var nodeunit = require('../lib/nodeunit'); exports.testFailingLog = function (test) { test.expect(3); // this is meant to bubble to the top, and will be ignored for the purposes // of testing: var ignored_error = new Error('ignore this callback error'); var err_handler = function (err) { if (err && err.message !== ignored_error.message) { throw err; } }; process.addListener('uncaughtException', err_handler); // A failing callback should not affect the test outcome var testfn = function (test) { test.ok(true, 'test.ok'); test.done(); }; nodeunit.runTest('testname', testfn, { log: function (assertion) { test.ok(true, 'log called'); throw ignored_error; }, testDone: function (name, assertions) { test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0, 'failures'); test.equals(assertions.length, 1, 'total'); process.removeListener('uncaughtException', err_handler); } }, test.done); }; exports.testFailingTestDone = function (test) { test.expect(2); var ignored_error = new Error('ignore this callback error'); var err_handler = function (err) { if (err && err.message !== ignored_error.message) { throw err; } }; process.addListener('uncaughtException', err_handler); // A failing callback should not affect the test outcome var testfn = function (test) { test.done(); }; nodeunit.runTest('testname', testfn, { log: function (assertion) { test.ok(false, 'log should not be called'); }, testDone: function (name, assertions) { test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0, 'failures'); test.equals(assertions.length, 0, 'total'); process.nextTick(function () { process.removeListener('uncaughtException', err_handler); test.done(); }); throw ignored_error; } }, function () {}); }; exports.testAssertionObj = function (test) { test.expect(4); var testfn = function (test) { test.ok(true, 'ok true'); test.done(); }; nodeunit.runTest('testname', testfn, { log: function (assertion) { test.ok(assertion.passed() === true, 'assertion.passed'); test.ok(assertion.failed() === false, 'assertion.failed'); }, testDone: function (name, assertions) { test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0, 'failures'); test.equals(assertions.length, 1, 'total'); } }, test.done); }; exports.testLogOptional = function (test) { test.expect(2); var testfn = function (test) { test.ok(true, 'ok true'); test.done(); }; nodeunit.runTest('testname', testfn, { testDone: function (name, assertions) { test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0, 'failures'); test.equals(assertions.length, 1, 'total'); } }, test.done); }; exports.testExpectWithFailure = function (test) { test.expect(3); var testfn = function (test) { test.expect(1); test.ok(false, 'test.ok'); test.done(); }; nodeunit.runTest('testname', testfn, { log: function (assertion) { test.equals(assertion.method, 'ok', 'assertion.method'); }, testDone: function (name, assertions) { test.equals(assertions.failures(), 1, 'failures'); test.equals(assertions.length, 1, 'total'); } }, test.done); };