(function(exports){ var benches = { string: { source: "Hello World!", context: {} }, replace: { source: "Hello {name}! You have {count} new messages.", context: { name: "Mick", count: 30 } }, array: { source: "{#names}{name}{/names}", context: { names: [ { name: "Moe" }, { name: "Larry" }, { name: "Curly" }, { name: "Shemp" } ] } }, object: { source: "{#person}{name}{age}{/person}", context: { person: { name: "Larry", age: 45 } } }, partial: { source: "{#peeps}{>replace/}{/peeps}", context: { peeps: [ { name: "Moe", count: 15 }, { name: "Larry", count: 5 }, { name: "Curly", count: 0 } ] } }, recursion: { source: "{name}{#kids}{>recursion:./}{/kids}", context: { name: '1', kids: [ { name: '1.1', kids: [ {name: '1.1.1'} ] } ] } }, filter: { source: "{#filter}foo {bar}{/filter}", context: { filter: function(chunk, context, bodies) { return chunk.tap(function(data) { return data.toUpperCase(); }).render(bodies.block, context).untap(); }, bar: "bar" } }, complex: { source: "


\n" + "{?items}\n" + " \n" + "{:else}\n" + "

The list is empty.

\n" + "{/items}", context: { header: function() { return "Colors"; }, items: [ {name: "red", current: true, url: "#Red"}, {name: "green", current: false, url: "#Green"}, {name: "blue", current: false, url: "#Blue"} ] } } } exports.dustBench = function(suite, name, id) { var bench = benches[name], ctx = bench.context; dust.loadSource(dust.compile(bench.source, name)); suite.bench(id || name, function(next) { dust.render(name, ctx, function() { next(); }); }); }; exports.dustBench.benches = benches; })(typeof exports !== "undefined" ? exports : window);