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2014-09-24 17:57:25 -04:00
* Dropdown menus
* @module Ink.UI.Dropdown_1
* Use this UI module to achieve a dropdown menu.
* @version 1
Ink.createModule('Ink.UI.Dropdown', '1', ['Ink.UI.Common_1', 'Ink.UI.Toggle_1', 'Ink.Dom.Event_1', 'Ink.Dom.Element_1'], function(Common, Toggle, InkEvent, InkElement) {
'use strict';
function Dropdown() {
Common.BaseUIComponent.apply(this, arguments);
Dropdown._name = 'Dropdown_1';
Dropdown._optionDefinition = {
'target': ['Element'],
'hoverOpen': ['Number', null],
'dismissOnInsideClick': ['Boolean', false],
'dismissOnOutsideClick': ['Boolean', true],
'dismissAfter': ['Number', null],
'onInsideClick': ['Function', null],
'onOutsideClick': ['Function', null],
'onOpen': ['Function', null],
'onDismiss': ['Function', null]
Dropdown.prototype = {
* @class Ink.UI.Dropdown
* @constructor
* @param {DOMElement|String} trigger Trigger Element
* @param {Object} options Options Object
* @param {DOMElement|String} Target of the dropdown action.
* @sample Ink_UI_Dropdown_1.html
_init: function() {
this._toggle = new Toggle(this._element, {
closeOnInsideClick: null,
closeOnClick: false,
onChangeState: Ink.bind(function (newState) {
return this._openOrDismiss(newState, true, true);
}, this)
// Event where we set this._dismissTimeout and clear this._openTimeout
InkEvent.observeMulti([, this._element],
'mouseout', Ink.bindMethod(this, '_onMouseOut'));
// Events to keep clearing this._dismissTimeout and set this._openTimeout
InkEvent.observeMulti([, this._element],
'mouseover', Ink.bindMethod(this, '_onMouseOver'));
// to call dismissOnInsideClick and onInsideClick
InkEvent.observe(, 'click', Ink.bindMethod(this, '_onInsideClick'));
// to call dismissOnOutsideClick and onOutsideClick
InkEvent.observe(document, 'click', Ink.bindMethod(this, '_onOutsideClick'));
* Called when the mouse is over the toggler, or the dropdown.
* Deals with "hoverOpen" by setting the dropdown to open later. Also cancels "dismissAfter".
* @method _onMouseOver
* @private
_onMouseOver: function () {
if (typeof this._options.hoverOpen === 'number' && this._toggle.getState() === false) {
this._openTimeout = setTimeout(
Ink.bindMethod(this, 'open', true),
this._options.hoverOpen * 1000);
if (typeof this._options.dismissAfter === 'number') {
* Called when the mouse leaves either the toggler, or the dropdown.
* Deals with "dismissAfter" by setting the dropdown to be dismissed later. Also cancels "hoverOpen".
* @method _onMouseOut
* @private
_onMouseOut: function () {
if (typeof this._options.dismissAfter === 'number' && this._toggle.getState() === true) {
this._dismissTimeout = setTimeout(
Ink.bindMethod(this, 'dismiss', true),
this._options.dismissAfter * 1000);
if (typeof this._options.hoverOpen === 'number') {
* Handle clicks on the dropdown.
* @method _onInsideClick
* @private
_onInsideClick: function (event) {
var ret = this._handlerCall('onInsideClick', InkEvent.element(event));
if (ret === false) { return; }
if (this._options.dismissOnInsideClick) {
* Handle clicks outside the dropdown.
* @method _onOutsideClick
* @private
_onOutsideClick: function (event) {
var target = InkEvent.element(event);
var foundElem = InkElement.findUpwardsHaving(target, Ink.bind(function (needle) {
return needle === this._element;
}, this));
var foundTarget = InkElement.findUpwardsHaving(target, Ink.bind(function (needle) {
return needle ===;
}, this));
if (!foundElem && !foundTarget) {
var ret = this._handlerCall('onOutsideClick', target);
if (ret === false) { return; }
if (this._options.dismissOnOutsideClick) {
* Closes the dropdown.
* @method dismiss
* @param [callHandler=false] call onDismiss handler
dismiss: function (callHandler, doNotInformToggle) {
this._openOrDismiss(false, callHandler, doNotInformToggle);
* Opens the dropdown
* @method open
* @param [callHandler=false] call onOpen handler
open: function (callHandler, _doNotInformToggle) {
this._openOrDismiss(true, callHandler, _doNotInformToggle);
* DRY'ing up open() and dismiss()
* @method _openOrDismiss
* @param [newState=false]
* @param [callHandler=false]
* @private
_openOrDismiss: function (newState, callHandler, _doNotInformToggle) {
if (this._toggle && this._toggle.getState() === newState) { return; }
if (callHandler) {
if (this._handlerCall(newState ? 'onOpen' : 'onDismiss') === false) {
return false; // canceled by event handler
if (!_doNotInformToggle) {
* call a method given by the user through the options
* @method _handlerCall
* @param handler {String} The handler name in this._options
* @param [args*] Arguments to pass to function
_handlerCall: function (handler/*, ... */) {
if (this._options[handler]) {
return this._options[handler].call(this, [], 1));
return Dropdown;