var net = require('net'), os = require('os'), Events = require('events'), serialize = require('./serialize.js'), XdrReader = serialize.XdrReader, BlrReader = serialize.BlrReader, XdrWriter = serialize.XdrWriter, BlrWriter = serialize.BlrWriter, messages = require('./messages.js'); if (typeof(setImmediate) === 'undefined') { global.setImmediate = function(cb) { process.nextTick(cb); }; } /** * Parse date from string * @return {Date} */ if (String.prototype.parseDate === undefined) { String.prototype.parseDate = function() { var self = this.trim(); var arr = self.indexOf(' ') === -1 ? self.split('T') : self.split(' '); var index = arr[0].indexOf(':'); var length = arr[0].length; if (index !== -1) { var tmp = arr[1]; arr[1] = arr[0]; arr[0] = tmp; } if (arr[0] === undefined) arr[0] = ''; var noTime = arr[1] === undefined ? true : arr[1].length === 0; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var c = arr[0].charCodeAt(i); if (c > 47 && c < 58) continue; if (c === 45 || c === 46) continue; if (noTime) return new Date(self); } if (arr[1] === undefined) arr[1] = '00:00:00'; var firstDay = arr[0].indexOf('-') === -1; var date = (arr[0] || '').split(firstDay ? '.' : '-'); var time = (arr[1] || '').split(':'); var parsed = []; if (date.length < 4 && time.length < 2) return new Date(self); index = (time[2] || '').indexOf('.'); // milliseconds if (index !== -1) { time[3] = time[2].substring(index + 1); time[2] = time[2].substring(0, index); } else time[3] = '0'; parsed.push(parseInt(date[firstDay ? 2 : 0], 10)); // year parsed.push(parseInt(date[1], 10)); // month parsed.push(parseInt(date[firstDay ? 0 : 2], 10)); // day parsed.push(parseInt(time[0], 10)); // hours parsed.push(parseInt(time[1], 10)); // minutes parsed.push(parseInt(time[2], 10)); // seconds parsed.push(parseInt(time[3], 10)); // miliseconds var def = new Date(); for (var i = 0, length = parsed.length; i < length; i++) { if (isNaN(parsed[i])) parsed[i] = 0; var value = parsed[i]; if (value !== 0) continue; switch (i) { case 0: if (value <= 0) parsed[i] = def.getFullYear(); break; case 1: if (value <= 0) parsed[i] = def.getMonth() + 1; break; case 2: if (value <= 0) parsed[i] = def.getDate(); break; } } return new Date(parsed[0], parsed[1] - 1, parsed[2], parsed[3], parsed[4], parsed[5]); }; } function noop() {} const op_void = 0, // Packet has been voided op_connect = 1, // Connect to remote server op_exit = 2, // Remote end has exitted op_accept = 3, // Server accepts connection op_reject = 4, // Server rejects connection op_disconnect = 6, // Connect is going away op_response = 9, // Generic response block // Full context server operations op_attach = 19, // Attach database op_create = 20, // Create database op_detach = 21, // Detach database op_compile = 22, // Request based operations op_start = 23, op_start_and_send = 24, op_send = 25, op_receive = 26, op_unwind = 27, // apparently unused, see protocol.cpp's case op_unwind op_release = 28, op_transaction = 29, // Transaction operations op_commit = 30, op_rollback = 31, op_prepare = 32, op_reconnect = 33, op_create_blob = 34, // Blob operations op_open_blob = 35, op_get_segment = 36, op_put_segment = 37, op_cancel_blob = 38, op_close_blob = 39, op_info_database = 40, // Information services op_info_request = 41, op_info_transaction = 42, op_info_blob = 43, op_batch_segments = 44, // Put a bunch of blob segments op_que_events = 48, // Que event notification request op_cancel_events = 49, // Cancel event notification request op_commit_retaining = 50, // Commit retaining (what else) op_prepare2 = 51, // Message form of prepare op_event = 52, // Completed event request (asynchronous) op_connect_request = 53, // Request to establish connection op_aux_connect = 54, // Establish auxiliary connection op_ddl = 55, // DDL call op_open_blob2 = 56, op_create_blob2 = 57, op_get_slice = 58, op_put_slice = 59, op_slice = 60, // Successful response to op_get_slice op_seek_blob = 61, // Blob seek operation // DSQL operations op_allocate_statement = 62, // allocate a statment handle op_execute = 63, // execute a prepared statement op_exec_immediate = 64, // execute a statement op_fetch = 65, // fetch a record op_fetch_response = 66, // response for record fetch op_free_statement = 67, // free a statement op_prepare_statement = 68, // prepare a statement op_set_cursor = 69, // set a cursor name op_info_sql = 70, op_dummy = 71, // dummy packet to detect loss of client op_response_piggyback = 72, // response block for piggybacked messages op_start_and_receive = 73, op_start_send_and_receive = 74, op_exec_immediate2 = 75, // execute an immediate statement with msgs op_execute2 = 76, // execute a statement with msgs op_insert = 77, op_sql_response = 78, // response from execute, exec immed, insert op_transact = 79, op_transact_response = 80, op_drop_database = 81, op_service_attach = 82, op_service_detach = 83, op_service_info = 84, op_service_start = 85, op_rollback_retaining = 86, op_partial = 89, // packet is not complete - delay processing op_trusted_auth = 90, op_cancel = 91, op_cont_auth = 92, op_ping = 93, op_accept_data = 94, // Server accepts connection and returns some data to client op_abort_aux_connection = 95, // Async operation - stop waiting for async connection to arrive op_crypt = 96, op_crypt_key_callback = 97, op_cond_accept = 98; // Server accepts connection, returns some data to client // and asks client to continue authentication before attach call const CONNECT_VERSION2 = 2; ARCHITECTURE_GENERIC = 1; const // Protocol 10 includes support for warnings and removes the requirement for // encoding and decoding status codes PROTOCOL_VERSION10 = 10, // Since protocol 11 we must be separated from Borland Interbase. // Therefore always set highmost bit in protocol version to 1. // For unsigned protocol version this does not break version's compare. FB_PROTOCOL_FLAG = 0x8000, // Protocol 11 has support for user authentication related // operations (op_update_account_info, op_authenticate_user and // op_trusted_auth). When specific operation is not supported, // we say "sorry". PROTOCOL_VERSION11 = (FB_PROTOCOL_FLAG | 11), // Protocol 12 has support for asynchronous call op_cancel. // Currently implemented asynchronously only for TCP/IP. PROTOCOL_VERSION12 = (FB_PROTOCOL_FLAG | 12), // Protocol 13 has support for authentication plugins (op_cont_auth). PROTOCOL_VERSION13 = (FB_PROTOCOL_FLAG | 13); const DSQL_close = 1, DSQL_drop = 2, DSQL_unprepare = 4; // >= 2.5 const ptype_batch_send = 3; const SQL_TEXT = 452, // Array of char SQL_VARYING = 448, SQL_SHORT = 500, SQL_LONG = 496, SQL_FLOAT = 482, SQL_DOUBLE = 480, SQL_D_FLOAT = 530, SQL_TIMESTAMP = 510, SQL_BLOB = 520, SQL_ARRAY = 540, SQL_QUAD = 550, SQL_TYPE_TIME = 560, SQL_TYPE_DATE = 570, SQL_INT64 = 580, SQL_BOOLEAN = 32764, // >= 3.0 SQL_NULL = 32766; // >= 2.5 /***********************/ /* ISC Error Codes */ /***********************/ const isc_arg_end = 0, // end of argument list isc_arg_gds = 1, // generic DSRI status value isc_arg_string = 2, // string argument isc_arg_cstring = 3, // count & string argument isc_arg_number = 4, // numeric argument (long) isc_arg_interpreted = 5, // interpreted status code (string) isc_arg_unix = 7, // UNIX error code isc_arg_next_mach = 15, // NeXT/Mach error code isc_arg_win32 = 17, // Win32 error code isc_arg_warning = 18, // warning argument isc_arg_sql_state = 19; // SQLSTATE const isc_sqlerr = 335544436; /**********************************/ /* Database parameter block stuff */ /**********************************/ const isc_dpb_version1 = 1, isc_dpb_version2 = 2, // >= FB30 isc_dpb_cdd_pathname = 1, isc_dpb_allocation = 2, isc_dpb_journal = 3, isc_dpb_page_size = 4, isc_dpb_num_buffers = 5, isc_dpb_buffer_length = 6, isc_dpb_debug = 7, isc_dpb_garbage_collect = 8, isc_dpb_verify = 9, isc_dpb_sweep = 10, isc_dpb_enable_journal = 11, isc_dpb_disable_journal = 12, isc_dpb_dbkey_scope = 13, isc_dpb_number_of_users = 14, isc_dpb_trace = 15, isc_dpb_no_garbage_collect = 16, isc_dpb_damaged = 17, isc_dpb_license = 18, isc_dpb_sys_user_name = 19, isc_dpb_encrypt_key = 20, isc_dpb_activate_shadow = 21, isc_dpb_sweep_interval = 22, isc_dpb_delete_shadow = 23, isc_dpb_force_write = 24, isc_dpb_begin_log = 25, isc_dpb_quit_log = 26, isc_dpb_no_reserve = 27, isc_dpb_user_name = 28, isc_dpb_password = 29, isc_dpb_password_enc = 30, isc_dpb_sys_user_name_enc = 31, isc_dpb_interp = 32, isc_dpb_online_dump = 33, isc_dpb_old_file_size = 34, isc_dpb_old_num_files = 35, isc_dpb_old_file = 36, isc_dpb_old_start_page = 37, isc_dpb_old_start_seqno = 38, isc_dpb_old_start_file = 39, isc_dpb_old_dump_id = 41, isc_dpb_lc_messages = 47, isc_dpb_lc_ctype = 48, isc_dpb_cache_manager = 49, isc_dpb_shutdown = 50, isc_dpb_online = 51, isc_dpb_shutdown_delay = 52, isc_dpb_reserved = 53, isc_dpb_overwrite = 54, isc_dpb_sec_attach = 55, isc_dpb_connect_timeout = 57, isc_dpb_dummy_packet_interval = 58, isc_dpb_gbak_attach = 59, isc_dpb_sql_role_name = 60, isc_dpb_set_page_buffers = 61, isc_dpb_working_directory = 62, isc_dpb_sql_dialect = 63, isc_dpb_set_db_readonly = 64, isc_dpb_set_db_sql_dialect = 65, isc_dpb_gfix_attach = 66, isc_dpb_gstat_attach = 67, isc_dpb_set_db_charset = 68, isc_dpb_gsec_attach = 69, isc_dpb_address_path = 70, isc_dpb_process_id = 71, isc_dpb_no_db_triggers = 72, isc_dpb_trusted_auth = 73, isc_dpb_process_name = 74, isc_dpb_trusted_role = 75, isc_dpb_org_filename = 76, isc_dpb_utf8_filename = 77, isc_dpb_ext_call_depth = 78; /*************************************/ /* Transaction parameter block stuff */ /*************************************/ const isc_tpb_version1 = 1, isc_tpb_version3 = 3, isc_tpb_consistency = 1, isc_tpb_concurrency = 2, isc_tpb_shared = 3, // < FB21 isc_tpb_protected = 4, // < FB21 isc_tpb_exclusive = 5, // < FB21 isc_tpb_wait = 6, isc_tpb_nowait = 7, isc_tpb_read = 8, isc_tpb_write = 9, isc_tpb_lock_read = 10, isc_tpb_lock_write = 11, isc_tpb_verb_time = 12, isc_tpb_commit_time = 13, isc_tpb_ignore_limbo = 14, isc_tpb_read_committed = 15, isc_tpb_autocommit = 16, isc_tpb_rec_version = 17, isc_tpb_no_rec_version = 18, isc_tpb_restart_requests = 19, isc_tpb_no_auto_undo = 20, isc_tpb_lock_timeout = 21; // >= FB20 /****************************/ /* Common, structural codes */ /****************************/ const isc_info_end = 1, isc_info_truncated = 2, isc_info_error = 3, isc_info_data_not_ready = 4, isc_info_length = 126, isc_info_flag_end = 127; /*************************/ /* SQL information items */ /*************************/ const isc_info_sql_select = 4, isc_info_sql_bind = 5, isc_info_sql_num_variables = 6, isc_info_sql_describe_vars = 7, isc_info_sql_describe_end = 8, isc_info_sql_sqlda_seq = 9, isc_info_sql_message_seq = 10, isc_info_sql_type = 11, isc_info_sql_sub_type = 12, isc_info_sql_scale = 13, isc_info_sql_length = 14, isc_info_sql_null_ind = 15, isc_info_sql_field = 16, isc_info_sql_relation = 17, isc_info_sql_owner = 18, isc_info_sql_alias = 19, isc_info_sql_sqlda_start = 20, isc_info_sql_stmt_type = 21, isc_info_sql_get_plan = 22, isc_info_sql_records = 23, isc_info_sql_batch_fetch = 24, isc_info_sql_relation_alias = 25, // >= 2.0 isc_info_sql_explain_plan = 26; // >= 3.0 /*******************/ /* Blr definitions */ /*******************/ const blr_text = 14, blr_text2 = 15, blr_short = 7, blr_long = 8, blr_quad = 9, blr_float = 10, blr_double = 27, blr_d_float = 11, blr_timestamp = 35, blr_varying = 37, blr_varying2 = 38, blr_blob = 261, blr_cstring = 40, blr_cstring2 = 41, blr_blob_id = 45, blr_sql_date = 12, blr_sql_time = 13, blr_int64 = 16, blr_blob2 = 17, // >= 2.0 blr_domain_name = 18, // >= 2.1 blr_domain_name2 = 19, // >= 2.1 blr_not_nullable = 20, // >= 2.1 blr_column_name = 21, // >= 2.5 blr_column_name2 = 22, // >= 2.5 blr_bool = 23, // >= 3.0 blr_version4 = 4, blr_version5 = 5, // dialect 3 blr_eoc = 76, blr_end = 255, blr_assignment = 1, blr_begin = 2, blr_dcl_variable = 3, blr_message = 4; const isc_info_sql_stmt_select = 1, isc_info_sql_stmt_insert = 2, isc_info_sql_stmt_update = 3, isc_info_sql_stmt_delete = 4, isc_info_sql_stmt_ddl = 5, isc_info_sql_stmt_get_segment = 6, isc_info_sql_stmt_put_segment = 7, isc_info_sql_stmt_exec_procedure = 8, isc_info_sql_stmt_start_trans = 9, isc_info_sql_stmt_commit = 10, isc_info_sql_stmt_rollback = 11, isc_info_sql_stmt_select_for_upd = 12, isc_info_sql_stmt_set_generator = 13, isc_info_sql_stmt_savepoint = 14; const isc_blob_text = 1; const DESCRIBE = [isc_info_sql_stmt_type, isc_info_sql_select, isc_info_sql_describe_vars, isc_info_sql_sqlda_seq, isc_info_sql_type, isc_info_sql_sub_type, isc_info_sql_scale, isc_info_sql_length, isc_info_sql_field, isc_info_sql_relation, //isc_info_sql_owner, isc_info_sql_alias, isc_info_sql_describe_end, isc_info_sql_bind, isc_info_sql_describe_vars, isc_info_sql_sqlda_seq, isc_info_sql_type, isc_info_sql_sub_type, isc_info_sql_scale, isc_info_sql_length, isc_info_sql_describe_end]; const ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED = [isc_tpb_version3, isc_tpb_write, isc_tpb_wait, isc_tpb_read_committed, isc_tpb_rec_version], ISOLATION_READ_COMMITED = [isc_tpb_version3, isc_tpb_write, isc_tpb_wait, isc_tpb_read_committed, isc_tpb_no_rec_version], ISOLATION_REPEATABLE_READ = [isc_tpb_version3, isc_tpb_write, isc_tpb_wait, isc_tpb_concurrency], ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE = [isc_tpb_version3, isc_tpb_write, isc_tpb_wait, isc_tpb_consistency], ISOLATION_READ_COMMITED_READ_ONLY = [isc_tpb_version3, isc_tpb_read, isc_tpb_wait, isc_tpb_read_committed, isc_tpb_no_rec_version]; const DEFAULT_HOST = '', DEFAULT_PORT = 3050, DEFAULT_USER = 'SYSDBA', DEFAULT_PASSWORD = 'masterkey', DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 4096; exports.ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED = ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED; exports.ISOLATION_READ_COMMITED = ISOLATION_READ_COMMITED; exports.ISOLATION_REPEATABLE_READ = ISOLATION_REPEATABLE_READ; exports.ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE = ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE; exports.ISOLATION_READ_COMMITED_READ_ONLY = ISOLATION_READ_COMMITED_READ_ONLY; if (!String.prototype.padLeft) { String.prototype.padLeft = function(max, c) { var self = this; return new Array(Math.max(0, max - self.length + 1)).join(c || ' ') + self; }; } /** * Escape value * @param {Object} value * @return {String} */ exports.escape = function(value) { if (value === null || value === undefined) return 'NULL'; switch (typeof(value)) { case 'boolean': return value ? '1' : '0'; case 'number': return value.toString(); case 'string': return "'" + value.replace(/'/g, "''").replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') + "'"; } if (value instanceof Date) return "'" + value.getFullYear() + '-' + value.getMonth().toString().padLeft(2, '0') + '-' + value.getDate().toString().padLeft(2, '0') + ' ' + value.getHours().toString().padLeft(2, '0') + ':' + value.getMinutes().toString().padLeft(2, '0') + ':' + value.getSeconds().toString().padLeft(2, '0') + "'"; throw new Error('Escape supports only primitive values.'); }; const DEFAULT_ENCODING = 'utf8'; DEFAULT_FETCHSIZE = 200; const MAX_INT = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1; MIN_INT = - Math.pow(2, 31); /*************************************** * * SQLVar * ***************************************/ const ScaleDivisor = [1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000,100000000,1000000000,10000000000, 100000000000,1000000000000,10000000000000,100000000000000,1000000000000000]; const DateOffset = 40587, TimeCoeff = 86400000; MsPerMinute = 60000; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLVarText() {} SQLVarText.prototype.decode = function(data) { var ret; if (this.subType > 1) { ret = data.readText(this.length, DEFAULT_ENCODING); } else { ret = data.readBuffer(this.length); } if (!data.readInt()) { return ret; } return null; }; SQLVarText.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_text); blr.addWord(this.length); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLVarNull() {} SQLVarNull.prototype = new SQLVarText(); SQLVarNull.prototype.constructor = SQLVarNull; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLVarString() {} SQLVarString.prototype.decode = function(data) { var ret; if (this.subType > 1) { ret = data.readString(DEFAULT_ENCODING) } else { ret = data.readBuffer() } if (!data.readInt()) { return ret; } return null; }; SQLVarString.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_varying); blr.addWord(this.length); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLVarQuad() {} SQLVarQuad.prototype.decode = function(data) { var ret = data.readQuad(); if (!data.readInt()) { return ret; } return null; }; SQLVarQuad.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_quad); blr.addShort(this.scale); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLVarBlob() {} SQLVarBlob.prototype = new SQLVarQuad(); SQLVarBlob.prototype.constructor = SQLVarBlob; SQLVarBlob.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_quad); blr.addShort(0); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLVarArray() {} SQLVarArray.prototype = new SQLVarQuad(); SQLVarArray.prototype.constructor = SQLVarArray; SQLVarArray.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_quad); blr.addShort(0); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLVarInt() {} SQLVarInt.prototype.decode = function(data) { var ret = data.readInt(); if (!data.readInt()) { if (this.scale) { ret = ret / ScaleDivisor[Math.abs(this.scale)]; } return ret; } return null; }; SQLVarInt.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_long); blr.addShort(this.scale); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLVarShort() {} SQLVarShort.prototype = new SQLVarInt(); SQLVarShort.prototype.constructor = SQLVarShort; SQLVarShort.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_short); blr.addShort(this.scale); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLVarInt64() {} SQLVarInt64.prototype.decode = function(data) { var ret = data.readInt64(); if (!data.readInt()) { if (this.scale) { ret = ret / ScaleDivisor[Math.abs(this.scale)]; } return ret; } return null; }; SQLVarInt64.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_int64); blr.addShort(this.scale); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLVarFloat() {} SQLVarFloat.prototype.decode = function(data) { var ret = data.readFloat(); if (!data.readInt()) { return ret; } return null; }; SQLVarFloat.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_float); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLVarDouble() {} SQLVarDouble.prototype.decode = function(data) { var ret = data.readDouble(); if (!data.readInt()) { return ret; } return null; }; SQLVarDouble.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_double); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLVarDate() {} SQLVarDate.prototype.decode = function(data) { var ret = data.readInt(); if (!data.readInt()) { var d = new Date(0); d.setMilliseconds((ret - DateOffset) * TimeCoeff + d.getTimezoneOffset() * MsPerMinute); return d; } return null; }; SQLVarDate.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_sql_date); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLVarTime() {} SQLVarTime.prototype.decode = function(data) { var ret = data.readUInt(); if (!data.readInt()) { var d = new Date(0); d.setMilliseconds(Math.floor(ret / 10) + d.getTimezoneOffset() * MsPerMinute); return d; } return null; }; SQLVarTime.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_sql_time); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLVarTimeStamp() {} SQLVarTimeStamp.prototype.decode = function(data) { var date = data.readInt(); var time = data.readUInt(); if (!data.readInt()) { var d = new Date(0); d.setMilliseconds((date - DateOffset) * TimeCoeff + Math.floor(time / 10) + d.getTimezoneOffset() * MsPerMinute); return d; } return null; }; SQLVarTimeStamp.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_timestamp); }; //------------------------------------------------------ // todo: test it function SQLVarBoolean() {} SQLVarBoolean.prototype.decode = function(data) { var ret = data.readInt(); if (!data.readInt()) { return Boolean(ret); } return null; }; SQLVarBoolean.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_bool); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLParamInt(value){ this.value = value; } SQLParamInt.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_long); blr.addShort(0); }; SQLParamInt.prototype.encode = function(data) { if (this.value != null) { data.addInt(this.value); data.addInt(0); } else { data.addInt(0); data.addInt(1); } }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLParamInt64(value){ this.value = value; } SQLParamInt64.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_int64); blr.addShort(0); }; SQLParamInt64.prototype.encode = function(data) { if (this.value != null) { data.addInt64(this.value); data.addInt(0); } else { data.addInt64(0); data.addInt(1); } }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLParamDouble(value) { this.value = value; } SQLParamDouble.prototype.encode = function(data) { if (this.value != null) { data.addDouble(this.value); data.addInt(0); } else { data.addDouble(0); data.addInt(1); } }; SQLParamDouble.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_double); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLParamString(value) { this.value = value; } SQLParamString.prototype.encode = function(data) { if (this.value != null) { data.addText(this.value, DEFAULT_ENCODING); data.addInt(0); } else { data.addInt(1); } }; SQLParamString.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_text); var len = this.value ? Buffer.byteLength(this.value, DEFAULT_ENCODING) : 0; blr.addWord(len); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLParamQuad(value) { this.value = value; } SQLParamQuad.prototype.encode = function(data) { if (this.value != null) { data.addInt(this.value.high); data.addInt(this.value.low); data.addInt(0); } else { data.addInt(0); data.addInt(0); data.addInt(1); } }; SQLParamQuad.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_quad); blr.addShort(0); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLParamDate(value) { this.value = value; } SQLParamDate.prototype.encode = function(data) { if (this.value != null) { var value = this.value.getTime() - this.value.getTimezoneOffset() * MsPerMinute; var time = value % TimeCoeff; var date = (value - time) / TimeCoeff + DateOffset; time *= 10; data.addInt(date); data.addUInt(time); data.addInt(0); } else { data.addInt(0); data.addUInt(0); data.addInt(1); } }; SQLParamDate.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_timestamp); }; //------------------------------------------------------ function SQLParamBool(value) { this.value = value; } SQLParamBool.prototype.encode = function(data) { if (this.value != null) { data.addInt(this.value ? 1 : 0); data.addInt(0); } else { data.addInt(0); data.addInt(1); } }; SQLParamBool.prototype.calcBlr = function(blr) { blr.addByte(blr_short); blr.addShort(0); }; /*************************************** * * Error handling * ***************************************/ function isError(obj) { return (obj instanceof Object && obj.status); } function doCallback(obj, callback) { if (!callback) return; if (isError(obj)) { callback(new Error(obj.message)); return; } callback(undefined, obj); } function doError(obj, callback) { if (callback) callback(obj) } /*************************************** * * Statement * ***************************************/ function Statement(connection) { this.connection = connection; } Statement.prototype.close = function(callback) { this.connection.closeStatement(this, callback); }; Statement.prototype.drop = function(callback) { this.connection.dropStatement(this, callback); }; Statement.prototype.execute = function(transaction, params, callback, custom) { if (params instanceof Function) { custom = callback; callback = params; params = undefined; } this.custom = custom; this.connection.executeStatement(transaction, this, params, callback, custom); }; Statement.prototype.fetch = function(transaction, count, callback) { this.connection.fetch(this, transaction, count, callback); }; Statement.prototype.fetchAll = function(transaction, callback) { this.connection.fetchAll(this, transaction, callback); }; /*************************************** * * Transaction * ***************************************/ function Transaction(connection) { this.connection = connection; this.db = connection.db; } Transaction.prototype.newStatement = function(query, callback) { var cnx = this.connection; var self = this; cnx.allocateStatement(function(err, statement) { if (err) { doError(err, callback); return; } cnx.prepareStatement(self, statement, query, false, callback); }); }; Transaction.prototype.execute = function(query, params, callback, custom) { if (params instanceof Function) { callback = params; params = undefined; } var self = this; this.newStatement(query, function(err, statement) { if (err) { doError(err, callback); return; } function dropError(err) { statement.drop(); doCallback(err, callback); } statement.execute(self, params, function(err) { if (err) { dropError(err); return; } switch (statement.type) { case isc_info_sql_stmt_select: statement.fetchAll(self, function(err, ret) { if (err) { dropError(err); return; } statement.drop(); if (callback) callback(undefined, ret, statement.output, true); }); break; case isc_info_sql_stmt_exec_procedure: if (statement.output.length) { statement.fetch(self, 1, function(err, ret) { if (err) { dropError(err); return; } statement.drop(); if (callback) callback(undefined,[0], statement.output, false); }); break; } // Fall through is normal default: statement.drop(); if (callback) callback() break; } }, custom); }); }; Transaction.prototype.query = function(query, params, callback) { if (params instanceof Function) { callback = params; params = undefined; } if (callback === undefined) callback = noop; this.execute(query, params, callback, { asObject: true, asStream: callback === undefined || callback === null }); }; Transaction.prototype.commit = function(callback) { this.connection.commit(this, callback); }; Transaction.prototype.rollback = function(callback) { this.connection.rollback(this, callback); }; Transaction.prototype.commitRetaining = function(callback) { this.connection.commitRetaining(this, callback); }; Transaction.prototype.rollbackRetaining = function(callback) { this.connection.rollbackRetaining(this, callback); }; /*************************************** * * Database * ***************************************/ function Database(connection) { this.connection = connection; connection.db = this; } Database.prototype.__proto__ = new Events.EventEmitter(); Database.prototype.escape = function(value) { return exports.escape(value); }; Database.prototype.detach = function(callback, force) { var self = this; if (!force && self.connection._pending.length > 0) { self.connection._detachAuto = true; self.connection._detachCallback = callback; return self; } self.connection.detach(function(err, obj) { self.connection.disconnect(); self.emit('detach', false); if (callback) callback(err, obj); }, force); return self; }; Database.prototype.transaction = function(isolation, callback) { return this.startTransaction(isolation, callback); }; Database.prototype.startTransaction = function(isolation, callback) { this.connection.startTransaction(isolation, callback); return this; }; Database.prototype.newStatement = function (query, callback) { this.startTransaction(function(err, transaction) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } transaction.newStatement(query, function(err, statement) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } transaction.commit(function(err) { callback(err, statement); }); }); }); return this; }; Database.prototype.execute = function(query, params, callback, custom) { if (params instanceof Function) { callback = params; params = undefined; } var self = this; self.connection.startTransaction(function(err, transaction) { if (err) { doError(err, callback); return; } transaction.execute(query, params, function(err, result, meta, isSelect) { if (err) { transaction.rollback(function() { doError(err, callback); }); return; } transaction.commit(function(err) { if (callback) callback(err, result, meta, isSelect); }); }, custom); }); return self; }; Database.prototype.sequentially = function(query, params, on, callback, asArray) { if (params instanceof Function) { asArray = callback; callback = on; on = params; params = undefined; } if (on === undefined) throw new Error('Expected "on" delegate.'); var self = this; self.execute(query, params, callback, { asObject: !asArray, asStream: true, on: on }); return self; }; Database.prototype.query = function(query, params, callback) { if (params instanceof Function) { callback = params; params = undefined; } var self = this; self.execute(query, params, callback, { asObject: true, asStream: callback === undefined || callback === null }); return self; }; exports.attach = function(options, callback) { var host = || DEFAULT_HOST; var port = options.port || DEFAULT_PORT; var cnx = this.connection = new Connection(host, port, function(err) { if (err) { doError(err, callback); return; } cnx.connect(options.database || options.filename, function(err) { if (err) doError(err, callback); else cnx.attach(options, callback); }); }, options); }; exports.create = function(options, callback) { var host = || DEFAULT_HOST; var port = options.port || DEFAULT_PORT; var cnx = this.connection = new Connection(host, port, function(err) { cnx.connect(options.database || options.filename, function(err) { if (err) { self.db.emit('error', err); doError(err, callback); return; } cnx.createDatabase(options, callback); }); }, options); }; exports.attachOrCreate = function(options, callback) { var host = || DEFAULT_HOST; var port = options.port || DEFAULT_PORT; var cnx = this.connection = new Connection(host, port, function(err) { var self = cnx; if (err) { callback({ error: err, message: "Connect error" }); return; } cnx.connect(options.database || options.filename, function(err) { if (err) { doError(err, callback); return; } cnx.attach(options, function(err, ret) { if (!err) { if (self.db) self.db.emit('connect', ret); doCallback(ret, callback); return; } cnx.createDatabase(options, callback); }); }); }, options); }; // Pooling exports.pool = function(max, options, callback) { var pool = new Pool(); options.isPool = true; function create(max) { exports.attach(options, function(err, db) { if (err) throw err; max--; pool.db.push(db); poolEvents(db, pool); if (max <= 0) { pool.isReady = true; pool.check(); if (callback) callback(null, pool); return; } create(max); }); }; create(max); return pool; }; function poolEvents(db, pool) { db.removeAllListeners('detach'); db.on('detach', function(is) { if (!is) return; db.connection._queue = []; db.connection._pending = []; db.connection._isUsed = false; setImmediate(function() { pool.check(); }); }); } /*************************************** * * Simple Pooling * ***************************************/ function Pool() { this.db = []; this.pending = []; this.isReady = false; this.isDestroy = false; } Pool.prototype.get = function(callback) { var self = this; if (self.isDestroy) return self; self.pending.push(callback); self.check(); return self; }; Pool.prototype.check = function() { var self = this; for (var i = 0, length = self.db.length; i < length; i++) { var db = self.db[i]; if (db.connection._isUsed) continue; db.removeAllListeners('detach'); poolEvents(db, self); var cb = self.pending.shift(); if (cb) { db.connection._isUsed = true; cb(null, db); } return self; } return self; }; Pool.prototype.detach = function() { var self = this; var count = self.db.length; var fn = function() { count--; if (count > 0 || !self.isDestroy) return; self.db = null; self.pending = null; }; for (var i = 0; i < self.db.length; i++) self.db[i].detach(fn, true); return self; }; Pool.prototype.destroy = function() { var self = this; self.detach(); self.isDestroy = true; return self; }; /*************************************** * * Connection * ***************************************/ var Connection = exports.Connection = function (host, port, callback, options, db) { var self = this; this.db = db; this._msg = new XdrWriter(32); this._blr = new BlrWriter(32); this._queue = []; this._detachTimeout; this._detachCallback; this._detachAuto; this._socket = net.createConnection(port, host); this._pending = []; this._isClosed = false; this._isDetach = false; this._isUsed = false; this.options = options; this._bind_events(host, port, callback); this.error; }; exports.Connection.prototype._bind_events = function(host, port, callback) { var self = this; self._socket.on('close', function() { self._isClosed = true; if (self._isDetach) return; if (!self.db) { if (callback) callback(self.error); return; } setImmediate(function() { self._socket = null; self._msg = null; self._blr = null; var ctx = new Connection(host, port, function(err) { ctx.connect(self.options.filename, function(err) { if (err) { self.emit('error', err); return; } ctx.attach(self.options, function(err) { if (err) { self.emit('error', err); return; } ctx._queue = ctx._queue.concat(self._queue); ctx._pending = ctx._pending.concat(self._pending); self.db.emit('reconnect'); }, self.db); }); }, self.options, self.db); }); }); self._socket.on('error', function(e) { self.error = e; if (self.db) self.db.emit('error', e) if (callback) callback(e); }); self._socket.on('connect', function() { self._isClosed = false; self._isOpened = true; if (callback) callback(); }); self._socket.on('data', function(data) { var obj, cb, pos, xdr, buf; if (!self._xdr) { xdr = new XdrReader(data); } else { xdr = self._xdr; delete(self._xdr); buf = new Buffer(data.length + xdr.buffer.length); xdr.buffer.copy(buf); data.copy(buf, xdr.buffer.length); xdr.buffer = buf; } while (xdr.pos < xdr.buffer.length) { pos = xdr.pos; try { cb = self._queue[0]; obj = decodeResponse(xdr, cb, self.db); } catch(err) { buf = new Buffer(xdr.buffer.length - pos); xdr.buffer.copy(buf, 0, pos); xdr.buffer = buf; xdr.pos = 0; self._xdr = xdr; return; } self._queue.shift(); self._pending.shift(); if (obj && obj.status) { messages.lookupMessages(obj.status, function(message) { obj.message = message; doCallback(obj, cb); }); } else doCallback(obj, cb); } if (!self._detachAuto || self._pending.length !== 0) return; clearTimeout(self._detachTimeout); self._detachTimeout = setTimeout(function() { self.db.detach(self._detachCallback); self._detachAuto = false; }, 100); }); } exports.Connection.prototype.disconnect = function() { this._socket.end(); }; function decodeResponse(data, callback, db){ do { var r = data.readInt(); } while (r === op_dummy); var item, op; switch (r) { case op_response: var response; if (callback) response = callback.response || {}; else response = {}; response.handle = data.readInt(); var oid = data.readQuad(); if (oid.low || oid.high) response.oid = oid var buf = data.readArray(); if (buf) response.buffer = buf; var num; while (true) { op = data.readInt(); switch (op){ case isc_arg_end: return response; case isc_arg_gds: num = data.readInt(); if (!num) break; item = { gdscode: num }; if (response.status) response.status.push(item); else response.status = [item]; break; case isc_arg_string: case isc_arg_interpreted: case isc_arg_sql_state: if (item.params) { var str = data.readString(DEFAULT_ENCODING); item.params.push(str); } else item.params = [data.readString(DEFAULT_ENCODING)]; break; case isc_arg_number: num = data.readInt(); if (item.params) item.params.push(num); else item.params = [num]; if (item.gdscode === isc_sqlerr) response.sqlcode = num; break; default: throw new Error('Unexpected: ' + op); } } break; case op_fetch_response: var status = data.readInt(); var count = data.readInt(); var statement = callback.statement; var output = statement.output; var custom = statement.custom || {}; var cols = null; var rows = custom.asStream ? null : []; var index = 0; if (custom.asObject) { cols = []; for (var i = 0, length = output.length; i < length; i++) cols.push(output[i].alias.toLowerCase()); } while (count && (status !== 100)) { var row = custom.asObject ? {} : new Array(output.length); for (var i = 0, length = output.length; i < length; i++) { item = output[i]; var value = item.decode(data); if (item.type === 580 && value !== null) value = typeof(value) === 'object' ? value.low_ : value; if (custom.asObject) { if (item.type === SQL_BLOB) value = fetch_blob_async(statement, value, cols[i]); row[cols[i]] = value; } else { if (item.type === SQL_BLOB) value = fetch_blob_async(statement, value, i); row[i] = value; } } statement.connection.db.emit('row', row, index, custom.asObject); op = data.readInt(); // ?? status = data.readInt(); count = data.readInt(); if (!custom.asStream) rows.push(row); if (custom.on) custom.on(row, index); index++; } statement.connection.db.emit('result', rows); return { data: rows, fetched: Boolean(status === 100) }; case op_accept: if (data.readInt() !== PROTOCOL_VERSION10 || data.readInt() !== ARCHITECTURE_GENERIC || data.readInt() !== ptype_batch_send) throw new Error('Invalid connect result'); return {}; default: throw new Error('Unexpected:' + r); } } Connection.prototype._queueEvent = function(callback){ var self = this; if (self._isClosed) { if (callback) callback(new Error('Connection is closed.')); return; } self._queue.push(callback); self._socket.write(self._msg.getData()); }; Connection.prototype.connect = function (database, callback) { var msg = this._msg; var blr = this._blr; msg.pos = 0; blr.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_connect); msg.addInt(op_attach); msg.addInt(CONNECT_VERSION2); msg.addInt(ARCHITECTURE_GENERIC); msg.addString(database || '', DEFAULT_ENCODING); msg.addInt(1); // Protocol version understood count. blr.addString(1, process.env['USER'] || process.env['USERNAME'] || 'Unknown', DEFAULT_ENCODING); var hostname = os.hostname(); blr.addString(4, hostname, DEFAULT_ENCODING); blr.addBytes([6, 0]); msg.addBlr(this._blr); msg.addInt(PROTOCOL_VERSION10); msg.addInt(ARCHITECTURE_GENERIC); msg.addInt(2); // Min type msg.addInt(3); // Max type msg.addInt(2); // Preference weight this._queueEvent(callback); }; Connection.prototype.attach = function (options, callback, db) { var database = options.database || options.filename; var user = options.user || DEFAULT_USER; var password = options.password || DEFAULT_PASSWORD; var role = options.role; var self = this; var msg = this._msg; var blr = this._blr; msg.pos = 0; blr.pos = 0; blr.addByte(1); blr.addString(isc_dpb_lc_ctype, 'UTF8', DEFAULT_ENCODING); blr.addString(isc_dpb_user_name, user, DEFAULT_ENCODING); blr.addString(isc_dpb_password, password, DEFAULT_ENCODING); if (role) blr.addString(isc_dpb_sql_role_name, role, DEFAULT_ENCODING); msg.addInt(op_attach); msg.addInt(0); // Database Object ID msg.addString(database, DEFAULT_ENCODING); msg.addBlr(this._blr); var self = this; function cb(err, ret) { if (err) { doError(err, callback); return; } self.dbhandle = ret.handle; if (callback) callback(undefined, ret); } // For reconnect if (db) { db.connection = this; cb.response = db; } else { cb.response = new Database(this); cb.response.removeAllListeners('error'); cb.response.on('error', noop); } this._queueEvent(cb); }; Connection.prototype.detach = function (callback, force) { var self = this; if (self._isClosed) return; if (self.options.isPool && !force) { self._isUsed = false; // self._queue = []; // self._pending = []; self.db.emit('detach', true); return; } self._isUsed = false; self._isDetach = true; var msg = self._msg; msg.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_detach); msg.addInt(0); // Database Object ID self._queueEvent(function(err, ret) { delete(self.dbhandle); if (callback) callback(err, ret); }); }; Connection.prototype.createDatabase = function (options, callback) { var database = options.database || options.filename; var user = options.user || DEFAULT_USER; var password = options.password || DEFAULT_PASSWORD; var pageSize = options.pageSize || DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; var role = options.role; var blr = this._blr; blr.pos = 0; blr.addByte(1); blr.addString(isc_dpb_set_db_charset, 'UTF8', DEFAULT_ENCODING); blr.addString(isc_dpb_lc_ctype, 'UTF8', DEFAULT_ENCODING); blr.addString(isc_dpb_user_name, user, DEFAULT_ENCODING); blr.addString(isc_dpb_password, password, DEFAULT_ENCODING); if (role) blr.addString(isc_dpb_sql_role_name, role, DEFAULT_ENCODING); blr.addNumeric(isc_dpb_sql_dialect, 3); blr.addNumeric(isc_dpb_force_write, 1); blr.addNumeric(isc_dpb_overwrite, 1); blr.addNumeric(isc_dpb_page_size, pageSize); var msg = this._msg; msg.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_create); // op_create msg.addInt(0); // Database Object ID msg.addString(database, DEFAULT_ENCODING); msg.addBlr(blr); var self = this; function cb(err, ret) { if (ret) self.dbhandle = ret.handle; setImmediate(function() { if (self.db) self.db.emit('attach', ret); }); if (callback) callback(err, ret); } cb.response = new Database(this); this._queueEvent(cb); }; Connection.prototype.throwClosed = function(callback) { var err = new Error('Connection is closed.'); this.db.emit('error', err); if (callback) callback(err); return this; }; Connection.prototype.startTransaction = function(isolation, callback) { if (typeof(isolation) === 'function') { var tmp = isolation; isolation = callback; callback = tmp; } if (this._isClosed) return this.throwClosed(callback); // for auto detach this._pending.push('startTransaction'); var blr = this._blr; var msg = this._msg; blr.pos = 0; msg.pos = 0; if (isolation instanceof Function) { callback = isolation; isolation = null; } blr.addBytes(isolation || ISOLATION_REPEATABLE_READ); msg.addInt(op_transaction); msg.addInt(this.dbhandle); msg.addBlr(blr); callback.response = new Transaction(this); this.db.emit('transaction', isolation); this._queueEvent(callback); }; Connection.prototype.commit = function (transaction, callback) { if (this._isClosed) return this.throwClosed(callback); // for auto detach this._pending.push('commit'); var msg = this._msg; msg.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_commit); msg.addInt(transaction.handle); this.db.emit('commit'); this._queueEvent(callback); }; Connection.prototype.rollback = function (transaction, callback) { if (this._isClosed) return this.throwClosed(callback); // for auto detach this._pending.push('rollback'); var msg = this._msg; msg.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_rollback); msg.addInt(transaction.handle); this.db.emit('rollback'); this._queueEvent(callback); }; Connection.prototype.commitRetaining = function (transaction, callback) { if (this._isClosed) throw new Error('Connection is closed.'); // for auto detach this._pending.push('commitRetaining'); var msg = this._msg; msg.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_commit_retaining); msg.addInt(transaction.handle); this._queueEvent(callback); }; Connection.prototype.rollbackRetaining = function (transaction, callback) { if (this._isClosed) return this.throwClosed(callback); // for auto detach this._pending.push('rollbackRetaining'); var msg = this._msg; msg.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_rollback_retaining); msg.addInt(transaction.handle); this._queueEvent(callback); }; Connection.prototype.allocateStatement = function (callback) { if (this._isClosed) return this.throwClosed(callback); // for auto detach this._pending.push('allocateStatement'); var msg = this._msg; msg.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_allocate_statement); msg.addInt(this.dbhandle); callback.response = new Statement(this); this._queueEvent(callback); }; Connection.prototype.dropStatement = function (statement, callback) { if (this._isClosed) return this.throwClosed(callback); // for auto detach this._pending.push('dropStatement'); var msg = this._msg; msg.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_free_statement); msg.addInt(statement.handle); msg.addInt(DSQL_drop); this._queueEvent(callback); }; Connection.prototype.closeStatement = function (statement, callback) { if (this._isClosed) return this.throwClosed(callback); // for auto detach this._pending.push('closeStatement'); var msg = this._msg; msg.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_free_statement); msg.addInt(statement.handle); msg.addInt(DSQL_close); this._queueEvent(callback); }; function describe(ret, statement){ var br = new BlrReader(ret.buffer); var parameters = null; var type, param; while (br.pos < br.buffer.length) { switch (br.readByteCode()) { case isc_info_sql_stmt_type: statement.type = br.readInt(); break; case isc_info_sql_get_plan: statement.plan = br.readString(DEFAULT_ENCODING); break; case isc_info_sql_select: statement.output = parameters = []; break; case isc_info_sql_bind: statement.input = parameters = []; break; case isc_info_sql_num_variables: br.readInt(); // eat int break; case isc_info_sql_describe_vars: if (!parameters) {return} br.readInt(); // eat int ? var finishDescribe = false; param = null; while (!finishDescribe){ switch (br.readByteCode()) { case isc_info_sql_describe_end: break; case isc_info_sql_sqlda_seq: var num = br.readInt(); break; case isc_info_sql_type: type = br.readInt(); switch (type&~1) { case SQL_VARYING: param = new SQLVarString(); break; case SQL_NULL: param = new SQLVarNull(); break; case SQL_TEXT: param = new SQLVarText(); break; case SQL_DOUBLE: param = new SQLVarDouble(); break; case SQL_FLOAT: case SQL_D_FLOAT: param = new SQLVarFloat(); break; case SQL_TYPE_DATE: param = new SQLVarDate(); break; case SQL_TYPE_TIME: param = new SQLVarTime(); break; case SQL_TIMESTAMP: param = new SQLVarTimeStamp(); break; case SQL_BLOB: param = new SQLVarBlob(); break; case SQL_ARRAY: param = new SQLVarArray(); break; case SQL_QUAD: param = new SQLVarQuad(); break; case SQL_LONG: param = new SQLVarInt(); break; case SQL_SHORT: param = new SQLVarShort(); break; case SQL_INT64: param = new SQLVarInt64(); break; case SQL_BOOLEAN: param = new SQLVarBoolean(); break; default: throw new Error('Unexpected'); } parameters[num-1] = param; param.type = type; param.nullable = Boolean(param.type & 1); param.type &= ~1; break; case isc_info_sql_sub_type: param.subType = br.readInt(); break; case isc_info_sql_scale: param.scale = br.readInt(); break; case isc_info_sql_length: param.length = br.readInt(); break; case isc_info_sql_null_ind: param.nullable = Boolean(br.readInt()); break; case isc_info_sql_field: param.field = br.readString(DEFAULT_ENCODING); break; case isc_info_sql_relation: param.relation = br.readString(DEFAULT_ENCODING); break; case isc_info_sql_owner: param.owner = br.readString(DEFAULT_ENCODING); break; case isc_info_sql_alias: param.alias = br.readString(DEFAULT_ENCODING); break; case isc_info_sql_relation_alias: param.relationAlias = br.readString(DEFAULT_ENCODING); break; case isc_info_truncated: throw new Error('Truncated'); default: finishDescribe = true; br.pos--; } } } } } Connection.prototype.prepareStatement = function (transaction, statement, query, plan, callback) { if (this._isClosed) return this.throwClosed(callback); var msg = this._msg; var blr = this._blr; msg.pos = 0; blr.pos = 0; if (plan instanceof Function) { callback = plan; plan = false; } blr.addBytes(DESCRIBE); if (plan) blr.addByte(isc_info_sql_get_plan); msg.addInt(op_prepare_statement); msg.addInt(transaction.handle); msg.addInt(statement.handle); msg.addInt(3); // dialect = 3 msg.addString(query, DEFAULT_ENCODING); msg.addBlr(blr); msg.addInt(65535); // buffer_length var self = this; this._queueEvent(function(err, ret) { if (!err) { describe(ret, statement); statement.query = query; self.db.emit('query', query); ret = statement; } if (callback) callback(err, ret); }); }; function CalcBlr(blr, xsqlda) { blr.addBytes([blr_version5, blr_begin, blr_message, 0]); // + message number blr.addWord(xsqlda.length * 2); for (var i = 0, length = xsqlda.length; i < length; i++) { xsqlda[i].calcBlr(blr); blr.addByte(blr_short); blr.addByte(0); } blr.addByte(blr_end); blr.addByte(blr_eoc); } Connection.prototype.executeStatement = function(transaction, statement, params, callback, custom) { if (this._isClosed) return this.throwClosed(callback); // for auto detach this._pending.push('executeStatement'); if (params instanceof Function) { callback = params; params = undefined; } var self = this; function PrepareParams(params, input, callback) { var value, meta; var ret = new Array(params.length); var wait = params.length; function done() { wait--; if (wait === 0) callback(ret); } function putBlobData(index, value, callback) { self.createBlob2(transaction, function(err, blob) { var b; var isStream = value.readable; if (Buffer.isBuffer(value)) b = value; else if (typeof(value) === 'string') b = new Buffer(value, DEFAULT_ENCODING) else if (!isStream) b = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(value), DEFAULT_ENCODING) if (Buffer.isBuffer(b)) { bufferReader(b, 1024, function(b, next) { self.batchSegments(blob, b, next); }, function() { ret[index] = new SQLParamQuad(blob.oid); self.closeBlob(blob, callback); }); return; } var isReading = false; var isEnd = false; value.on('data', function(chunk) { value.pause(); isReading = true; bufferReader(chunk, 1024, function(b, next) { self.batchSegments(blob, b, next); }, function() { isReading = false; if (isEnd) { ret[index] = new SQLParamQuad(blob.oid); self.closeBlob(blob, callback); } else value.resume(); }); }); value.on('end', function() { isEnd = true; if (isReading) return; ret[index] = new SQLParamQuad(blob.oid); self.closeBlob(blob, callback); }); }); } for (var i = 0, length = params.length; i < length; i++) { value = params[i]; meta = input[i]; if (value === null) { switch (meta.type) { case SQL_VARYING: case SQL_NULL: case SQL_TEXT: ret[i] = new SQLParamString(null); break; case SQL_DOUBLE: case SQL_FLOAT: case SQL_D_FLOAT: ret[i] = new SQLParamDouble(null); break; case SQL_TYPE_DATE: case SQL_TYPE_TIME: case SQL_TIMESTAMP: ret[i] = new SQLParamDate(null); break; case SQL_BLOB: case SQL_ARRAY: case SQL_QUAD: ret[i] = new SQLParamQuad(null); break; case SQL_LONG: case SQL_SHORT: case SQL_INT64: case SQL_BOOLEAN: ret[i] = new SQLParamInt(null); break; default: ret[i] = null; } done(); } else { switch (meta.type) { case SQL_BLOB: if (value === undefined || value === null) { ret[i] = new SQLParamString(null); done(); } putBlobData(i, value, done); break; case SQL_TIMESTAMP: case SQL_TYPE_DATE: case SQL_TYPE_TIME: if (value instanceof Date) ret[i] = new SQLParamDate(value); else if (typeof(value) === 'string') ret[i] = new SQLParamDate(value.parseDate()); else ret[i] = new SQLParamDate(new Date(value)); done(); break; default: switch (typeof value) { case 'number': if (value % 1 === 0) { if (value >= MIN_INT && value <= MAX_INT) ret[i] = new SQLParamInt(value); else ret[i] = new SQLParamInt64(value); } else ret[i] = new SQLParamDouble(value); break; case 'string': ret[i] = new SQLParamString(value); break; case 'boolean': ret[i] = new SQLParamBool(value); break; default: throw new Error('Unexpected parametter'); } done(); } } } } var input = statement.input; if (input.length) { if (!(params instanceof Array)) { if (params !== undefined) params = [params]; else params = []; } if (params === undefined || params.length !== input.length) throw new Error('Expected parameters: ' + input.length); PrepareParams(params, input, function(prms) { var msg = self._msg; var blr = self._blr; msg.pos = 0; blr.pos = 0; CalcBlr(blr, prms); msg.addInt(op_execute); msg.addInt(statement.handle); msg.addInt(transaction.handle); msg.addBlr(blr); msg.addInt(0); // message number msg.addInt(1); // param count for(var i = 0, length = prms.length; i < length; i++) prms[i].encode(msg); self._queueEvent(callback); }); return; } var msg = this._msg; var blr = this._blr; msg.pos = 0; blr.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_execute); msg.addInt(statement.handle); msg.addInt(transaction.handle); msg.addBlr(blr); // empty msg.addInt(0); // message number msg.addInt(0); // param count this._queueEvent(callback); }; function fetch_blob_async(statement, id, name) { if (!id) return null; return function(callback) { // callback(err, buffer, name); statement.connection.startTransaction(ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, function(err, transaction) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } statement.connection._pending.push('openBlob'); statement.connection.openBlob(id, transaction, function(err, blob) { var e = new Events.EventEmitter(); e.pipe = function(stream) { e.on('data', function(chunk) { stream.write(chunk); }); e.on('end', function() { stream.end(); }); }; if (err) { callback(err, name, e); return; } function read() { statement.connection.getSegment(blob, function(err, ret) { if (err) { e.emit('error', err); return; } var blr = new BlrReader(ret.buffer); var data = blr.readSegment(); e.emit('data', data); if (ret.handle !== 2) { read(); return; } e.emit('end'); e = null; statement.connection.closeBlob(blob); }); } callback(err, name, e); read(); }); }); }; } Connection.prototype.fetch = function(statement, transaction, count, callback) { var msg = this._msg; var blr = this._blr; msg.pos = 0; blr.pos = 0; if (count instanceof Function) { callback = count; count = DEFAULT_FETCHSIZE; } msg.addInt(op_fetch); msg.addInt(statement.handle); CalcBlr(blr, statement.output); msg.addBlr(blr); msg.addInt(0); // message number msg.addInt(count || DEFAULT_FETCHSIZE); // fetch count if (!transaction) { callback.statement = statement; this._queueEvent(callback); return; } callback.statement = statement; this._queueEvent(callback); }; Connection.prototype.fetchAll = function(statement, transaction, callback) { var self = this; var data; var loop = function(err, ret) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (!data) { data =; } else { for (var i = 0, length =; i < length; i++) data.push([i]); } if (ret.fetched) callback(undefined, data); else self.fetch(statement, transaction, DEFAULT_FETCHSIZE, loop); } this.fetch(statement, transaction, DEFAULT_FETCHSIZE, loop); }; Connection.prototype.openBlob = function(blob, transaction, callback) { var msg = this._msg; msg.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_open_blob); msg.addInt(transaction.handle); msg.addQuad(blob); this._queueEvent(callback); }; Connection.prototype.closeBlob = function(blob, callback) { var msg = this._msg; msg.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_close_blob); msg.addInt(blob.handle); this._queueEvent(callback); }; Connection.prototype.getSegment = function(blob, callback) { var msg = this._msg; msg.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_get_segment); msg.addInt(blob.handle); msg.addInt(1024); // buffer length msg.addInt(0); // ??? this._queueEvent(callback); }; Connection.prototype.createBlob2 = function (transaction, callback) { var msg = this._msg; msg.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_create_blob2); msg.addInt(0); msg.addInt(transaction.handle); msg.addInt(0); msg.addInt(0); this._queueEvent(callback); }; Connection.prototype.batchSegments = function(blob, buffer, callback){ var msg = this._msg; var blr = this._blr; msg.pos = 0; blr.pos = 0; msg.addInt(op_batch_segments); msg.addInt(blob.handle); msg.addInt(buffer.length + 2); blr.addBuffer(buffer); msg.addBlr(blr); this._queueEvent(callback); }; function bufferReader(buffer, max, writer, cb, beg, end) { if (!beg) beg = 0; if (!end) end = max; if (end >= buffer.length) end = undefined; var b = buffer.slice(beg, end); writer(b, function() { if (end === undefined) { cb(); return; } bufferReader(buffer, max, writer, cb, beg + max, end + max); }); }