new('struct termios'); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! Raw mode / Terminal size // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function enable_raw_mode(): void { global $ffi; global $original_termios; register_shutdown_function('Kilo\disable_raw_mode'); // Populate the original terminal settings $res = $ffi->tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, FFI::addr($original_termios)); if ($res === -1) { die('tcgetattr'); } // So, the only thing that seems to really matter here is that c_oflag is 0... $termios = clone $original_termios; $termios->c_iflag = 0; //$termios->c_iflag & ~(BRKINT | ICRNL | INPCK | ISTRIP | IXON); $termios->c_oflag = 0; // $termios->c_oflag && ~(OPOST); $termios->c_cflag |= (CS8); $termios->c_lflag = $termios->c_lflag & ~(_ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN | ISIG); $termios->c_cc[VMIN] = 0; $termios->c_cc[VTIME] = 1; // Turn on raw mode $res = $ffi->tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, FFI::addr($termios)); if ($res === -1) { die('tcsetattr'); } } function disable_raw_mode(): void { global $ffi; global $original_termios; $res = $ffi->tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, FFI::addr($original_termios)); echo "\n"; if ($res === -1) { die('tcsetattr'); } } /** * @TODO fix */ function get_cursor_position() { write_stdout("\x1b[999C\x1b[999B"); write_stdout("\x1b[6n"); $rows = 0; $cols = 0; $buffer = read_stdout(); $res = sscanf($buffer, '\x1b[%d;%dR', $rows, $cols); if ($res === -1 || $buffer[0] !== '\x1b' || $buffer[1] !== '[') { die('Failed to get screen size'); } return [$rows, $cols]; } function get_window_size() { global $ffi; $ws = $ffi->new('struct winsize'); $res = $ffi->ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, FFI::addr($ws)); if ($res === -1 || $ws->ws_col === 0) { return get_cursor_position(); } return [$ws->ws_row, $ws->ws_col]; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! C function/macro equivalents // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Do bit twiddling to convert a letter into * its Ctrl-letter equivalent ordinal ascii value * * @param string $char * @return int */ function ctrl_key(string $char): int { if ( ! is_ascii($char)) { return -1; } // b1,100,001 (a) & b0,011,111 = b0,000,001 // b1,100,010 (b) & b0,011,111 = b0,000,010 return ord($char) & 0x1f; } function is_ascii(string $single_char): bool { if (strlen($single_char) > 1) { return FALSE; } return ord($single_char) < 0x80; } function is_cntrl(string $char): bool { $c = ord($char); return is_ascii($char) && ( $c < 0x20 || $c === 0x7f ); } function is_digit(string $char): bool { $c = ord($char); return is_ascii($char) && ( $c > 0x2f && $c < 0x3a ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! Helper functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function read_stdin(int $len = 128): string { $handle = fopen('php://stdin', 'rb'); $input = fread($handle, $len); fclose($handle); return $input; } function write_stdout(string $str, int $len = NULL): int { $handle = fopen('php://stdout', 'ab'); $res = (is_int($len)) ? fwrite($handle, $str, $len) : fwrite($handle, $str); fclose($handle); return $res; } function read_stdout(int $len = 128): string { $handle = fopen('php://stdout', 'rb'); $input = fread($handle, $len); $input = rtrim($input); fclose($handle); return $input; }