/*global describe: true, expect: true, it: true, jasmine: true */ describe('let keyword', function() { var docSet; var exampleModule; var exampleMethod; function getDocSet() { docSet = jasmine.getDocSetFromFile('test/fixtures/letkeyword.js'); exampleModule = docSet.getByLongname('module:exampleModule'); exampleMethod = docSet.getByLongname('module:exampleModule.exampleMethod'); } it('should be able to compile JS files that contain the "let" keyword', function() { expect(getDocSet).not.toThrow(); }); it('should correctly recognize a module defined with the "let" keyword', function() { expect(exampleModule).toBeDefined(); expect( Array.isArray(exampleModule) ).toBe(true); expect(exampleModule.length).toBe(1); }); it('should correctly recognize members of a module defined with the "let" keyword', function() { expect(exampleMethod).toBeDefined(); expect( Array.isArray(exampleMethod) ).toBe(true); expect(exampleMethod.length).toBe(1); }); });