until the end of the number literal
while (true) {
i += 1;
if (i >= this.rsize) {
const nextChar = this.rchars[i];
if (
!(validChars.includes(nextChar) || isAsciiDigit(nextChar))
) {
return Some(i);
* Return a terminal-formatted version of the current row
public render(offset: number, len: number): string {
const end = Math.min(len, this.rsize);
const start = Math.min(offset, len);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user