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/*global describe: true, expect: true, it: true, jasmine: true */
describe('@event and @fires/@emits tags', function() {
var docSet = jasmine.getDocSetFromFile('test/fixtures/eventfirestag.js'),
snowballMethod = docSet.getByLongname('Hurl#snowball')[0],
snowballEvent = docSet.getByLongname('Hurl#event:snowball')[0],
footballMatchMethod = docSet.getByLongname('Hurl#footballMatch')[0];
// @event tag
it('When a symbol has an @event tag, the doclet is of kind "event".', function() {
// @fires/@emits tag
it('When a symbol has a @fires tag, the doclet has an array named "fires".', function() {
expect(typeof snowballMethod.fires).toBe('object');
it('When a symbol has an @emits tag, the doclet has an array named "fires".', function() {
expect(typeof footballMatchMethod.fires).toBe('object');
it('When a symbol has a "fires" array, the members have the "event:" namespace.', function() {
it('When a symbol has a "fires" array with a name that already has an "event:" namespace, ' +
'it does not have a second namespace applied.', function() {