assertGreaterThan(0, $rows); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $cols); } public function test_is_ascii(): void { $this->assertFalse(is_ascii('©')); $this->assertFalse(is_ascii("\x80")); $this->assertTrue(is_ascii('a')); $this->assertTrue(is_ascii("\x7b")); } public function test_ctrl_key(): void { $this->assertEquals(-1, ctrl_key("\x80")); $this->assertEquals(0x01, ctrl_key('a')); } public function test_is_cntrl(): void { for ($i = 0x0; $i < 0x20; $i++) { $char = chr($i); $this->assertTrue(is_cntrl($char), 'Should be a control character'); } for ($n = 0x20; $n < 0x7f; $n++) { $char = chr($n); $this->assertFalse(is_cntrl($char), 'Should not be a control character'); } // Escape, code 7f, is an outlier $this->assertTrue(is_cntrl(chr(0x7f))); } public function test_is_space(): void { $this->assertFalse(is_space("\x80"), 'Non-ascii character is not considered a space'); foreach ([' ', "\t", "\n", "\r", "\xa", "\xb", "\xc"] as $char) { $this->assertTrue(is_space($char), 'Should be considered a space character'); } } public function test_is_digit(): void { $this->assertFalse(is_separator("\x80"), 'Non-ascii character is not a digit'); $digits = str_split('01234567890'); foreach ($digits as $digit) { $this->assertTrue(is_digit($digit)); } } public function test_is_separator(): void { $this->assertFalse(is_separator("\x80"), 'Non-ascii character is not a separator'); $chars = str_split(',.()+-/*=~%<>[];'); foreach ($chars as $char) { $this->assertTrue(is_separator($char), 'The character should be considered a separator'); } // Null byte is considered a separator $this->assertTrue(is_separator("\0")); } public function test_syntax_to_color(): void { // Nonsense input returns FG::White $this->assertEquals(syntax_to_color(999), Color::FG_WHITE); $this->assertNotEquals(syntax_to_color(Highlight::OPERATOR), Color::FG_WHITE); } public function test_get_file_syntax_map(): void { $this->assertNotEmpty(get_file_syntax_map()); } public function test_str_contains(): void { // Search from string offset $this->assertTrue(str_contains(' vcd', 'vcd', 2)); $this->assertFalse(str_contains('', "\0")); // An empty search string returns false $this->assertFalse(str_contains('', '')); $this->assertTrue(str_contains('alphabet', 'phab')); } public function test_tabs_to_spaces(): void { $original = "\t\t\t{"; $this->assertFalse(str_contains(tabs_to_spaces($original), "\t")); } public function test_array_replace_range_length_1(): void { $original = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' ]; $expected = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'foo', 'e', 'f']; array_replace_range($original, 3, 1, 'foo'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $original); } public function test_array_replace_range_length_gt_1(): void { $original = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' ]; $expected = [ 'a', 'foo', 'foo', 'foo', 'e', 'f' ]; array_replace_range($original, 1, 3, 'foo'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $original); } }