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2014-09-24 17:57:25 -04:00
* Date selector
* @module Ink.UI.DatePicker_1
* @version 1
Ink.createModule('Ink.UI.DatePicker', '1', ['Ink.UI.Common_1','Ink.Dom.Event_1','Ink.Dom.Css_1','Ink.Dom.Element_1','Ink.Dom.Selector_1','Ink.Util.Array_1','Ink.Util.Date_1', 'Ink.Dom.Browser_1'], function(Common, Event, Css, InkElement, Selector, InkArray, InkDate ) {
'use strict';
// Clamp a number into a min/max limit
function clamp(n, min, max) {
if (n > max) { n = max; }
if (n < min) { n = min; }
return n;
function dateishFromYMDString(YMD) {
var split = YMD.split('-');
return dateishFromYMD(+split[0], +split[1] - 1, +split[2]);
function dateishFromYMD(year, month, day) {
return {_year: year, _month: month, _day: day};
function dateishFromDate(date) {
return {_year: date.getFullYear(), _month: date.getMonth(), _day: date.getDate()};
* @class Ink.UI.DatePicker
* @constructor
* @version 1
* @param {String|DOMElement} selector
* @param {Object} [options] Options
* @param {Boolean} [options.autoOpen] Flag to automatically open the datepicker.
* @param {String} [options.cleanText] Text for the clean button. Defaults to 'Clear'.
* @param {String} [options.closeText] Text for the close button. Defaults to 'Close'.
* @param {String} [options.cssClass] CSS class to be applied on the datepicker
* @param {String|DOMElement} [options.pickerField] (if not using in an input[type="text"]) Element which displays the DatePicker when clicked. Defaults to an "open" link.
* @param {String} [options.dateRange] Enforce limits to year, month and day for the Date, ex: '1990-08-25:2020-11'
* @param {Boolean} [options.displayInSelect] Flag to display the component in a select element.
* @param {String|DOMElement} [options.dayField] (if using options.displayInSelect) `select` field with days.
* @param {String|DOMElement} [options.monthField] (if using options.displayInSelect) `select` field with months.
* @param {String|DOMElement} [options.yearField] (if using options.displayInSelect) `select` field with years.
* @param {String} [options.format] Date format string
* @param {Object} [options.month] Hash of month names. Defaults to portuguese month names. January is 1.
* @param {String} [options.nextLinkText] Text for the previous button. Defaults to '«'.
* @param {String} [options.ofText] Text to show between month and year. Defaults to ' of '.
* @param {Boolean} [options.onFocus] If the datepicker should open when the target element is focused. Defaults to true.
* @param {Function} [options.onMonthSelected] Callback to execute when the month is selected.
* @param {Function} [options.onSetDate] Callback to execute when the date is set.
* @param {Function} [options.onYearSelected] Callback to execute when the year is selected.
* @param {String} [options.position] Position for the datepicker. Either 'right' or 'bottom'. Defaults to 'right'.
* @param {String} [options.prevLinkText] Text for the previous button. Defaults to '«'.
* @param {Boolean} [options.showClean] If the clean button should be visible. Defaults to true.
* @param {Boolean} [options.showClose] If the close button should be visible. Defaults to true.
* @param {Boolean} [options.shy] If the datepicker should start automatically. Defaults to true.
* @param {String} [options.startDate] Date to define initial month. Must be in yyyy-mm-dd format.
* @param {Number} [options.startWeekDay] First day of the week. Sunday is zero. Defaults to 1 (Monday).
* @param {Function} [options.validYearFn] Callback to execute when 'rendering' the month (in the month view)
* @param {Function} [options.validMonthFn] Callback to execute when 'rendering' the month (in the month view)
* @param {Function} [options.validDayFn] Callback to execute when 'rendering' the day (in the month view)
* @param {Function} [options.nextValidDateFn] Function to calculate the next valid date, given the current. Useful when there's invalid dates or time frames.
* @param {Function} [options.prevValidDateFn] Function to calculate the previous valid date, given the current. Useful when there's invalid dates or time frames.
* @param {Object} [options.wDay] Hash of week day names. Sunday is 0. Defaults to { 0:'Sunday', 1:'Monday', etc...
* @param {String} [options.yearRange] Enforce limits to year for the Date, ex: '1990:2020' (deprecated)
* @sample Ink_UI_DatePicker_1.html
var DatePicker = function() {
Common.BaseUIComponent.apply(this, arguments);
DatePicker._name = 'DatePicker_1';
DatePicker._optionDefinition = {
autoOpen: ['Boolean', false],
cleanText: ['String', 'Clear'],
closeText: ['String', 'Close'],
pickerField: ['Element', null],
containerElement:['Element', null],
cssClass: ['String', 'ink-calendar bottom'],
dateRange: ['String', null],
// use this in a <select>
displayInSelect: ['Boolean', false],
dayField: ['Element', null],
monthField: ['Element', null],
yearField: ['Element', null],
format: ['String', 'yyyy-mm-dd'],
nextLinkText: ['String', '»'],
ofText: ['String', ' of '],
onFocus: ['Boolean', true],
onMonthSelected: ['Function', null],
onSetDate: ['Function', null],
onYearSelected: ['Function', null],
position: ['String', 'right'],
prevLinkText: ['String', '«'],
showClean: ['Boolean', true],
showClose: ['Boolean', true],
shy: ['Boolean', true],
startDate: ['String', null], // format yyyy-mm-dd,
startWeekDay: ['Number', 1],
// Validation
validDayFn: ['Function', null],
validMonthFn: ['Function', null],
validYearFn: ['Function', null],
nextValidDateFn: ['Function', null],
prevValidDateFn: ['Function', null],
yearRange: ['String', null],
// Text
month: ['Object', {
wDay: ['Object', {
DatePicker.prototype = {
* Initialization function. Called by the constructor and receives the same parameters.
* @method _init
* @private
_init: function(){
this._options.format = this._dateParsers[ this._options.format ] || this._options.format;
this._hoverPicker = false;
this._picker = this._options.pickerField || null;
this._setMinMax( this._options.dateRange || this._options.yearRange );
if(this._options.startDate) {
this.setDate( this._options.startDate );
} else if (this._element && this._element.value) {
this.setDate( this._element.value );
} else {
this.setDate(new Date());
if (this._options.startWeekDay < 0 || this._options.startWeekDay > 6) {
Ink.warn('Ink.UI.DatePicker_1: option "startWeekDay" must be between 0 (sunday) and 6 (saturday)');
this._options.startWeekDay = clamp(this._options.startWeekDay, 0, 6);
Ink.extendObj(this._options,this._lang || {});
_validate: function () {
if(this._options.displayInSelect &&
!(this._options.dayField && this._options.monthField && this._options.yearField)){
throw new Error(
'Ink.UI.DatePicker: displayInSelect option enabled.'+
'Please specify dayField, monthField and yearField selectors.');
* Renders the DatePicker's markup.
* @method _render
* @private
_render: function() {
this._containerObject = document.createElement('div');
this._containerObject.className = this._options.cssClass + ' ink-datepicker-calendar hide-all';
var calendarTop = document.createElement("div");
calendarTop.className = 'ink-calendar-top';
this._monthDescContainer = document.createElement("div");
this._monthDescContainer.className = 'ink-calendar-month_desc';
this._monthPrev = document.createElement('div');
this._monthPrev.className = 'ink-calendar-prev';
this._monthPrev.appendChild(InkElement.create('a', {
href: '#prev',
className: 'change_month_prev',
setHTML: this._options.prevLinkText
this._monthNext = document.createElement('div');
this._monthNext.className = 'ink-calendar-next';
this._monthNext.appendChild(InkElement.create('a', {
href: '#next',
className: 'change_month_next',
setHTML: this._options.nextLinkText
this._monthContainer = document.createElement("div");
this._monthContainer.className = 'ink-calendar-month';
this._monthSelector = this._renderMonthSelector();
this._yearSelector = document.createElement('ul');
this._yearSelector.className = 'ink-calendar-year-selector';
if(!this._options.onFocus || this._options.displayInSelect){
this._picker = InkElement.create('a', {
href: '#open_cal',
setHTML: 'open',
insertBottom: this._element.parentNode,
className: 'ink-datepicker-picker-field'
} else {
this._picker = Common.elOrSelector(this._options.pickerField, 'pickerField');
this._monthChanger = InkElement.create('a', {
href: '#monthchanger',
className: 'ink-calendar-link-month',
setTextContent: this._options.month[this._month + 1]
this._ofText = InkElement.create('span', {
className: 'ink-calendar-of-text',
setHTML: this._options.ofText
this._yearChanger = InkElement.create('a', {
href: '#yearchanger',
className: 'ink-calendar-link-year',
setTextContent: this._year
if (!this._options.inline) {
} else {;
_addDateChangeHandlersToInputs: function () {
var fields = this._element;
if (this._options.displayInSelect) {
fields = [
Event.observeMulti(fields ,'change', Ink.bindEvent(function(){
this._updateDate( );
this._showDefaultView( );
this.setDate( );
if ( !this._inline && !this._hoverPicker ) {
* Shows the calendar.
* @method show
show: function () {
Css.removeClassName(this._containerObject, 'hide-all');
_addOpenCloseEvents: function () {
var opener = this._picker || this._element;
Event.observe(opener, 'click', Ink.bindEvent(function(e){
if (this._options.autoOpen) {;
Event.observe(opener, 'blur', Ink.bindEvent(function() {
if ( !this._hoverPicker ) {
if (this._options.shy) {
// Close the picker when clicking elsewhere.
var target = Event.element(e);
// "elsewhere" is outside any of these elements:
var cannotBe = [
for (var i = 0, len = cannotBe.length; i < len; i++) {
if (cannotBe[i] && InkElement.descendantOf(cannotBe[i], target)) {
* Creates the markup of the view with months.
* @method _renderMonthSelector
* @private
_renderMonthSelector: function () {
var selector = document.createElement('ul');
selector.className = 'ink-calendar-month-selector';
var ulSelector = document.createElement('ul');
for(var mon=1; mon<=12; mon++){
if (mon % 4 === 0) {
ulSelector = document.createElement('ul');
return selector;
* Renders a single month button.
_renderMonthButton: function (mon) {
var liMonth = document.createElement('li');
liMonth.appendChild(InkElement.create('a', {
'data-cal-month': mon,
setTextContent: this._options.month[mon].substring(0, 3)
return liMonth;
_appendDatePickerToDom: function () {
if(this._options.containerElement) {
var appendTarget =
var parentIsControl = Selector.matchesSelector(
'.ink-form .control-group .control');
if (parentIsControl) {
this._wrapper = this._element.parentNode;
this._wrapperIsControl = true;
} else {
this._wrapper = InkElement.create('div', { className: 'ink-datepicker-wrapper' });
InkElement.wrap(this._element, this._wrapper);
InkElement.insertAfter(this._containerObject, this._element);
* Render the topmost bar with the "close" and "clear" buttons.
_renderSuperTopBar: function () {
if((!this._options.showClose) || (!this._options.showClean)){ return; }
this._superTopBar = document.createElement("div");
this._superTopBar.className = 'ink-calendar-top-options';
this._superTopBar.appendChild(InkElement.create('a', {
className: 'clean',
setHTML: this._options.cleanText
this._superTopBar.appendChild(InkElement.create('a', {
className: 'close',
setHTML: this._options.closeText
_listenToContainerObjectEvents: function () {
Event.stop( e );
this._hoverPicker = true;
Event.stop( e );
this._hoverPicker = false;
Event.observe(this._containerObject,'click',Ink.bindEvent(this._onClick, this));
_onClick: function(e){
var elem = Event.element(e);
if (Css.hasClassName(elem, 'ink-calendar-off')) {
return null;
// Relative changers
// Absolute changers
// Mode changers
if (Css.hasClassName(elem, 'ink-calendar-link-month')) {
} else if (Css.hasClassName(elem, 'ink-calendar-link-year')) {
} else if(Css.hasClassName(elem, 'clean')){
} else if(Css.hasClassName(elem, 'close')){
* Handles click events on a changer (« ») for next/prev year/month
* @method _onChangerClick
* @private
_onRelativeChangerClick: function (elem) {
var changeYear = {
change_year_next: 1,
change_year_prev: -1
var changeMonth = {
change_month_next: 1,
change_month_prev: -1
if( elem.className in changeMonth ) {
} else if( elem.className in changeYear ) {
* Handles click events on an atom-changer (day button, month button, year button)
* @method _onAbsoluteChangerClick
* @private
_onAbsoluteChangerClick: function (elem) {
var elemData =;
if( Number(elemData.calDay) ){
this.setDate(new Date(this._year, this._month, elemData.calDay));
} else if( Number(elemData.calMonth) ) {
this._month = Number(elemData.calMonth) - 1;
} else if( Number(elemData.calYear) ){
_changeYear: function (year) {
year = +year;
this._year = year;
if( typeof this._options.onYearSelected === 'function' ){
this._options.onYearSelected(this, {
'year': this._year
_clean: function () {
this._options.yearField.selectedIndex = 0;
this._options.monthField.selectedIndex = 0;
this._options.dayField.selectedIndex = 0;
} else {
this._element.value = '';
* Hides the DatePicker.
* If the component is shy (options.shy), behaves differently.
* @method _hide
* @param {Boolean} [blur] If false, forces hiding even if the component is shy.
_hide: function(blur) {
blur = blur === undefined ? true : blur;
if (blur === false || (blur && this._options.shy)) {
Css.addClassName(this._containerObject, 'hide-all');
* Sets the range of dates allowed to be selected in the Date Picker
* @method _setMinMax
* @param {String} dateRange Two dates separated by a ':'. Example: 2013-01-01:2013-12-12
* @private
_setMinMax: function( dateRange ) {
var self = this;
var noMinLimit = {
_year: -Number.MAX_VALUE,
_month: 0,
_day: 1
var noMaxLimit = {
_year: Number.MAX_VALUE,
_month: 11,
_day: 31
function noLimits() {
self._min = noMinLimit;
self._max = noMaxLimit;
if (!dateRange) { return noLimits(); }
var dates = dateRange.split( ':' );
var rDate = /^(\d{4})((\-)(\d{1,2})((\-)(\d{1,2}))?)?$/;
{name: '_min', date: dates[0], noLim: noMinLimit},
{name: '_max', date: dates[1], noLim: noMaxLimit}
], Ink.bind(function (data) {
var lim = data.noLim;
if ( === 'NOW' ) {
var now = new Date();
lim = dateishFromDate(now);
} else if ( === 'EVER') {
lim = data.noLim;
} else if ( rDate.test( ) ) {
lim = dateishFromYMDString(;
lim._month = clamp(lim._month, 0, 11);
lim._day = clamp(lim._day, 1, this._daysInMonth( lim._year, lim._month + 1 ));
this[] = lim;
}, this));
// Should be equal, or min should be smaller
var valid = this._dateCmp(this._max, this._min) !== -1;
if (!valid) {
* Checks if a date is between the valid range.
* Starts by checking if the date passed is valid. If not, will fallback to the 'today' date.
* Then checks if the all params are inside of the date range specified. If not, it will fallback to the nearest valid date (either Min or Max).
* @method _fitDateToRange
* @param {Number} year Year with 4 digits (yyyy)
* @param {Number} month Month
* @param {Number} day Day
* @return {Array} Array with the final processed date.
* @private
_fitDateToRange: function( date ) {
if ( !this._isValidDate( date ) ) {
date = dateishFromDate(new Date());
if (this._dateCmp(date, this._min) === -1) {
return Ink.extendObj({}, this._min);
} else if (this._dateCmp(date, this._max) === 1) {
return Ink.extendObj({}, this._max);
return Ink.extendObj({}, date); // date is okay already, just copy it.
* Checks whether a date is within the valid date range
* @method _dateWithinRange
* @param year
* @param month
* @param day
* @return {Boolean}
* @private
_dateWithinRange: function (date) {
if (!arguments.length) {
date = this;
return (!this._dateAboveMax(date) &&
_dateAboveMax: function (date) {
return this._dateCmp(date, this._max) === 1;
_dateBelowMin: function (date) {
return this._dateCmp(date, this._min) === -1;
_dateCmp: function (self, oth) {
return this._dateCmpUntil(self, oth, '_day');
* _dateCmp with varied precision. You can compare down to the day field, or, just to the month.
* // the following two dates are considered equal because we asked
* // _dateCmpUntil to just check up to the years.
* _dateCmpUntil({_year: 2000, _month: 10}, {_year: 2000, _month: 11}, '_year') === 0
_dateCmpUntil: function (self, oth, depth) {
var props = ['_year', '_month', '_day'];
var i = -1;
do {
if (self[props[i]] > oth[props[i]]) { return 1; }
else if (self[props[i]] < oth[props[i]]) { return -1; }
} while (props[i] !== depth &&
self[props[i + 1]] !== undefined && oth[props[i + 1]] !== undefined);
return 0;
* Sets the markup in the default view mode (showing the days).
* Also disables the previous and next buttons in case they don't meet the range requirements.
* @method _showDefaultView
* @private
_showDefaultView: function(){ = 'none'; = 'none';
this._monthPrev.childNodes[0].className = 'change_month_prev';
this._monthNext.childNodes[0].className = 'change_month_next';
if ( !this._getPrevMonth() ) {
this._monthPrev.childNodes[0].className = 'action_inactive';
if ( !this._getNextMonth() ) {
this._monthNext.childNodes[0].className = 'action_inactive';
} = 'block';
* Updates the date shown on the datepicker
* @method _updateDate
* @private
_updateDate: function(){
var dataParsed;
if(!this._options.displayInSelect && this._element.value){
dataParsed = this._parseDate(this._element.value);
} else if (this._options.displayInSelect) {
dataParsed = {
_year: this._options.yearField[this._options.yearField.selectedIndex].value,
_month: this._options.monthField[this._options.monthField.selectedIndex].value - 1,
_day: this._options.dayField[this._options.dayField.selectedIndex].value
if (dataParsed) {
dataParsed = this._fitDateToRange(dataParsed);
this._year = dataParsed._year;
this._month = dataParsed._month;
this._day = dataParsed._day;
* Updates the date description shown at the top of the datepicker
* EG "12 de November"
* @method _updateDescription
* @private
_updateDescription: function(){
InkElement.setTextContent(this._monthChanger, this._options.month[this._month + 1]);
InkElement.setTextContent(this._ofText, this._options.ofText);
InkElement.setTextContent(this._yearChanger, this._year);
* Renders the year selector view of the datepicker
* @method _showYearSelector
* @private
_showYearSelector: function(inc){
var firstYear = this._year - (this._year % 10);
var thisYear = firstYear - 1;
InkElement.setHTML(this._yearSelector, '');
var yearUl = InkElement.create('ul');
if (thisYear > this._min._year) {
var prevYearLi = InkElement.create('li');
prevYearLi.appendChild(InkElement.create('a', {
href: '#year_prev',
className: 'change_year_prev',
setHTML: this._options.prevLinkText
} else {
yearUl.appendChild(InkElement.create('li', { setHTML: '&nbsp;' }));
for (var i=1; i < 11; i++){
if (i % 4 === 0){
yearUl = InkElement.create('ul');
thisYear = firstYear + i - 1;
if (thisYear < this._max._year) {
var nextYearLi = InkElement.create('li');
nextYearLi.appendChild(InkElement.create('a', {
href: '#year_next',
className: 'change_year_next',
setHTML: this._options.nextLinkText
} else {
yearUl.appendChild(InkElement.create('li', { setHTML: '&nbsp;' }));
this._monthPrev.childNodes[0].className = 'action_inactive';
this._monthNext.childNodes[0].className = 'action_inactive'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'block';
* For the year selector.
* Update this._year, to find the next decade or use nextValidDateFn to find it.
_incrementViewingYear: function (inc) {
if (!inc) { return; }
var year = +this._year + inc*10;
year = year - year % 10;
if ( year > this._max._year || year + 9 < this._min._year){
this._year = +this._year + inc*10;
_getYearButton: function (thisYear) {
var className = '';
if (!this._acceptableYear({ _year: thisYear })) {
className = 'ink-calendar-off';
} else if (thisYear === this._year) {
className = 'ink-calendar-on';
var li = InkElement.create('li');
li.appendChild(InkElement.create('a', {
href: '#',
'data-cal-year': thisYear,
className: className,
setTextContent: thisYear
return li;
* Show the month selector (happens when you click a year, or the "month" link.
* @method _showMonthSelector
* @private
_showMonthSelector: function () { = 'none'; = 'none';
this._monthPrev.childNodes[0].className = 'action_inactive';
this._monthNext.childNodes[0].className = 'action_inactive';
this._addMonthClassNames(); = 'block';
* This function returns the given date in the dateish format
* @method _parseDate
* @param {String} dateStr A date on a string.
* @private
_parseDate: function(dateStr){
var date = InkDate.set( this._options.format , dateStr );
if (date) {
return dateishFromDate(date);
return null;
* Checks if a date is valid
* @method _isValidDate
* @param {Dateish} date
* @private
* @return {Boolean} True if the date is valid, false otherwise
_isValidDate: function(date){
var yearRegExp = /^\d{4}$/;
var validOneOrTwo = /^\d{1,2}$/;
return (
yearRegExp.test(date._year) &&
validOneOrTwo.test(date._month) &&
validOneOrTwo.test(date._day) &&
+date._month + 1 >= 1 &&
+date._month + 1 <= 12 &&
+date._day >= 1 &&
+date._day <= this._daysInMonth(date._year, date._month + 1)
* Checks if a given date is an valid format.
* @method _isDate
* @param {String} format A date format.
* @param {String} dateStr A date on a string.
* @private
* @return {Boolean} True if the given date is valid according to the given format
_isDate: function(format, dateStr){
try {
if (typeof format === 'undefined'){
return false;
var date = InkDate.set( format , dateStr );
if( date && this._isValidDate( dateishFromDate(date) )) {
return true;
} catch (ex) {}
return false;
_acceptableDay: function (date) {
return this._acceptableDateComponent(date, 'validDayFn');
_acceptableMonth: function (date) {
return this._acceptableDateComponent(date, 'validMonthFn');
_acceptableYear: function (date) {
return this._acceptableDateComponent(date, 'validYearFn');
/** DRY base for the above 2 functions */
_acceptableDateComponent: function (date, userCb) {
if (this._options[userCb]) {
return this._callUserCallbackBool(this._options[userCb], date);
} else {
return this._dateWithinRange(date);
* This method returns the date written with the format specified on the options
* @method _writeDateInFormat
* @private
* @return {String} Returns the current date of the object in the specified format
return InkDate.get( this._options.format , this.getDate());
* This method allows the user to set the DatePicker's date on run-time.
* @method setDate
* @param {Date|String} dateString A Date object, or date string in yyyy-mm-dd format.
* @public
setDate: function( dateString ) {
if (dateString && typeof dateString.getDate === 'function') {
dateString = [ dateString.getFullYear(),
dateString.getMonth() + 1, dateString.getDate() ].join('-');
if ( /\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}/.test( dateString ) ) {
var auxDate = dateString.split( '-' );
this._year = +auxDate[ 0 ];
this._month = +auxDate[ 1 ] - 1;
this._day = +auxDate[ 2 ];
this._setDate( );
* Gets the currently selected date as a JavaScript date.
* @method getDate
getDate: function () {
if (!this._day) {
throw 'Ink.UI.DatePicker: Still picking a date. Cannot getDate now!';
return new Date(this._year, this._month, this._day);
* Sets the chosen date on the target input field
* @method _setDate
* @param {DOMElement} objClicked Clicked object inside the DatePicker's calendar.
* @private
_setDate : function( objClicked ) {
if (objClicked) {
var data =;
this._day = (+data.calDay) || this._day;
var dt = this._fitDateToRange(this);
this._year = dt._year;
this._month = dt._month;
this._day = dt._day;
this._element.value = this._writeDateInFormat();
} else {
this._options.dayField.value = this._day;
this._options.monthField.value = this._month + 1;
this._options.yearField.value = this._year;
if(this._options.onSetDate) {
this._options.onSetDate( this , { date : this.getDate() } );
* Makes the necessary work to update the calendar
* when choosing a different month
* @method _updateCal
* @param {Number} inc Indicates previous or next month
* @private
_updateCal: function(inc){
if( typeof this._options.onMonthSelected === 'function' ){
this._options.onMonthSelected(this, {
'year': this._year,
'month' : this._month
if (inc && this._updateMonth(inc) === null) {
* Function that returns the number of days on a given month on a given year
* @method _daysInMonth
* @param {Number} _y - year
* @param {Number} _m - month
* @private
* @return {Number} The number of days on a given month on a given year
_daysInMonth: function(_y,_m){
var exceptions = {
2: ((_y % 400 === 0) || (_y % 4 === 0 && _y % 100 !== 0)) ? 29 : 28,
4: 30,
6: 30,
9: 30,
11: 30
return exceptions[_m] || 31;
* Updates the calendar when a different month is chosen
* @method _updateMonth
* @param {Number} incValue - indicates previous or next month
* @private
_updateMonth: function(incValue){
var date;
if (incValue > 0) {
date = this._getNextMonth();
} else if (incValue < 0) {
date = this._getPrevMonth();
if (!date) { return null; }
this._year = date._year;
this._month = date._month;
this._day = date._day;
* Get the next month we can show.
_getNextMonth: function (date) {
return this._tryLeap( date, 'Month', 'next', function (d) {
d._month += 1;
if (d._month > 11) {
d._month = 0;
d._year += 1;
return d;
* Get the previous month we can show.
_getPrevMonth: function (date) {
return this._tryLeap( date, 'Month', 'prev', function (d) {
d._month -= 1;
if (d._month < 0) {
d._month = 11;
d._year -= 1;
return d;
* Get the next year we can show.
_getPrevYear: function (date) {
return this._tryLeap( date, 'Year', 'prev', function (d) {
d._year -= 1;
return d;
* Get the next year we can show.
_getNextYear: function (date) {
return this._tryLeap( date, 'Year', 'next', function (d) {
d._year += 1;
return d;
* DRY base for a function which tries to get the next or previous valid year or month.
* It checks if we can go forward by using _dateCmp with atomic
* precision (this means, {_year} for leaping years, and
* {_year, month} for leaping months), then it tries to get the
* result from the user-supplied callback (nextDateFn or prevDateFn),
* and when this is not present, advance the date forward using the
* `advancer` callback.
_tryLeap: function (date, atomName, directionName, advancer) {
date = date || { _year: this._year, _month: this._month, _day: this._day };
var maxOrMin = directionName === 'prev' ? '_min' : '_max';
var boundary = this[maxOrMin];
// Check if we're by the boundary of min/max year/month
if (this._dateCmpUntil(date, boundary, atomName) === 0) {
return null; // We're already at the boundary. Bail.
var leapUserCb = this._options[directionName + 'ValidDateFn'];
if (leapUserCb) {
return this._callUserCallbackDate(leapUserCb, date);
} else {
date = advancer(date);
date = this._fitDateToRange(date);
return this['_acceptable' + atomName](date) ? date : null;
_getNextDecade: function (date) {
date = date || { _year: this._year, _month: this._month, _day: this._day };
var decade = this._getCurrentDecade(date);
if (decade + 10 > this._max._year) { return null; }
return decade + 10;
_getPrevDecade: function (date) {
date = date || { _year: this._year, _month: this._month, _day: this._day };
var decade = this._getCurrentDecade(date);
if (decade - 10 < this._min._year) { return null; }
return decade - 10;
/** Returns the decade given a date or year*/
_getCurrentDecade: function (year) {
year = year ? (year._year || year) : this._year;
return Math.floor(year / 10) * 10; // Round to first place
_callUserCallbackBase: function (cb, date) {
return, date._year, date._month + 1, date._day);
_callUserCallbackBool: function (cb, date) {
return !!this._callUserCallbackBase(cb, date);
_callUserCallbackDate: function (cb, date) {
var ret = this._callUserCallbackBase(cb, date);
return ret ? dateishFromDate(ret) : null;
* Key-value object that (for a given key) points to the correct parsing format for the DatePicker
* @property _dateParsers
* @type {Object}
* @readOnly
_dateParsers: {
'yyyy-mm-dd' : 'Y-m-d' ,
'yyyy/mm/dd' : 'Y/m/d' ,
'yy-mm-dd' : 'y-m-d' ,
'yy/mm/dd' : 'y/m/d' ,
'dd-mm-yyyy' : 'd-m-Y' ,
'dd/mm/yyyy' : 'd/m/Y' ,
'dd-mm-yy' : 'd-m-y' ,
'dd/mm/yy' : 'd/m/y' ,
'mm/dd/yyyy' : 'm/d/Y' ,
'mm-dd-yyyy' : 'm-d-Y'
* Renders the current month
* @method _renderMonth
* @private
_renderMonth: function(){
var month = this._month;
var year = this._year;
InkElement.setHTML(this._monthContainer, '');
this._getDayButtons(year, month));
* Figure out where the first day of a month lies
* in the first row of the calendar.
* having options.startWeekDay === 0
* Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
* 1 <- The "1" is in the 7th day. return 6.
* 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
* 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
* 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
* 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
* 30 31
* This obviously changes according to the user option "startWeekDay"
_getFirstDayIndex: function (year, month) {
var wDayFirst = (new Date( year , month , 1 )).getDay(); // Sunday=0
var startWeekDay = this._options.startWeekDay || 0; // Sunday=0
var result = wDayFirst - startWeekDay;
result %= 7;
if (result < 0) {
result += 6;
return result;
_getDayButtons: function (year, month) {
var daysInMonth = this._daysInMonth(year, month + 1);
var ret = document.createDocumentFragment();
var ul = InkElement.create('ul');
var firstDayIndex = this._getFirstDayIndex(year, month);
// Add padding if the first day of the month is not monday.
for (var i = 0; i < firstDayIndex; i ++) {
ul.appendChild(InkElement.create('li', {
className: 'ink-calendar-empty',
setHTML: '&nbsp;'
for (var day = 1; day <= daysInMonth; day++) {
if ((day - 1 + firstDayIndex) % 7 === 0){ // new week, new UL
ul = InkElement.create('ul');
ul.appendChild(this._getDayButton(year, month, day));
return ret;
* Get the HTML markup for a single day in month view, given year, month, day.
* @method _getDayButtonHtml
* @private
_getDayButton: function (year, month, day) {
var attrs = {};
var date = dateishFromYMD(year, month, day);
if (!this._acceptableDay(date)) {
attrs.className = 'ink-calendar-off';
} else {
attrs['data-cal-day'] = day;
if (this._day && this._dateCmp(date, this) === 0) {
attrs.className = 'ink-calendar-on';
attrs.setTextContent = day;
var dayButton = InkElement.create('li');
dayButton.appendChild(InkElement.create('a', attrs));
return dayButton;
/** Write the top bar of the calendar (M T W T F S S) */
_getMonthCalendarHeader: function (startWeekDay) {
var header = InkElement.create('ul', {
className: 'ink-calendar-header'
var wDay;
for(var i=0; i<7; i++){
wDay = (startWeekDay + i) % 7;
header.appendChild(InkElement.create('li', {
setTextContent: this._options.wDay[wDay].substring(0, 1)
return header;
* This method adds class names to month buttons, to visually distinguish.
* @method _addMonthClassNames
* @param {DOMElement} parent DOMElement where all the months are.
* @private
_addMonthClassNames: function(parent){
(parent || this._monthSelector).getElementsByTagName('a'),
Ink.bindMethod(this, '_addMonthButtonClassNames'));
* Add the ink-calendar-on className if the given button is the current month,
* otherwise add the ink-calendar-off className if the given button refers to
* an unacceptable month (given dateRange and validMonthFn)
_addMonthButtonClassNames: function (btn) {
var data =;
if (!data.calMonth) { throw 'not a calendar month button!'; }
var month = +data.calMonth - 1;
if ( month === this._month ) {
Css.addClassName( btn, 'ink-calendar-on' ); // This month
Css.removeClassName( btn, 'ink-calendar-off' );
} else {
Css.removeClassName( btn, 'ink-calendar-on' ); // Not this month
var toDisable = !this._acceptableMonth({_year: this._year, _month: month});
Css.addRemoveClassName( btn, 'ink-calendar-off', toDisable);
* // TODO implement this
* Prototype's method to allow the 'i18n files' to change all objects' language at once.
* @param {Object} options Object with the texts' configuration.
* @param {String} options.closeText Text of the close anchor
* @param {String} options.cleanText Text of the clean text anchor
* @param {String} options.prevLinkText "Previous" link's text
* @param {String} options.nextLinkText "Next" link's text
* @param {String} options.ofText The text "of", present in 'May of 2013'
* @param {Object} options.month An object with keys from 1 to 12 for the full months' names
* @param {Object} options.wDay An object with keys from 0 to 6 for the full weekdays' names
* @public
lang: function( options ){
this._lang = options;
* This calls the rendering of the selected month. (Deprecated: use show() instead)
showMonth: function(){
* Checks if the calendar screen is in 'select day' mode
* @method isMonthRendered
* @return {Boolean} True if the calendar screen is in 'select day' mode
* @public
isMonthRendered: function(){
var header ='.ink-calendar-header', this._containerObject)[0];
return ((Css.getStyle(header.parentNode,'display') !== 'none') &&
(Css.getStyle(header.parentNode.parentNode,'display') !== 'none') );
* Destroys this datepicker, removing it from the page.
* @method destroy
* @public
destroy: function () {
return DatePicker;