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2014-09-24 17:57:25 -04:00
* Modal dialog prompts
* @module Ink.UI.Modal_1
* @version 1
Ink.createModule('Ink.UI.Modal', '1', ['Ink.UI.Common_1','Ink.Dom.Event_1','Ink.Dom.Css_1','Ink.Dom.Element_1','Ink.Dom.Selector_1','Ink.Util.Array_1'], function(Common, Event, Css, InkElement, Selector, InkArray ) {
'use strict';
var opacitySupported = (function (div) { = 'invalid';
return !== 'invalid';
}(InkElement.create('div', {style: 'opacity: 1'})));
* @class Ink.UI.Modal
* @constructor
* @version 1
* @param {String|DOMElement} selector Element or ID
* @param {Object} [options] Options object, containing:
* @param {String} [options.width] Default/Initial width. Ex: '600px'
* @param {String} [options.height] Default/Initial height. Ex: '400px'
* @param {String} [options.shadeClass] Custom class to be added to the
* @param {String} [options.modalClass] Custom class to be added to the
* @param {String} [options.trigger] CSS Selector for target elements that will trigger the Modal.
* @param {Boolean} [options.autoDisplay] Displays the Modal automatically when constructed.
* @param {String} [options.markup] Markup to be placed in the Modal when created
* @param {Function} [options.onShow] Callback function to run when the Modal is opened.
* @param {Function} [options.onDismiss] Callback function to run when the Modal is closed. Return `false` to cancel dismissing the Modal.
* @param {Boolean} [options.closeOnClick] Flag to close the modal when clicking outside of it.
* @param {Boolean} [options.closeOnEscape] Determines if the Modal should close when "Esc" key is pressed. Defaults to true.
* @param {Boolean} [options.responsive] Determines if the Modal should behave responsively (adapt to smaller viewports).
* @param {String} [options.triggerEvent] (advanced) Trigger's event to be listened. Defaults to 'click'.
* @sample Ink_UI_Modal_1.html
function upName(dimension) {
// omg IE
var firstCharacter = dimension.match(/^./)[0];
return firstCharacter.toUpperCase() + dimension.replace(/^./, '');
function maxName(dimension) {
return 'max' + upName(dimension);
var openModals = [];
function Modal() {
Common.BaseUIComponent.apply(this, arguments);
Modal._name = 'Modal_1';
Modal._optionDefinition = {
* Width, height and markup really optional, as they can be obtained by the element
width: ['String', undefined],
height: ['String', undefined],
* To add extra classes
shadeClass: ['String', undefined],
modalClass: ['String', undefined],
* Optional trigger properties
trigger: ['String', undefined],
triggerEvent: ['String', 'click'],
autoDisplay: ['Boolean', true],
* Remaining options
markup: ['String', undefined],
onShow: ['Function', undefined],
onDismiss: ['Function', undefined],
closeOnClick: ['Boolean', false],
closeOnEscape: ['Boolean', true],
responsive: ['Boolean', true]
Modal.prototype = {
_init: function () {
this._handlers = {
click: Ink.bindEvent(this._onShadeClick, this),
keyDown: Ink.bindEvent(this._onKeyDown, this),
resize: Ink.bindEvent(this._onResize, this)
this._wasDismissed = false;
* Modal Markup
if( this._element ){
this._markupMode = Css.hasClassName(this._element,'ink-modal'); // Check if the full modal comes from the markup
} else {
this._markupMode = false;
if( !this._markupMode ){
this._modalShadow = document.createElement('div');
this._modalShadowStyle =;
this._modalDiv = document.createElement('div');
this._modalDivStyle =;
if( !!this._element ){
this._options.markup = this._element.innerHTML;
* Not in full markup mode, let's set the classes and css configurations
Css.addClassName( this._modalShadow,'ink-shade' );
Css.addClassName( this._modalDiv,'ink-modal ink-space' );
* Applying the main css styles
// this._modalDivStyle.position = 'absolute';
this._modalShadow.appendChild( this._modalDiv);
document.body.appendChild( this._modalShadow );
} else {
this._modalDiv = this._element;
this._modalDivStyle =;
this._modalShadow = this._modalDiv.parentNode;
this._modalShadowStyle =;
this._contentContainer =".modal-body", this._modalDiv)[0];
if( !this._contentContainer){
throw new Error('Ink.UI.Modal: Missing div with class "modal-body"');
this._options.markup = this._contentContainer.innerHTML;
if( !this._markupMode ){
if( typeof this._options.shadeClass === 'string' ){
Css.addClassName(this._modalShadow, this._options.shadeClass);
if( typeof this._options.modalClass === 'string' ){
Css.addClassName(this._modalDiv, this._options.modalClass);
if( this._options.trigger ) {
var triggerElements = Common.elsOrSelector(this._options.trigger, '');
Event.observeMulti(triggerElements, this._options.triggerEvent, Ink.bindEvent(, this));
} else if ( this._options.autoDisplay.toString() === "true" ) {;
* Responsible for repositioning the modal
* @method _reposition
* @private
_reposition: function(){
this._modalDivStyle.marginTop = (-InkElement.elementHeight(this._modalDiv)/2) + 'px';
this._modalDivStyle.marginLeft = (-InkElement.elementWidth(this._modalDiv)/2) + 'px';
* Responsible for resizing the modal
* @method _onResize
* @param {Boolean|Event} runNow Its executed in the begining to resize/reposition accordingly to the viewport. But usually it's an event object.
* @private
_onResize: function( runNow ){
if( typeof runNow === 'boolean' ){;
} else if( !this._resizeTimeout && (runNow && typeof runNow === 'object') ){
this._resizeTimeout = setTimeout(Ink.bind(this._timeoutResizeFunction, this),250);
* Timeout Resize Function
* @method _timeoutResizeFunction
* @private
_timeoutResizeFunction: function(){
* Getting the current viewport size
var isPercentage = {
width: ('' + this._options.width).indexOf('%') !== -1,
height: ('' + this._options.height).indexOf('%') !== -1
var currentViewport = {
height: InkElement.viewportHeight(),
width: InkElement.viewportWidth()
InkArray.forEach(['height', 'width'], Ink.bind(function (dimension) {
// Not used for percentage measurements
if (isPercentage[dimension]) { return; }
if (currentViewport[dimension] > this.originalStatus[dimension]) {
this._modalDivStyle[dimension] = this._modalDivStyle[maxName(dimension)];
} else {
this._modalDivStyle[dimension] = Math.round(currentViewport[dimension] * 0.9) + 'px';
}, this));
this._resizeTimeout = undefined;
* Handle clicks on the shade element.
* @method _onShadeClick
* @param {Event} ev
* @private
_onShadeClick: function(ev) {
var tgtEl = Event.element(ev);
if (Css.hasClassName(tgtEl, 'ink-close') || Css.hasClassName(tgtEl, 'ink-dismiss') ||
InkElement.findUpwardsBySelector(tgtEl, '.ink-close,.ink-dismiss') ||
this._options.closeOnClick &&
(!InkElement.descendantOf(this._shadeElement, tgtEl) || (tgtEl === this._shadeElement))
) {
var alertsInTheModal ='.ink-alert', this._shadeElement),
alertsLength = alertsInTheModal.length;
for( var i = 0; i < alertsLength; i++ ){
if( InkElement.descendantOf(alertsInTheModal[i], tgtEl) ){
// Only stop the event if this dismisses this modal
if (this._wasDismissed) {
* Responsible for handling the escape key pressing.
* @method _onKeyDown
* @param {Event} ev
* @private
_onKeyDown: function(ev) {
if (ev.keyCode !== 27 || this._wasDismissed) { return; }
if (this._options.closeOnEscape.toString() === 'true' &&
openModals[openModals.length - 1] === this) {
if (this._wasDismissed) {
* Responsible for setting the size of the modal (and position) based on the viewport.
* @method _resizeContainer
* @private
_resizeContainer: function() {
var containerHeight = InkElement.elementHeight(this._modalDiv);
this._modalHeader ='.modal-header',this._modalDiv)[0];
if( this._modalHeader ){
containerHeight -= InkElement.elementHeight(this._modalHeader);
this._modalFooter ='.modal-footer',this._modalDiv)[0];
if( this._modalFooter ){
containerHeight -= InkElement.elementHeight(this._modalFooter);
} = containerHeight + 'px';
if( containerHeight !== InkElement.elementHeight(this._contentContainer) ){ = ~~(containerHeight - (InkElement.elementHeight(this._contentContainer) - containerHeight)) + 'px';
if( this._markupMode ){ return; }
* Opens this Modal.
* Use this if you created the modal with `autoOpen: false`
* to open the modal when you want to.
* @method open
* @param {Event} [event] (internal) In case its fired by the internal trigger.
open: function(event) {
if( event ){ Event.stop(event); }
var elem = (document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat") ? document.documentElement : document.body;
this._resizeTimeout = null;
Css.addClassName( this._modalShadow,'ink-shade' );
this._modalShadowStyle.display = this._modalDivStyle.display = 'block';
setTimeout(Ink.bind(function() {
Css.addClassName( this._modalShadow, 'visible' );
Css.addClassName( this._modalDiv, 'visible' );
}, this), 100);
* Fallback to the old one
this._contentElement = this._modalDiv;
this._shadeElement = this._modalShadow;
if( !this._markupMode ){
* Setting the content of the modal
this.setContentMarkup( this._options.markup );
* If any size has been user-defined, let's set them as max-width and max-height
var isPercentage = {
width: ('' + this._options.width).indexOf('%') !== -1,
height: ('' + this._options.height).indexOf('%') !== -1
InkArray.forEach(['width', 'height'], Ink.bind(function (dimension) {
if (this._options[dimension] !== undefined) {
this._modalDivStyle[dimension] = this._options[dimension];
if (!isPercentage[dimension]) {
this._modalDivStyle[maxName(dimension)] =
InkElement['element' + upName(dimension)](this._modalDiv) + 'px';
} else {
this._modalDivStyle[maxName(dimension)] = InkElement['element' + upName(dimension)](this._modalDiv) + 'px';
if (isPercentage[dimension] && parseInt(elem['client' + maxName(dimension)], 10) <= parseInt(this._modalDivStyle[dimension], 10) ) {
this._modalDivStyle[dimension] = Math.round(parseInt(elem['client' + maxName(dimension)], 10) * 0.9) + 'px';
}, this));
this.originalStatus = {
viewportHeight: InkElement.elementHeight(elem),
viewportWidth: InkElement.elementWidth(elem),
height: InkElement.elementHeight(this._modalDiv),
width: InkElement.elementWidth(this._modalDiv)
* Let's 'resize' it:
if( this._options.responsive.toString() === 'true' ) {
Event.observe( window,'resize',this._handlers.resize );
} else {
if (this._options.onShow) {
// subscribe events
Event.observe(this._shadeElement, 'click',;
if (this._options.closeOnEscape.toString() === 'true') {
Event.observe(document, 'keydown', this._handlers.keyDown);
this._wasDismissed = false;
Css.addClassName(document.documentElement, 'ink-modal-open');
* Closes the modal
* @method dismiss
* @public
dismiss: function() {
if (this._wasDismissed) { /* Already dismissed. WTF IE. */ return; }
if (this._options.onDismiss) {
var ret = this._options.onDismiss(this);
if (ret === false) { return; }
this._wasDismissed = true;
if( this._options.responsive ){
Event.stopObserving(window, 'resize', this._handlers.resize);
// this._modalShadow.parentNode.removeChild(this._modalShadow);
if( !this._markupMode ){
} else {
Css.removeClassName( this._modalDiv, 'visible' );
Css.removeClassName( this._modalShadow, 'visible' );
this._waitForFade(this._modalShadow, Ink.bind(function () {
this._modalShadowStyle.display = 'none';
}, this));
openModals = InkArray.remove(openModals, InkArray.keyValue(this, openModals), 1);
if (openModals.length === 0) { // Document level stuff now there are no modals in play.
var htmlEl = document.documentElement;
// Remove the class from the HTML element.
Css.removeClassName(htmlEl, 'ink-modal-open');
* Utility function to listen to the onTransmissionEnd event, or wait using setTimeouts
* Specific to this._element
_waitForFade: function (elem, callback) {
if (!opacitySupported) { return callback(); }
var transitionEndEventNames = [
'transitionEnd', 'oTransitionEnd', 'webkitTransitionEnd'];
var classicName;
var evName;
for (var i = 0, len = transitionEndEventNames.length; i < len; i++) {
evName = transitionEndEventNames[i];
classicName = 'on' + evName.toLowerCase();
if (classicName in elem) {
Event.observeOnce(elem, evName, callback);
var fadeChecker = function () {
if( +Css.getStyle(elem, 'opacity') > 0 ){
setTimeout(fadeChecker, 250);
} else {
setTimeout(fadeChecker, 500);
* Removes the modal from the DOM
* @method destroy
* @public
destroy: function() {
* Returns the content DOM element
* @method getContentElement
* @return {DOMElement} Modal main cointainer.
* @public
getContentElement: function() {
return this._contentContainer;
* Replaces the content markup
* @method setContentMarkup
* @param {String} contentMarkup
* @public
setContentMarkup: function(contentMarkup) {
if( !this._markupMode ){
this._modalDiv.innerHTML = [contentMarkup].join('');
this._contentContainer =".modal-body",this._modalDiv);
if( !this._contentContainer.length ){
// throw 'Missing div with class "modal-body"';
var tempHeader =".modal-header",this._modalDiv);
var tempFooter =".modal-footer",this._modalDiv);
InkArray.each(tempHeader, InkElement.remove);
InkArray.each(tempFooter, InkElement.remove);
var body = document.createElement('div');
body.innerHTML = this._modalDiv.innerHTML;
this._modalDiv.innerHTML = '';
var toAdd = tempHeader.concat([body]).concat(tempFooter);
InkArray.each(toAdd, Ink.bindMethod(this._modalDiv, 'appendChild'));
this._contentContainer =".modal-body",this._modalDiv);
this._contentContainer = this._contentContainer[0];
} else {
this._contentContainer.innerHTML = contentMarkup;
this._contentElement = this._modalDiv;
Common.createUIComponent(Modal, { elementIsOptional: true });
return Modal;