/* THIS FILE SHOULD BE BROWSER-COMPATIBLE JS! * You can use @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER to remove code from the browser build. * Only code on that line will be removed, its mostly to avoid requiring code * that is node specific */ var nodeunit = require('../lib/nodeunit'); // @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER exports.testArgs = function (test) { test.ok(test.expect instanceof Function, 'test.expect'); test.ok(test.done instanceof Function, 'test.done'); test.ok(test.ok instanceof Function, 'test.ok'); test.ok(test.same instanceof Function, 'test.same'); test.ok(test.equals instanceof Function, 'test.equals'); test.done(); }; exports.testDoneCallback = function (test) { test.expect(4); nodeunit.runTest('testname', exports.testArgs, { testDone: function (name, assertions) { test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0, 'failures'); test.equals(assertions.length, 5, 'length'); test.ok(typeof assertions.duration === "number"); test.equals(name, 'testname'); } }, test.done); }; exports.testThrowError = function (test) { test.expect(3); var err = new Error('test'); var testfn = function (test) { throw err; }; nodeunit.runTest('testname', testfn, { log: function (assertion) { test.same(assertion.error, err, 'assertion.error'); }, testDone: function (name, assertions) { test.equals(assertions.failures(), 1); test.equals(assertions.length, 1); } }, test.done); };