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2014-09-24 17:57:25 -04:00
* Toggle the visibility of elements.
* @module Ink.UI.Toggle_1
* @version 1
Ink.createModule('Ink.UI.Toggle', '1', ['Ink.UI.Common_1','Ink.Dom.Event_1','Ink.Dom.Css_1','Ink.Dom.Element_1','Ink.Dom.Selector_1','Ink.Util.Array_1'], function(Common, InkEvent, Css, InkElement, Selector, InkArray ) {
'use strict';
* You need two elements to use Toggle: the `trigger` element, and the `target` element (or elements). The default behaviour is to toggle the `target`(s) when you click the `trigger`.
* The toggle has a state. It is either "on" or "off". It works by switching between the CSS classes in `classNameOn` and `classNameOff` according to the current state.
* When you initialize the Toggle, it will check if the targets are visible to figure out what the initial state is. You can force the toggle to consider itself turned "on" or "off" by setting the `initialState` option to `true` or `false`, respectively.
* You can get the current state of the Toggle by calling `getState`, or by checking if your `trigger` element has the "active" class.
* The state can be changed through JavaScript. Just call `setState(true)`
* to turn the Toggle on (or `setState(false)` to turn it off).
* @class Ink.UI.Toggle
* @constructor
* @version 1
* @param {String|DOMElement} selector Trigger element. By clicking this, the target (or targets) are triggered.
* @param {Object} [options] Options object, containing:
* @param {String} CSS Selector that specifies the elements that this component will toggle
* @param {String} [options.classNameOn] CSS class to toggle when on. Defaults to 'show-all'.
* @param {String} [options.classNameOff] CSS class to toggle when off. Defaults to 'hide-all'.
* @param {String} [options.triggerEvent] Event that will trigger the toggling. Defaults to 'click'.
* @param {Boolean} [options.closeOnClick] Flag to toggle the targe off when clicking outside the toggled content. Defaults to true.
* @param {String} [options.closeOnInsideClick] Toggle off when a child element matching this selector is clicked. Set to null to deactivate the check. Defaults to 'a[href]'.
* @param {Boolean} [options.initialState] Flag to define initial state. false: off, true: on, null: markup. Defaults to null.
* @param {Function} [options.onChangeState] Callback when the toggle state changes. Return `false` to cancel the event.
* @sample Ink_UI_Toggle_1_constructor.html
function Toggle(){
Common.BaseUIComponent.apply(this, arguments);
Toggle._name = 'Toggle_1';
Toggle._optionDefinition = {
target: ['Elements'],
triggerEvent: ['String', 'click'],
closeOnClick: ['Boolean', true],
isAccordion: ['Boolean', false],
initialState: ['Boolean', null], // May be true, false, or null to be what it is right now
classNameOn: ['String', 'show-all'],
classNameOff: ['String', 'hide-all'],
closeOnInsideClick: ['String', 'a[href]'], // closes the toggle when a target is clicked and it is a link
onChangeState: ['Function', null]
Toggle.prototype = {
* Init function called by the constructor
* @method _init
* @private
_init: function(){
var i, len;
this._targets = Common.elsOrSelector(;
// Boolean option handling
this._options.closeOnClick = this._options.closeOnClick.toString() === 'true';
// Actually a throolean
if (this._options.initialState !== null){
this._options.initialState = this._options.initialState.toString() === 'true';
} else {
this._options.initialState = Css.getStyle(this._targets[0], 'display') !== 'none';
if (this._options.classNameOn !== 'show-all' || this._options.classNameOff !== 'hide-all') {
for (i = 0, len = this._targets.length; i < len; i++) {
Css.removeClassName(this._targets[i], 'show-all');
Css.removeClassName(this._targets[i], 'hide-all');
this._accordion = ( Css.hasClassName(this._element.parentNode,'accordion') || Css.hasClassName(this._targets[0].parentNode,'accordion') );
this._firstTime = true;
if (this._options.initialState !== null) {
this.setState(this._options.initialState, true);
} else {
// Add initial classes matching the current "display" of the object.
var state = Css.getStyle(this._targets[0], 'display') !== 'none';
this.setState(state, true);
// Aditionally, remove any inline "display" style.
for (i = 0, len = this._targets.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this._targets[i].style.display) {
this._targets[i].style.display = ''; // becomes default
this._element.setAttribute('data-is-toggle-trigger', 'true');
* @method _bindEvents
* @private
_bindEvents: function () {
if ( this._options.triggerEvent ) {
Ink.bind(this._onTriggerEvent, this));
if( this._options.closeOnClick ){
InkEvent.observe( document, 'click', Ink.bind(this._onOutsideClick, this));
if( this._options.closeOnInsideClick && this._options.closeOnInsideClick !== 'false') {
var sel = this._options.closeOnInsideClick;
if (sel.toString() === 'true') {
sel = '*';
InkEvent.observeMulti(this._targets, 'click', Ink.bind(function (e) {
if ( InkElement.findUpwardsBySelector(InkEvent.element(e), sel) ) {
this.setState(false, true);
}, this));
* Event handler. It's responsible for handling the `triggerEvent` as defined in the options.
* This will trigger the toggle.
* @method _onTriggerEvent
* @param {Event} event
* @private
_onTriggerEvent: function( event ){
// When the togglee is a child of the toggler, we get the togglee's events here. We have to check that this event is for us.
var target = InkEvent.element(event);
var isAncestorOfClickedElement = InkArray.some(this._targets, function (thisOne) {
return thisOne === target || InkElement.isAncestorOf(thisOne, target);
if (isAncestorOfClickedElement) {
if (this._accordion) {
var has = this.getState();
this.setState(!has, true);
if (!has && this._firstTime) {
this._firstTime = false;
* Be compatible with accordions
* @method _updateAccordion
_updateAccordion: function () {
var elms, accordionElement;
if( Css.hasClassName(this._targets[0].parentNode,'accordion') ){
accordionElement = this._targets[0].parentNode;
} else {
accordionElement = this._targets[0].parentNode.parentNode;
elms ='.toggle, .ink-toggle',accordionElement);
for(var i=0; i<elms.length; i+=1 ){
var dataset = elms[i] ),
targetElm =,accordionElement );
if( (targetElm.length > 0) && (targetElm[0] !== this._targets[0]) ){
targetElm[0].style.display = 'none';
* Click handler. Will handle clicks outside the toggle component.
* @method _onOutsideClick
* @param {Event} event
* @private
_onOutsideClick: function( event ){
var tgtEl = InkEvent.element(event),
if (InkElement.findUpwardsBySelector(tgtEl, '[data-is-toggle-trigger="true"]')) return;
var ancestorOfTargets = InkArray.some(this._targets, function (target) {
return InkElement.isAncestorOf(target, tgtEl) || target === tgtEl;
if( (this._element === tgtEl) || InkElement.isAncestorOf(this._element, tgtEl) || ancestorOfTargets) {
} else if( (shades ='.ink-shade')).length ) {
var shadesLength = shades.length;
for( var i = 0; i < shadesLength; i++ ){
if( InkElement.isAncestorOf(shades[i],tgtEl) && InkElement.isAncestorOf(shades[i],this._element) ){
this.setState(false, true); // dismiss
* Sets the state of the toggle. (on/off)
* @method setState
* @param newState {Boolean} New state (on/off)
setState: function (on, callHandler) {
if (on === this.getState()) { return; }
if (callHandler && typeof this._options.onChangeState === 'function') {
var ret = this._options.onChangeState(on);
if (ret === false) { return false; } // Canceled by the event handler
for (var i = 0, len = this._targets.length; i < len; i++) {
Css.addRemoveClassName(this._targets[i], this._options.classNameOn, on);
Css.addRemoveClassName(this._targets[i], this._options.classNameOff, !on);
Css.addRemoveClassName(this._element, 'active', on);
* Gets the state of the toggle. (on/off)
* @method getState
* @return {Boolean} whether the toggle is toggled on.
getState: function () {
return Css.hasClassName(this._element, 'active');
return Toggle;