96 lines
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* grunt
* http://gruntjs.com/
* Copyright (c) 2014 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
* Licensed under the MIT license.
* https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt/blob/master/LICENSE-MIT
'use strict';
var grunt = require('../grunt');
// The module to be exported.
var template = module.exports = {};
// External libs.
template.date = require('dateformat');
// Format today's date.
template.today = function(format) {
return template.date(new Date(), format);
// Template delimiters.
var allDelimiters = {};
// Initialize template delimiters.
template.addDelimiters = function(name, opener, closer) {
var delimiters = allDelimiters[name] = {};
// Used by grunt.
delimiters.opener = opener;
delimiters.closer = closer;
// Generate RegExp patterns dynamically.
var a = delimiters.opener.replace(/(.)/g, '\\$1');
var b = '([\\s\\S]+?)' + delimiters.closer.replace(/(.)/g, '\\$1');
// Used by Lo-Dash.
delimiters.lodash = {
evaluate: new RegExp(a + b, 'g'),
interpolate: new RegExp(a + '=' + b, 'g'),
escape: new RegExp(a + '-' + b, 'g')
// The underscore default template syntax should be a pretty sane default for
// the config system.
template.addDelimiters('config', '<%', '%>');
// Set Lo-Dash template delimiters.
template.setDelimiters = function(name) {
// Get the appropriate delimiters.
var delimiters = allDelimiters[name in allDelimiters ? name : 'config'];
// Tell Lo-Dash which delimiters to use.
grunt.util._.templateSettings = delimiters.lodash;
// Return the delimiters.
return delimiters;
// Process template + data with Lo-Dash.
template.process = function(tmpl, options) {
if (!options) { options = {}; }
// Set delimiters, and get a opening match character.
var delimiters = template.setDelimiters(options.delimiters);
// Clone data, initializing to config data or empty object if omitted.
var data = Object.create(options.data || grunt.config.data || {});
// Expose grunt so that grunt utilities can be accessed, but only if it
// doesn't conflict with an existing .grunt property.
if (!('grunt' in data)) { data.grunt = grunt; }
// Keep track of last change.
var last = tmpl;
try {
// As long as tmpl contains template tags, render it and get the result,
// otherwise just use the template string.
while (tmpl.indexOf(delimiters.opener) >= 0) {
tmpl = grunt.util._.template(tmpl, data);
// Abort if template didn't change - nothing left to process!
if (tmpl === last) { break; }
last = tmpl;
} catch (e) {
// In upgrading to Lo-Dash (or Underscore.js 1.3.3), \n and \r in template
// tags now causes an exception to be thrown. Warn the user why this is
// happening. https://github.com/documentcloud/underscore/issues/553
if (String(e) === 'SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL' && /\n|\r/.test(tmpl)) {
grunt.log.errorlns('A special character was detected in this template. ' +
'Inside template tags, the \\n and \\r special characters must be ' +
'escaped as \\\\n and \\\\r. (grunt 0.4.0+)');
// Slightly better error message.
e.message = 'An error occurred while processing a template (' + e.message + ').';
grunt.warn(e, grunt.fail.code.TEMPLATE_ERROR);
// Normalize linefeeds and return.
return grunt.util.normalizelf(tmpl);