
194 lines
6.3 KiB

/*global env: true */
@author Rafa&#322; Wrzeszcz <>
@license Apache License 2.0 - See file '' in this project.
@module jsdoc/tutorial/resolver
'use strict';
var logger = require('jsdoc/util/logger');
var fs = require('jsdoc/fs');
var path = require('path');
var tutorial = require('jsdoc/tutorial');
var hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var conf = {};
var finder = /^(.*)\.(x(?:ht)?ml|html?|md|markdown|json)$/i;
var tutorials = {};
/** checks if `conf` is the metadata for a single tutorial.
* A tutorial's metadata has a property 'title' and/or a property 'children'.
* @param {object} json - the object we want to test (typically from JSON.parse)
* @returns {boolean} whether `json` could be the metadata for a tutorial.
function isTutorialJSON(json) {
// if conf.title exists or conf.children exists, it is metadata for a tutorial
return (, 'title') ||, 'children'));
/** Helper function that adds tutorial configuration to the `conf` variable.
* This helps when multiple tutorial configurations are specified in one object,
* or when a tutorial's children are specified as tutorial configurations as
* opposed to an array of tutorial names.
* Recurses as necessary to ensure all tutorials are added.
* @param {string} name - if `meta` is a configuration for a single tutorial,
* this is that tutorial's name.
* @param {object} meta - object that contains tutorial information.
* Can either be for a single tutorial, or for multiple
* (where each key in `meta` is the tutorial name and each
* value is the information for a single tutorial).
* Additionally, a tutorial's 'children' property may
* either be an array of strings (names of the child tutorials),
* OR an object giving the configuration for the child tutorials.
function addTutorialConf(name, meta) {
var names, i;
if (isTutorialJSON(meta)) {
// if the children are themselves tutorial defintions as opposed to an
// array of strings, add each child.
if (, 'children') && !Array.isArray(meta.children)) {
names = Object.keys(meta.children);
for (i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
addTutorialConf(names[i], meta.children[names[i]]);
// replace with an array of names.
meta.children = names;
// check if the tutorial has already been defined...
if (, name)) {
logger.warn('Metadata for the tutorial %s is defined more than once. Only the first definition will be used.', name );
} else {
conf[name] = meta;
} else {
// it's an object of tutorials, the keys are th etutorial names.
names = Object.keys(meta);
for (i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
addTutorialConf(names[i], meta[names[i]]);
/** Adds new tutorial.
@param {tutorial.Tutorial} current - New tutorial.
exports.addTutorial = function(current) {
if (, {
logger.warn('The tutorial %s is defined more than once. Only the first definition will be used.',;
} else {
tutorials[] = current;
// default temporary parent
/** Root tutorial.
@type tutorial.Tutorial
exports.root = new tutorial.Tutorial('', '');
/** Additional instance method for root node.
@param {string} name - Tutorial name.
@return {tutorial.Tutorial} Tutorial instance.
exports.root.getByName = function(name) {
return, name) && tutorials[name];
/** Load tutorials from given path.
@param {string} _path - Tutorials directory.
exports.load = function(_path) {
var match,
files =;
// tutorials handling
files.forEach(function(file) {
match = file.match(finder);
// any filetype that can apply to tutorials
if (match) {
name = path.basename(match[1]);
content = fs.readFileSync(file, env.opts.encoding);
switch (match[2].toLowerCase()) {
// HTML type
case 'xml':
case 'xhtml':
case 'html':
case 'htm':
type = tutorial.TYPES.HTML;
// Markdown typs
case 'md':
case 'markdown':
type = tutorial.TYPES.MARKDOWN;
// configuration file
case 'json':
var meta = JSON.parse(content);
addTutorialConf(name, meta);
// don't add this as a tutorial
// how can it be? check `finder' regexp
// not a file we want to work with
current = new tutorial.Tutorial(name, content, type);
/** Resolves hierarchical structure.
exports.resolve = function() {
var item,
for (var name in conf) {
if (, name) ) {
// TODO: should we complain about this?
if (!, name)) {
item = conf[name];
current = tutorials[name];
// set title
if (item.title) {
current.title = item.title;
// add children
if (item.children) {
item.children.forEach(function(child) {
if (!, child)) {
logger.error('Missing child tutorial: %s', child);
else {