return console.log('query-callback-error-tests: DEPRECATED - if you want saftey in your callback, you can try/catch your own functions'); var helper = require(__dirname + '/test-helper'); var util = require('util'); var withQuery = function(text, resultLength, cb) { test('error during query execution', function() { var client = new Client(helper.args); process.removeAllListeners('uncaughtException'); assert.emits(process, 'uncaughtException', function() { assert.equal(client.activeQuery, null, 'should remove active query even if error happens in callback'); client.query('SELECT * FROM blah', assert.success(function(result) { assert.equal(result.rows.length, resultLength); client.end(); cb(); })); }); client.connect(assert.success(function() { client.query('CREATE TEMP TABLE "blah"(data text)', assert.success(function() { var q = client.query(text, ['yo'], assert.calls(function() { assert.emits(client, 'drain'); throw new Error('WHOOOAAAHH!!'); })); })); })); }); } //test with good query so our callback is called //as a successful callback withQuery('INSERT INTO blah(data) VALUES($1)', 1, function() { //test with an error query so our callback is called with an error withQuery('INSERT INTO asldkfjlaskfj eoooeoriiri', 0, function() { }); });