(function(exports){ var benches = { string: { source: "Hello World!", context: {} }, replace: { source: "Hello ${name}! You have ${count} new messages.", context: { name: "Mick", count: 30 } }, array: { source: "{{each names}}${name}{{/each}}", context: { names: [{name: "Moe"}, {name: "Larry"}, {name: "Curly"}, {name: "Shemp"}] } }, object: { source: "${person.name}${person.age}", context: { person: { name: "Larry", age: 45 } } }, partial: { source: "{{tmpl(peeps) \"replace\"}}", context: { peeps: [{name: "Moe", count: 15}, {name: "Larry", count: 5}, {name: "Curly", count: 1}] } }, recursion: { source: "${name}{{tmpl(kids) \"recursion\"}}", context: { name: '1', kids: [ { name: '1.1', kids: [ {name: '1.1.1', kids: []} ] } ] } }, filter: { source: "FOO ${bar.toUpperCase()}", context: { bar: "bar" } }, complex: { source: "


{{if items.length}}{{else}}

The list is empty.

{{/if}}", context: { header: function() { return "Colors"; }, items: [ {name: "red", current: true, url: "#Red"}, {name: "green", current: false, url: "#Green"}, {name: "blue", current: false, url: "#Blue"} ] } } } exports.jqueryBench = function(suite, name, id) { var bench = benches[name], fn = $.template(name, bench.source), ctx = bench.context; suite.bench(id || name, function(next) { $.tmpl(fn, ctx); next(); }); } exports.jqueryBench.benches = benches; })(typeof exports !== "undefined" ? exports : window);