express-myconnection ============ Connect/Express middleware provides a consistent API for MySQL connections during request/response life cycle. It supports three different strategies of managing db connections: ` single ` for a singleton connection on an app instance level, `pool` based connections, and a new connection per each `request`. It’s also capable of auto closing/releasing connections if configured either with `pool` or `request`. It uses [node-mysql]( as a MySQL driver. ### Strategies * `single` - creates single database connection for an application instance. Connection is never closed. In case of disconnection it will try to reconnect again as described in [node-mysql docs]( * `pool` - creates pool of connections on an app instance level, and serves a single connection from pool per request. The connections is auto released to the pool at the response end. * `request` - creates new connection per each request, and automatically closes it at the response end. ### Usage Configuration is straightforward and you use it as any other middleware. First param it accepts is a [node-mysql]( module, second is a db options hash passed to [node-mysql]( module when connection or pool are created. The third is string defining strategy type. // app.js ... var mysql = require('mysql'), // node-mysql module myConnection = require('express-myconnection'), // express-myconnection module dbOptions = { host: 'localhost', user: 'dbuser', password: 'password', port: 3306, database: 'mydb' }; app.use(myConnection(mysql, dbOptions, 'single'); ... **express-myconnection** extends `request` object with `getConection(callback)` function, this way connection instance can be accessed anywhere in routers during request/response life cycle: // myroute.js ... module.exports = function(req, res, next) { ... req.getConnection(function(err, connection) { if (err) return next(err); connection.query('SELECT 1 AS RESULT', [], function(err, results) { if (err) return next(err); results[0].RESULT; // -> 1 res.send(200); }); }); ... } ...