/* THIS FILE SHOULD BE BROWSER-COMPATIBLE JS! * You can use @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER to remove code from the browser build. * Only code on that line will be removed, its mostly to avoid requiring code * that is node specific */ var nodeunit = require('../lib/nodeunit'); // @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER exports.testRunModule = function (test) { test.expect(59); var call_order = []; var testmodule = { test1: function (test) { call_order.push('test1'); test.ok(true, 'ok true'); test.done(); }, test2: function (test) { call_order.push('test2'); test.ok(false, 'ok false'); test.ok(false, 'ok false'); test.done(); }, test3: function (test) { call_order.push('test3'); test.done(); } }; nodeunit.runModule('testmodule', testmodule, { log: function (assertion) { call_order.push('log'); }, testStart: function (name) { call_order.push('testStart'); test.ok( name.toString() === 'test1' || name.toString() === 'test2' || name.toString() === 'test3', 'testStart called with test name ' ); }, testReady: function (tst) { call_order.push('testReady'); test.ok(tst.done, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.ok, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.same, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.expect, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst._assertion_list, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.AssertionError, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.fail, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.equal, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.notEqual, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.deepEqual, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.notDeepEqual, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.strictEqual, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.notStrictEqual, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.throws, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.doesNotThrow, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.ifError, 'testReady called with non-test object'); }, testDone: function (name, assertions) { call_order.push('testDone'); test.ok( name.toString() === 'test1' || name.toString() === 'test2' || name.toString() === 'test3', 'testDone called with test name' ); }, moduleDone: function (name, assertions) { call_order.push('moduleDone'); test.equals(assertions.length, 3); test.equals(assertions.failures(), 2); test.equals(name, 'testmodule'); test.ok(typeof assertions.duration === "number"); test.same(call_order, [ 'testStart', 'testReady', 'test1', 'log', 'testDone', 'testStart', 'testReady', 'test2', 'log', 'log', 'testDone', 'testStart', 'testReady', 'test3', 'testDone', 'moduleDone' ]); } }, test.done); }; exports.testRunModuleTestSpec = function (test) { test.expect(22); var call_order = []; var testmodule = { test1: function (test) { test.ok(true, 'ok true'); test.done(); }, test2: function (test) { call_order.push('test2'); test.ok(false, 'ok false'); test.ok(false, 'ok false'); test.done(); }, test3: function (test) { test.done(); } }; nodeunit.runModule('testmodule', testmodule, { testspec: "test2", log: function (assertion) { call_order.push('log'); }, testStart: function (name) { call_order.push('testStart'); test.equals( name,'test2', 'testStart called with test name ' ); }, testReady: function (tst) { call_order.push('testReady'); test.ok(tst.done, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.ok, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.same, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.expect, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst._assertion_list, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.AssertionError, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.fail, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.equal, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.notEqual, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.deepEqual, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.notDeepEqual, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.strictEqual, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.notStrictEqual, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.throws, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.doesNotThrow, 'testReady called with non-test object'); test.ok(tst.ifError, 'testReady called with non-test object'); }, testDone: function (name, assertions) { call_order.push('testDone'); test.equal( name, 'test2', 'testDone called with test name' ); }, moduleDone: function (name, assertions) { call_order.push('moduleDone'); test.equals(assertions.length, 2); test.equals(name, 'testmodule'); test.ok(typeof assertions.duration === "number"); test.same(call_order, [ 'testStart', 'testReady', 'test2', 'log', 'log', 'testDone', 'moduleDone' ]); } }, test.done); }; exports.testRunModuleEmpty = function (test) { nodeunit.runModule('module with no exports', {}, { log: function (assertion) { test.ok(false, 'log should not be called'); }, testStart: function (name) { test.ok(false, 'testStart should not be called'); }, testReady: function (tst) { test.ok(false, 'testReady should not be called'); }, testDone: function (name, assertions) { test.ok(false, 'testDone should not be called'); }, moduleDone: function (name, assertions) { test.equals(assertions.length, 0); test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0); test.equals(name, 'module with no exports'); test.ok(typeof assertions.duration === "number"); } }, test.done); }; exports.testNestedTests = function (test) { var call_order = []; var m = { test1: function (test) { test.done(); }, suite: { t1: function (test) { test.done(); }, t2: function (test) { test.done(); }, another_suite: { t3: function (test) { test.done(); } } } }; nodeunit.runModule('modulename', m, { testStart: function (name) { call_order.push(['testStart'].concat(name)); }, testReady: function (tst) { call_order.push(['testReady']); }, testDone: function (name, assertions) { call_order.push(['testDone'].concat(name)); } }, function () { test.same(call_order, [ ['testStart', 'test1'], ['testReady'], ['testDone', 'test1'], ['testStart', 'suite', 't1'], ['testReady'], ['testDone', 'suite', 't1'], ['testStart', 'suite', 't2'], ['testReady'], ['testDone', 'suite', 't2'], ['testStart', 'suite', 'another_suite', 't3'], ['testReady'], ['testDone', 'suite', 'another_suite', 't3'] ]); test.done(); }); };